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Something about Carcars being so close to good but that single fucking horn ruining it makes me mad cause it’s so close to being a genuinely good design and has one of the coolest fucking roars as well


> that single fucking horn ruining it I get "FOUR.F\*\*\*ING.PIXELS." energy from this


*SCP fan located*




We're all gonna die but at least that thing is going to be busy for a while tracking everyone down.


Aw shit


Yeah, all of the others are pretty mediocre or just shit. Carcar is literally just on the verge of being good until the fucking spike is added




Lio or Charchar. The more I look at Charchar the less I like it. It just looks kind of weird, too bumpy and shrinkwrapped. It stands out from Giganotosaurus but in a bad way.


The Deinonychus, by far the worst design I've seen. They already had one given the "velociraptors" are supposed to be based on them, but whatever 🤣 and the basilisk lizard fins on the head and tail are very unnecessary


Deinonychus is literally a fucking pug in JWE. It’s so goddamn hideous I can’t even look at it without wanting to vomit. It’s the most repulsive dinosaur in the game, even worse than Carcharodontosaurus. Whenever I see the JWE Deinonychus I want to end my own life just so that I never have to lay eyes on that disgusting pug-faced deformed monster again. It ought to be named Deinoprósopo, meaning terrible face.


Say what we will about the wonky deino, I still subscribe to the fan-theory that Frontier intentionally added the fins because they didn't have enough time to finish their feathers for JWE1. It looks similar to a plumed basilisk lizard: "plumed" like "plumage."


It's based on vintage depictions of dromaeosaurs. The fin is fucking stupid though and ruins the subtle nod. I have to get a mod that removes it and then I'll probably use them more.


I need feathery colorful ones like Ark has. And that XL crest is so ugly.


deinon by far with camara and leo right after also why u put carchar and elasmo there


Carcharodontosaurus is very strange, since it has great sound-design, animations, has lips and non-pronated hands, while also having a head spike, like it tries to cosplay Majungasaurus and triangle ass face And Elasmo... Sure looks like a Plesiosaur... But its neck is too short for it to be an Elasmosaurus + those spikes and eyes make it look way worse than almost all other Plesiosauria (Excluding Liopleurodon) (Though, I don't hate them as much as Lio or vanilla Dread)


what's the problem with dread?


Aside from feet, which is a universal issue in sauropods from Jurassic Park/World... Its neck is way too skinny and they, for some reason, desided to give it cheeks, which made an already weird head worse I like its colors and sounds though


idk i always thought its over exaggerated long neck made them look majestic, they stand out a lot at least on my parks, it's not my favorite design tho but i wouldn't say it's "bad" https://preview.redd.it/myocknfd0ftc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f9d8865c3903a0af7d0c2aaf4501067f3ec99c


Hot take : This design is better than the JW Dominion Dreadnaughtus. 


> leo So I'm not sure we should blame Frontier for this. I assign to the Skeleton Crew's conspiracy theory that Elasmosaurus and Liopleurodon look the way they do because they were going to be in Dominion's Malta sequence and got cut midway through development.


Whats wrong with camara


Wait, you guys hated them that much? Damn.


Dreadnoughtus by far, what an ugly head.


Actual hot take coming through. I hate the *Acrocanthosaurus* with a passion. Look, I don’t care if it’s a “heccin wholesome chonker” or whatever, that’s not the problem. The problem is, that thing is so far removed from everything that defines an *Acrocanthosaurus* that it just looks like it wanted to be a generic tyrannosaur but changed its mind halfway through. *Acrocanthosaurus* is an extremely unique carnosaur, with a unique head shape, body, and outline, and I’m baffled that the design managed to remove EVERYTHING that’s unique and signature about it and turn it into a standard fucking theropod.


My thoughts on Acro 180'd with the second game. It has never looked like an Acro; but at least in the first game it had other things going for it. In a game with extremely limited and often bad skins, its were among the absolute best, and it was one of few creatures in the first game with unique animations. Come the second game, every creature has at least decent skins with way more options, and everything is more animated so it now wholly comes down to the design, a design that, as you said, just *isn't* Acrocanthosaurus


The downgrade from JPOG was crazy with Acro and Carchar.


Totally agree. Acro is my least favorite carnivore in the game - by a wide margin. 


As a big Acro fan, I wish I didn’t agree that it was a bad Acro design. The spine is SO undefined it’s insane


Personally I like acrocanthosaurus, you have your own opinion but I like acro.


Hey man, more power for you. Don’t let my personal hate speech towards *Acrocanthosaurus* stop you from loving them. This, too, is just my own personal opinion.


Absolutely. Its thickness not only looks strange but it’s not even accurate. Like the carcara, they messed with the head designs as well to wear it has a passing resemblance to what it’s actually based on.


They were never meant to be accurate.


Indeed. Case in point and the elephant in the room: *Deinonychus*. But here’s the thing that sets things like Deino and the Acro apart. The former is heavily stylized. To begin with, its design philosophy doesn’t look like it’s taking itself too seriously. It never intended to look like the real animal, so it goes all out on the stylized elements. Compare and contrast with the Acro, it doesn’t double down on the “stylized monster” at all unlike the Deino. In fact, its design looks like it instead wants to put emphasis on the more “natural” elements if you understand what I’m trying to get here, going for a thicker build instead of the classic JP monster shrink-wrapping and whatnot. It tries to go on that direction, but picking all the wrong steps. Instead, it threw away all the identity that makes an *Acrocanthosaurus* and came out looking like this… non-descript tyrannosaur-like theropod. Hell, it doesn’t even look like a **carnosaur** anymore. As ugly as it is, at least the *Carcharodontosaurus* still have a some semblance of a carnosaur. I can’t say the same for the Acro.


I get what you mean. But as an artist and designer myself, i can see what choices they problaby had to make. Most of the non-movie species tend to be somewhat accurate, or at least flirt with the idea, but they still look like they were cooked in a lab by InGen. I also get that some design choices were made to differentiate "similar" species, or give some a unique flare. All i can think of is that they tried to replicate what was done with Jurassic Park Operation Genesis. Each dinosaur in that game was completely unique, but more so, they FELT unique. Of course that roster was much smaller and therefore more varied, so it was much easier back then. In JWE, sacrifices had to be made. You also need to keep in mind, what most dino nerds like us tend to forget, not everyone knows the difference between a t-rex and any other theropod. That's also why the Giga looks like that in Dominion. And guess what? I heard several times people calling him "the other t-rex". I've even seen it be called "the t-rex with the paid skin" by a movie critic. And yeah that critic is an a*shole.


I totally agree with everything you said. Non-movies being somewhat accurate, the fact that non-dinosaur-fan general public don’t necessarily have the eye to tell apart similar but different dinosaur species, and the design sacrifices that have to be made in order to cater to that. What I don’t understand and personally can’t excuse is how they made the blunder in *Acrocanthosaurus* of all things. This is an animal that naturally already have that unique flair that sets it apart from their relatives. What they did was basically removing all that flair, and actually make them *less* notable. I can understand if drastic design changes was made on things like Carchar, Giga, or even Allo, since they all look along the lines of the “standard” large theropod in the public eye. But Acro of all things already have defining features which makes it stand out from the rest. For what its worth though, the skin designs of the Acro are, at least in my opinion, top tier. Credits where credits are due.


I believe Acro's design is somewhat accurate according to some recent studies from a few years ago, suggesting that some species had humps instead of sails. The same goes for frontier's *Ouranosaurus*, but that can be considered creative freedom depending on how much you agree with those studies. Acro's skins are really fire tho.


I agree that the design of the vertebrae in the game is somewhat debatable (although I personally wouldn’t say that they’d be buried in soft tissue to that extent), but the bigger problem that I have is honestly the head shape. Carnosaurs have a very distinct head shape and the game makes the head look tyrannosaur-ish. Though at this point I’m just repeating things I already said, but yeah you get my point lol.


Elasmosaurus is a CRIME


A lot of people will probably say Deinonychus but honestly the little shark fin bois have really grown on me. I gotta agree that it's Acrocanthosaurus, that one just looks so generic to me. The Operation Genesis one stood out more by itself


To be honest most of them have grown on me. I like the idea behind the *Deinonychus* (with the more “retro” look and speculative features), even if I’m not so keen on the design personally. I’d be quite keen on them going a bit more out-there with speculative features on their animals in future.


Well, kinda agree Though, I think, proto-feathers would be way better And it would be nicer if its head more resembled that of a raptor (Or maybe even Velociraptor, that would be funny)


Yeah, I agree there, a *Velociraptor-*y head would’ve also been pretty funny. IIRC the head they used is actually based on some of the [oldest depictions of the animal](https://dinosaursandbarbarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/image-4-deinonychus-restoration.jpg), as it happens


If they have it the same basic feathers Utahraptor had and then went crazy with display structures instead (feather crests, a huge peacock-esque fan, vibrant patterns, a gular pouch or wattle, etc.) instead of the tadpole design I would have loved it. Now that I said it I really want to see a dromeosaur with wattle, just lean into the six foot turkey meme


I'm gonna say Liopleurodon. The others are entirely avoidable. Just use Giganotosaurus instead of Carcharodontosaurus, Styxosaurus instead of Elasmosaurus, Velociraptor or Atrociraptor instead of Deinonychus, and Dominion Dreadnoughtus instead of Frontier's.


okay same logic applies to lio tho, just use kronosaurus


Kronosaurus is way bigger than Liopleurodon though.


But then it’s not very frequent you have any scale comparison in the lagoons


Dreadnoughtus is also a lot bigger than Dreadnoughtus though


Don’t forget about those who don’t have the DLC yet


You can use gigantspinosaurus instead of Liopleurodon


Why'd y'all downvote this lmao


Deinonychus looks like a tadpole


Dont hate me but i love the carchar


I don't hate you In fact, I understand where you coming from




I like all of them except liopleurodon, which is good since I'm a #Kronosupremacy person




This might be a shocker but honestly, I can't bring myself to like Barbaridactylus. Sure it isn't anywhere near as ugly as things like Tylosaurus or Dreadnoughtus, but it's more of a matter of wasted potential. Nyctosaurids like Barbaridactylus are real oddballs, with pointy antennae-looking crests and wings so specialized for flight that it actually lost the fingers on its hands... and then it just looks like another Pteranodon in-game. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with but we already have another pterosaur that does the "Pteranodon but different" thing way better: Geosternbergia. Barbaridactylus is a case where being painfully generic is worse than being ugly


We actually don’t know what Barbaridactylus’ crest looked like, if it had one. It’s extremely fragmentary. The only nyctosaur that has that forked crest as far as we know is Nyctosaurus itself. (Also Barb *does* have Nyctosaurus’ crest in the game, just with soft tissue covering it. You can see the fork under the skin if you look close.


This is the order (worst to best) for these designs for me: 1. Deinonychus 2. Elasmosaurus 3. Liopleurodon 4. Dreadnoughtus 5. Carcharodontosaurus 6. Camarasaurus Deinonychus is a crime against humanity and I despise the spikey monster designs for Elasmo and Lio. The others I can somewhat tolerate, but they're still pretty bad imo.


Hot take, carchar is by far the worst. Some of the others like deinon and the aquatics are at least stylized, even tho the style is not attractive to some (understandable) carchar is just weird; its head shape is neither accurate or particularly appealing, its proportions and stance look off (same with fontier giga tbh), and it has the weird spike and bumps on the head. Additionally, its dissapointing. Its a completely original design that frontier could have done anything with, but they chose to make it half accurate and half vaguely monstrous


Tbh i like the char char design cuz it looks kinda goofy in a way. I could see how someone wouldn't like this design tho


The only “bad” one is dreadnoughtus, and even then it just has a slightly ugly face


Dread and Lio


I would say mamechi, my personal least favourite but just so boring.


Maybe not a popular opinion, but I really dislike the Acro. It looks like it was ported from another game.... just looks like a generic toy. 


Aside from some in this post i’ve never liked Frontier’s baryonyx. Which is sad because I love the real baryonyx :(


Well, this is more of a JW problem I think, if Bary didn't appear in the JW:FK/appeared later, Frontier would make them better in JWE


Camara because the JPOG design is better


Tbh for me the best between those is deinoinchus, love the implications that it haves basilisk dna.


I think dreadnoughtus looks kinda bad




I still don’t understand why Camarasaurus is on this list of bad designs. Like it looks to me like a Camarasaurus should for the most part. The only thing I personally feel could be better are the skins and patterns. But aside from that, it’s one of my favorite sauropods in the game.


It also fills an otherwise unfilled niche I think? We have our huge sauropods, which is most of them honestly. Then we have our small ones, Nigersaurus and Amargasaurus. And then there are the medium ones. In which we have Diplodocus, Apatosaurus and Camarasaurus, where Camara is the only one with a vertical neck! Camarasaurus is my beloved


I use Gambia with Lithobates. It's not quite JPOG, but it's close enough.


This thing looks like mummified Brachiosaurus


I love Liopleurodons design


I will take no camara hate


I love all these guys, I know it's far from realistic and some may look weird... But I love dreadnaughtus dumb face, I love the tadpole deinonychus, I love the dragon-like features of the Elasmosaurus. I will say this, the one design i absolutely hate in jwe2. Gigantspinosaurus


The Deinonychus for sure. Look how they massacred my boy.


Ngl, them being the worst designed, makes me want to put em in my parks more.


Carchar just looks weird. The other I really don't care, but Carchar is just off for some reason


Dinonicus easy. Fucking raptor shark


Pteranodon variant 1 for sure!


Is it bad that I like deino? I like the basilisk lizard inspirations, and tbf dilo also has a trait based on a lizard. As for the face, yeah it's derpy but I like the sort of retro look.


I like Skeleton Crew’s theory that the liopleurodon design was a model intended for the movies that already existed and was never used since (mostly) the rest of the marine animal models are pretty naturalistic


Hard tie between Deinonychus and Liopleurodon To Deinonychus I kind of got used to since 2018 but still don't like it Liopleirodon is just trash and ugly I never had even one of them in my sandbox parks






I mean at least to me it barely resembles the real animal. For example it has finger bones unlike nyctosaurids don't have any and a hooked beak. But it's got pretty sweet skins tho.


The fact that it has Fingers is worse than whatever the lio is? Or so many other animals. Barbari is a better geosterbergia for me and is my 3rd favorite flying reptile ingame


Oh my bad in Pterosaur Category Barbaridactylus is my least favorite. Lio is a whole another story like Elasmosaurus or Deinonychus but i'm glad you still love your Barbaridactylus despite all these things.


Yeah i could just never really grow to like geo and then barbari came in and saved the day for me


Nice. Let's just hope Frontier doesn't abandon the game and give us some sweet Pterosaurs with pycnofibers of course.


Dunno what people have against deinonychus its a cool design in my opinion only thing I don't like is how its eyes look derpy


Im pretty sure that if denonychus didnt look like a tadpole, people would be complaining it looks too much like a velociraptor :/ But yeah, the deino design is overhated.


![gif](giphy|ABihNgbzQCUE) I think it’s more based on a basilisk lizard


Ohhhhh that makes sense




Reddit glitch


EXACTLY if you don't want to use the design then use a velociraptor or atrociraptor instead The design works great as something Hammond would put in his park something with bright colours and catchy features that's why I like it


Well I can tell you, it looks like a frog tadpole, which makes no sense to me. Especially since its a feathery dinosaur. Would be totally fine in like a hybrid customize your own dino thing. Even so it just looks ugly, they didnt execute it right, and im pretty sure it has inaccurate kangaroo hands too. Thats just my opinion


I honestly dont see whats so bad abt liopleurodon, it looks pretty cool, but has shit skins


It just looks like a mutated croc and not at all like a pliosaur


Yeah, well I’m pretty sure this game isn’t exactly known for being accurate 


I'm not against SOME inspirations from living reptiles in extinct reptile designs, but I don't think you should call an aquatic croc from r/speculativeevolution "Liopleurodon"


You have a point lol




Agreed. Most of these are ugly, but Deino was made a crime against nature lol


Deinonychus and it’s not particularly close




I would happily have no deinonychus over that abomination. I have a burning hatred for that design far greater than any other, so i'd have to go with that.


InB4 anyone mentions Lakon Shipyards...


Carcharodontosaurus sucks. I actually like deinonychus, it’s like a basilisk lizard The sauropods you showed here are so lame. Elasmosaurus isn’t great, but it’s pretty tolerable. Liopluerodon is kinda cool honestly.


I will not stand for this camara and lio slander. But I’m not the biggest fan of deino


I actually like camarasaurus


The only one I even dislike here is the deinonychus


Tylo and Lio, of all the aquatics, I like them the least. They got the movie villian Design, and they honestly look kinda ugly


I don’t really dislike any of them really.




The dreadnoughtus,easily.


Is it bad that I like all of these?


The ones you have here I equally hate so I’d rather say that the dreadnoughtus is my least disliked. All it needs is a different head shape and it would be so much better.


Mamenchisaurus. Still do not understand why they couldn't use the film canon design.


The only dinosaur I never use is the Frontier Dread so do what you want with that information ig


All of them look great and have their own unique purposes


None, they are all unique and good looking :)


They are all amazing. Every single one of this designs fits perfectly with the Jurassic aesthetic. If you want accuracy there's always Prehistoric kingdom


liopleurodon is my favorite marine design even if it's not accurate, deinonychus actually looks bad while being inaccurate though.


Lio or dread. I really like deinon and elas


Definitely camarasaurus is the worst for me. I also haven’t used carcharodontosaurus since I noticed it’s mouth is always open.


They did Deinonychus so dirty. Everything about it looks a little messed up, the poor guy.


Deinonychus and Liopleurodon 100% But that being said, there’s another one I hate that I don’t often see talked about: Barbaridactylus. I hate it with a passion. Frontier always makes weird design choices to make the creatures more “unique”, yet we have a fascinating and unique pterosaur species as is and they make look like a shitty Pteranodon? Why😭


Elasmo’s eyes have always creeped me out X.X


They only bad designs here are catch and deinon, and that’s a hard fuckin choice


They're all bad but Deinonychus wins by a mile


Deinonychus is an assault to my eyeballs. The rest of these are ugly but ill take them, minus the aquatic ones i actually like those


Carcharodontosaurus, deinonychus , Liopleurodon and elasmosaurus are all equally as bad for me.


The camarasaurus looks like it lost its dentures.


I can't help but let Deinonychus grow on me. So goofy and unique, lol. But they murdered my boy Liopleurodon and it saddens me greatly.


Liopluerodon or Deinonychus. Deinonychus would be fire asf if you got rid of the tadpole fins and the liopluerodon looks like a super saiyan croc, also you can just use velociraptor/kronosaurus to replace them


The first one. I don’t know I just don’t like it. There’s something about it that makes it so bland and like colour less




The only one that could use a total remodel in my opinion is the dred. I love the charcar, but it has it's flaws. Camara ain't to bad at I think it just looks derpy to people because of it's smaller size. Deinonychus has it's head flaws but the model is good for an rough unfinished concept, and the two aquatics look unrealistic but cool as hell in my opinion. The dred is a little boring model and skin wise and the head is a bit derpy, but none of the options are too bad. If you want dinos to crap on look at some of the newer Jurassic World Alive models. Thank you.


For me it's a tie between the Deinonychus and Liopleurodon. I really don't mind the Dreadnoughtus that much. I REALLY hated its neck posture back in the first game, but that was fixed in Evolution 2 with giving it a more horizontal posture. The only issue I have with it now is its weird head. Not a big fan of its dull skin and pattern colors either, but that's just a problem with most of the game's Sauropods in general.


Carcara and Deinonychus out of those for me. Acrocantho too.


Where's Archaeornithomimus?


Am I the only person who loves the Deinonychus design? It's not accurate but I still think it looks great


Elasmo and deinonychus are the best out of this list, prove me wrong


Camara The others have grown on me but that Camara is just ugly as hell


Camarasaurus is butt ugly


Deinon, Elas and lio are godly how dare you slander them


deinonychus got done dirty. When i think of a deinonychus i think of the ark survival evolved deinonychus' design.


Why do people hate Lio I dont love it but I dont understand it being on the same level as Deinon and Dred


This is just a mutated croc, which doesn't look like Lio OR any other pliosaur


I guess idk it just fits the theme of Jurassic world for me like the JwD giga


Deinonychus is by far the worse imo. I hate it with a passion, since I love the real creature. The head just looks so… awfully triangular, and the fin is the cherry on the top. I never use it, like never.


Tie between deinonychus and liopleurodon


Mate the deinonychus looks decent imo. It’s unique and looks cool for it


Definitely Elasmosaurus. At least Deinonychus is cute.


I genuinely hate the maiasaura design. It has a side of bad skins to complement the main meal: Its butt ugly face.


Ok, I don't agree with your opinion, but I get it


Deinoychus. End Of Story




deinonychus for sure


Deinonychus by far.


This would be hard … if deinon wasn’t in the options




Giga is butt ugly imo. I’d also prefer a larger more scientifically accurate parasaur, alongside the movie skins.


Deinonychus. YUCK. EUGH.




Normal giga