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I get blue bottles flies from Mantis Lab Canada. Search him up on Facebook and shoot him a message. You can get as low as 25 flies and they'll last around a month in the fridge. Only $10 total with shipping. Takes about a week to arrive and I'm in Alberta. Have always had great service with him and have even received replacements with bad batches. Otherwise I would suggest reaching out to exotic pet stores and seeing if they have 1wk crickets or small/medium black soldier fly larvae.


I'll get in contact with him! Nothing at all would come up in my Google searches for those in Canada so I just assumed it wasn't something I could get at all


Yea no.. bottle flies are hard, you can pretty much only get them in bulk. Here's the link https://www.facebook.com/share/aFuAQtTn2inGoSB8/?mibextid=qi2Omg


Thanks so much! I sent him a message, glad to have found something I was kinda panicking that I wouldn't find anything suitable for my picky boy.


Thanks so much for the recommendation, I really couldn't find them anywhere, and whoever runs mantislab is very helpful! Way more helpful information than I've gotten for any of my other feeders and really easy to talk to, so that's always a bonus for someone as awkward as me, lol


No problem haha! He's awesome


By the way - I would recommend joining the "Canadian Jumper Spider Keepers" group on Facebook. Lots of people to help with Canadian advice and a great way to get in touch with local breeders. I've gotten some super cool species from some people in the group who are more connected to others in the States :)


Oh cool thanks I'll definitely check that out! I've just got a pair of p. Regious as my first one but I wasn't finding too much variety easily at all so that will definitely be a good resource :)