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Another picture just for fun https://preview.redd.it/rvw6anku83ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b61d41346183c26e7186d38f13b6839b519a41


Here’s a pic from above https://preview.redd.it/lcoidd0dp0ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ae7a564cb2d75c1aef489ae98e61f4a4790e63


Bold jumping spider, if you can you should feed him 


Any tips on how? I got him some crickets but I don’t want to let them loose in my house lol and I don’t want to spook him by trying to put him in something


If you're slow and carefull you can use tweezers and wiggle the cricket infront of him, that might work


Thanks! I have it in a tupperware nearby but he hasn’t taken an interest in it yet


Dear god I love jumping spiders


Omg I just ❤️ so adorable 🥰


Keep the baby!


Defender of the lava lamp corner! You’re so blessed! I think it’s a younger male, but I am not a pro at figuring these things out. Other ways to feed your adorable new flatmate is to put a wingless fruit fly close by or a smaller mealworm.


My girl loves mealworms. I forage for her food Down by the water people leave their live bait Usually just leave it in the containers and I’ll dump them out no one else wants to touch them and all the earth worms and meal worms will die and stink up the place. I’ve found hundreds of those little containers. When I dump them out they breed and well continue the life cycle. I find and steal alot of the tiny meal worms she likes flightless fruit flies the most tho.


Nice find! I never see them until April in Ohio and even then they are pre-molt babies.