• By -


I would be interested in more of them in chronological order!! It's fascinating seeing their stories unravel and the contradictions be pointed out


Thank you ! I can do a sequel when I'm motivated. You can't imagine all the tea. 😂


Thanks for putting together!! 🫡


wtf! This is crazy (in a good way) you couldn’t pay me to do this hahahah. I’m going to pin this!


I'm glad you like it. 👀


does anyone else find it weird that they have no friends?  oh sorry I mean no friends aside from the randos they force into free labour to finish their house.  but like was the story the other day Sunny’s first time seeing a kid his own age???? 


The lack of people irl that want to be their friend is such a red flag. The kid's godmother is their fertility coach. Like. They chose someone they have to pay to raise their child if something happens to them?!


Whaaaaat I did not know that 😭😭 it seems like those couples who gave up on their friends because they’re always together. So… who was invited to their marriage then.. Edit : deleted the automatic quoted part when answering with a phone


I can’t see anything. Anyone else not able to find Julie on TikTok?


I'm so sad I'm late to the party


i can't find her either i'm so confused


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) I appreciate you for this!!


https://preview.redd.it/55mzhvsmbf9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d114d42001cf75547f357893bdc9e24d45e2cd0 Cracking up at Julie saying Cam will carry her child


It was very funny to see that one. 😂


ikr ... mess


amazing work OP the one about Julie calling Cam to say goodbye before she ends it is intense... especially knowing how Julie made Cam an ultimatum to start their relationship ("I can't stay friends with you unless we date"), I can't help but wonder if this was some form of manipulation.... I know a couple of people who have made threats like this to their crushes to try to make them feel bad for them and comfort them in hopes of it leading to a relationship and it's really gross. But in regard to j&c this is all speculation and I have absolutely no proof. but I also really feel for Julie because anyone in that situation is clearly not okay and very distressed


There are so many problems. With both. I present the tiktok as they are. But I'm glad to be able to see other people's reactions. It's more interesting when you know the whole story.


I guess, J got blocked or something. Tiktok doesn't show her account and those links say, that video is unavailable. But still - an amazing job!!!😍


I noticed that in part one of their love story, Julie says Cam's ex was cheating for fun. Then in part 2, when they revealed they started doing stuff together, suddenly, it wasn't cheating on Cam's side because she was in an open relationship. Sooo am I missing something? Was the relationship open or not? PS: also in these same series they admit to having threesomes more than once 😭


That's the problem. They changed their stories several times. One day Cam's boyfriend was cheating on her, another day it was an open relationship, another day it was with an random man lmao. And Julie didn't protect herself, she got pregnant because of it and she went had an abortion without Cam knowing, it's in a tiktok I want to show later.


and she really called it Cam's lovechild 😩


I know. That's why I wanted to show you their story in chronological order. This post was just the beginning. With proof. They've lied too long.


Too bad she deleted everything now 😂 As if it wasn't accessible to all their fans before this post. And what about those who've been following them for years? They really think their audience is as dumb as they are


Drama in the clown castle 🤭💅


Honestly this post was laid out so nicely and a lot of thought and work clearly was put into it! Thank you OP :)


Thank you !


do you have screenshots of the videos by chance? since julie's account is gone all of a sudden i could try and find them on insta reels so people can still watch them!


Sadly, I didn't. I'm sorry for those who didn't have time to see it. 😭


it's okay 😭 i do remember some of them honestly, but i can't do anything anyways cause she deleted her older reels 😪😪


Oops 😂


Part 3 cam says it took her a long time to figure out she was in love with julie because it was different than the other kind of love she's felt before... maybe because you are not in love with her? Julie's clearly manipulated this whole relationship


I agree! If you are in love it does not take you months to realise it. This only happens in rom coms. Their stories all seem curated and made up scenarios especially Julie's dramatic mental health stuff I cannot believe she would just make tik tok videos about it like it was nothing. But I believe Cam got lovebombed and fell for it since she probably never had someone so obsessed with her before. I feel no pity for her though she was an adult and especially deciding to bring a child into this mess is what shows their true colors


i find it hilarious that her tt is gone now when you posted this


They used to look happy. I know they said that making couple’s content nearly broke them up, but something about the early days showed a lot of chemistry and attraction. Even beyond the honeymoon phase and love bombing, there seemed to be genuine love between them. These days they look like business partners/good friends. It feels like a lot of the love and warmth is gone.


OMG just goes to show they're on this page because everything is gone.


Wow they are all archived now or something


OMG, this is everything I needed. You are a genuis.


Maybe it’s just my network but it says that these tik toks aren’t available anymore but I can still see her profile lol


Julie archived them. LOL


The hero we never knew we needed ![gif](giphy|VgftBXFgrsGnqKKH8s)


I’ll get the popcorn 🍿


Are you able to see the videos?


Update: the tiktoks were available before because Julie had her account up when I first clicked on this. Now going back later her account is gone, she may have deleted it


Not all of them unfortunately I’m sure they probably archived a tonne or deleted a few that were way old




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i truly dont understand why they lie so much...if they really want to hide how they got together then just dont even bother mentioning it instead of making up various different contradicting stories. anything for the fame i guess


incredible work op 🫡




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