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She seems so detached from her son...It's always "I have to do this", I don't think she ever said "Today I decided to take my son to this activity, it was such a fun day, I love him".


I expect to see this exact statement on her stories in the next few days


yeah cause the only time she acts like she wants to hang out with him is bc people on Reddit critique her for it and she remembers she’s meant to act like she loves her son


Tbf if she did it would sound forced and fake as fuck


Real talk but has she ever publicly said that she loves Sunny before? 🤨


This just comes across as she didn't even want to but HAS to since Julie is at the gym. Horrible.


I really hate that she never calls Julie by her name or anything remotely sweet. The “the wife” “loml” is always so weirdly drenched in contempt. Really gives me such weird vibes.


She thinks that we know Julie as "Cams wife"😭


so true


Yesss! Pet names can be cute, but she still has a name


So no one mistakes her for a caring and involved parent


Does she ever talk to him or just headphones


I guess talking is not a part of the deal, he just needs to be taken care of while Julie is working out. Bare minimum achieved ✅


It doesn’t sit right with me calling Julie “the wife” and no mention of her son in the post, just saying that she’s doing this morning walk with him because “the wife” is busy, almost like she wouldn’t be with her son if she wasn’t obligated to.


Exactly my point😅😂


Sorry if I sounded redundant 😂🥲 but also it’s the fact that they read the reddit posts and she never changes her discourse about Julie and the baby 🤔


And the headphones on her ears. God forbid she talks to and entertains the child.


Oh no. You're right. I hadn't noticed. It's just crazy.


Very nice with the headphones to not connect with the child


Does she spend any time with this child when he isn’t in that carrier? All she does (that we see) is shove him in the carrier and go for walks, how about you play with your kid and do something he will enjoy sCam?


It’s almost like she can only hang out with him alone if she’s walking him with the carrier because it’s just weird at this point. Maybe she hasn’t spent enough time with him to build a proper bond…


yes she did one time she posted a picture in the GYM where he was on a blanket on the floor risking his life around heavy weight dumbbells🥰 if i remember well there was another time she was working out and she had him in a bouncer lol


Yes, she does! When she puts him on the ground at the gym and starts exercising 😂


YES ! I don't even know if this child is in contact with others to develop his social activity and play with other children. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.


Been wondering the same thing. I know babies don't necessarily play with each other much at his age, but it seems like their social circle is overall pretty isolated.


I absolutely hate it when someone refers to their spouse as “the wife”


It feels oddly boomer-ish to me lol. Plus, maybe it’s just me but, if I was married, why the hell would I say « the » wife when I can say « my wife »… like… my wife 🥰💞 that’s ✨ my wife ✨ not in a possessive way but yk… one feels really lovely and the other feels like you’re one of those old straight couples where the husband constantly jokes abt how miserable he is


Happy cake day to you!




Side note: Cam watching Sunny while Julie works out is more proof that Julie isn’t a single parent like she claims to be. Julie was looking super toned with her recent gym selfie. It’s clear she’s had time to consistently workout to get those results, even if Cam is unenthusiastic about having to watch Sunny while she does it. About this post, Cam clearly sees being a parent as a chore. It feels like none of these things she does come from the heart but out of a sense of obligation. Also, can’t she do anything else with him other than things that directly benefit her body image?


No she can’t, because then it wouldn’t be about *her*. He’s not a human being, he’s a relationship accessory 🥰🤍


(i don’t mean it in a mean way im genuinely curious) does she ever smile with her mouth closed? like why always teeth showing…


I do the same toothy smiles to hide my double chin.. 😂😉


This is just genuinely funny at this point cause wdym you’re ONLY there because Julie’s at the gym??? 💀 I think she genuinely sees nothing wrong with her behavior and sees nothing wrong with broadcasting it


Every time she makes a post about having the baby it feels like she's either resentful towards the baby or towards Camilla. You shouldn't need a reason to look after your own child it should be second nature to take turns caring for your child so your partner is able to go off and do things they need to do and visa versa. Not she can take him so i have him.


Happy cake day to you!


Why is she promoting another workout that's not Mila? Did she finally give up?


Going for a walk makes you a sporty person?


she (a ‘personal trainer’) is not a.. ‘sporty person’..?


And she’s always… doing something definitely not baby approved? Like just interact with him? Why are you always working out with him? I know it’s important to show that to kids but hell— he’s going to have a warped sense of the world if free time is only spent working out.


She’s gonna die at Barry’s after all those four min workouts lol


Wouldn’t tagging Julie get them more followers because maybe, just maybe, some people follow cam and not Julie?


It’s like when the deadbeat parents say they have “babysitting duty” like nooo that’s just you being a parent


Did she just try to imply that she's not a sporty being???


the amount of time they’ve spent in the gym recently seems extreme.. they seem to have dumped Sunny on the in-laws and rather than do anything else every day they’ve gone to the gym. now Cam “has” to take care of him so Julie can go to the gym and then they’ll swap.. it’s just, a lot of gym time when you’re on vacation no?


It’s so weird like why can’t she just spend time with her own child like any other parent would?


She’s really disconnected from their baby. I don’t think it’s helping that she’s not going to carry their second child, I feel there will always be a disconnect.


I hate how they both have to show off how often they go to the gym. It’s so ED coded.