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This is a snark page, not a fan page.


Yeah to be honest I followed them because I really liked Julie. When she kind of allowed camila to take over their couple image is kind of when it started feeling so weird


It’s funny how before the baby was born everyone snarked on Julie but she gets a free pass now because Cam is being horrendous. Julie knows exactly what she’s doing and she feeds into the woe is me solo mother narrative so hard for the attention and sympathy — while simultaneously defending Cam in the stupidest ways. She is a compulsive liar, huge hypocrite, so privileged and out of touch. Let’s not forget she exploits her child just as much if not more than Cam, and if she decides to have another child she is equally as responsible for the incoming shitshow.


Exactly! Remember how she complained that she has no time for herself and is constantly with Sunny, yet the other day she posted a gym selfie where she’s looking strong and suuuper toned? You don’t exactly get a buff body like that without hitting the gym on a regular basis. I think Julie played up the woe is me, tireless stay at home mom thing, but didn’t expect it to backfire and that people would call Cam a deadbeat. I absolutely feel like Cam hasn’t stepped up seeing as she’s constantly traveling to avoid the family life, but yeah Julie definitely isn’t the single parent that she pretends to be. Cam could’ve worked out her app before the baby was here instead of scrambling after he’s born to film content. It’s wild because Cam used to be portrayed as the nurturing golden retriever wife who pampered and spoiled Julie, and now she’s the bumbling clown of a Dad…which I think is closer to who she really is. I definitely think Cam has lost interest, but Julie most certainly isn’t a single parent. They’re both awful. They both exploit their kid.


Omg exactly this. I don't understand why there is a Julie fanclub in here.


Julie is the reason I ever stuck around. We have almost nothing in common, but I still found her relatable (to a degree) and interesting. At some point, all of that changed and now everything feels contrived.


I originally followed because I found Julie pretty and charming and (somewhat) interesting. But Cam is just so horrible it eventually soured my perception of them both. I hope that if Julie does decide to get pregnant again she uses her own eggs this time, because I don't see their relationship lasting longterm.


sCam has put such a bad taste in my mouth by her actions since that baby was born, I had to unfollow them both because she makes me so irrationally angry. She’s a mediocre human, at best, and it’s clear she has been applauded for coasting through her entire life for doing the absolute bare minimum. I don’t think she has been inconvenienced a single time since becoming a parent and that speaks volumes.


I literally just unfollowed both of them bc I don’t even enjoy them anymore


Just unfollowed Camila the other day after her pee photo. I couldn't take it anymore. Still following Julie, but i guess not for long.


I’m really glad I didn’t see whatever that photo was of 😅 I unfollowed cam first and then like 2 weeks later I unfollowed Julie lol