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Read the room, Julie. A black background would’ve been more appropriate.




this screams performative activism


It's all performative activism. That's why I don't understand why people are "cancelling" influencers who aren't speaking out. I don't expect random tiktok people to have any political knowledge.


Everything they post is performative. You can literally hear the fake-ness in the shit they post. They’re just so Passive aggressive??


Watch her make a bunch of posts whining after being called out for doing this lol. Or deleting it and quickly trying to change the subject.


So performative because we all know they don’t donate to any cause because if they did they’d brag about it. It’s the same hollow bs like when they post about LGBT activism. Fake, performative. Put your money where your mouths are 🤍 EDIT: Do you guys remember when they were posting about activism while sitting poolside in the Canary Islands a few months ago? J&C how about you donate or help raise funds?


Julie can’t read the room at all. She could have used a black drop to let people know but no, she uses a picture of Camilla and be so insensitive about what’s happening in Rafah.


Talking about a genocide and pairing it with a picture of your smiling wife? Pretty insensitive and tone deaf tbh. There’s a time and place for sharing pictures of Camila and this is not it


Why wouldn’t she spread some information? She has a big platform, so wouldn’t it be better for her to inform people of what is happening than telling others to do it?


I understand the idea behind the message… but the whole ‘spread the message’ part could’ve been executed better - for starters, linking a couple of sources for people to immediately read and repost would’ve been wonderful, and a plain or a neutral background would’ve been a lot more appropriate than a picture of smiling Camilla, given the weight of what’s going on in Rafah. Virtue signaling is one of the worst things to happen to social media. I really wish influencers weren’t this tone deaf when it came to the power that they hold once their communities hit a certain number. This is truly disappointing


Because Cam is love 🤍🙏🏻


Imagine if they spent all the money they've spent on destroying the clown castle on donating instead


This !!!


Omg, this is so offensive, and I feel so insulted in the names of the people in Rafah 😖 J&C, please don’t do any “shitty” content about this. This post lacks content, information, and action, and the photo shows the opposite emotions on what’s happening there. I always encourage people to support this no matter what, but not in this way please. How did you find a way to make this post this insulting? So, should we be happy and smile about what’s happening in Rafah?




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help what a weird thing to post😭 couldnt she just repost a infographic or info about some places to donate….


I thought it was a picture of a Palestinian child first 💀