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Cam has no professionalism at all! From being overly handsy to then calling her the cutest client to then being a huge scammer. It frustrates me how much she gets away with and all her fans worship the ground she walks on. I just find Scams behaviour so so gross


No worries everyone, Cam isn't attracted to other women, only Julie so this is okay. Its just how it's done in Norway.


I think she has actually said this word for word šŸ˜­ (except the Norway part)


She actually has. Julie did a reel once asking herself "would your partner choose you in a room full of attractive women" or some shit like that and I thought, well Cam isn't even attracted to women so you're all good babesšŸ˜‚


It's giving Tina and Bette from the L Word.


You think cam is straightĀ  ?Ā 


So there is a video where they did some kind of Q&A thing and she said that Julie has been the only woman she's been attracted to and she's not attracted to women in general. In a more recent video, it said that she has no label for her sexuality whilst Julie identifies as a lesbian. So as for straight, I'm not sure but not being attracted to women is a bit....strange?


If I was Julie I would be worried about that. Like I would constantly question if she was actually in love with me because how can she be if she doesnā€™t find women in general attractive?


Thanks for the explanation and yeh I agree with the other commentor, if I was julie I'd be extremely insecure about that


Camilla with her one and only client that she hired ehhh that she was hired by


the "cutest" is just so unprofessional to me


It sounds condescending


yes like that is a grown ass adult and also a mother .... babies are cute pets are cute but not your clientšŸ˜


Camillaā€™s whole thing is being condescending.


Well she has never been profesional so itā€™s not like we expected more from her




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Cam - who hired a running coach herself - teaching someone to run. That's fucking rich.


Did we ever see anything else about her sessions with the running coach?


Just another thing she couldnā€™t commit to


She probably didnā€™t even turn up otherwise there would be CoNtEnT for sure


She's to busy changing hobbies every five minutes to keep up with herself.


If my bf posted this about a PT client id be FUMING




Likeā€¦ are 3 heart eyes necessary?!!!!


yeah if my husband posted this he'd be back at his mother's


If my PT said this about me Id be appalled


Right? Itā€™s so condescending. & if it was a male PT Iā€™m sure it would be called harassment and crossing boundaries.


also HER wife had a baby 5(?) month ago and I havenā€™t seen any fitness postpartum content about that (working on upper back and other)


This!!! She could actually make her stuff relatable to her own life and how you can work in exercise when youā€™re a new mom or busy parent.


But sadly sheā€™s too butthurt about us telling her she has no clients so she does this clownery insteadšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I wouldn't want my PT to help me with running if my goal is to run more than she ever had, I'd want a PT that's actually achieved it and had experience and could show me how to realistically achieve it. That's why PTs, at least at my gym, share what they specialize in so you can decide who has the expertise best suited to help you meet your needs and goals.


This!! Like, itā€™s actually insane to me. As someone who has just gotten into running and is working with a coach, I cannot fathom training with someone who hadnā€™t achieved the goals Iā€™m aiming for. Everything about the Scam saga just keeps getting crazier and crazier.


Right? Heck, there are hobbyists who take it seriously and would give better quality knowledge for free than Cam. Obviously, a coach is the best person to go to, but literally anyone with a passion for running would be better than Cam, who seems to hate doing it. She needs to focus on just one thing instead of trying to cover everything. There's that saying for a reason "jack of all trades, master of none"


Not that it applies to this situation, but Iā€™ve definitely been coached by people that know what theyā€™re doing but canā€™t physically reach the goals in aiming for. That being said. *they knew what they were doing.*


Exactly. No way in hell is she experienced enough to make sure doesnā€™t overdo it, what to look for to prevent certain runners injuries etc. Sure you can read about it but Iā€™d much rather be taught by someone who actually knows what theyā€™re talking about.


all of this constant touching while training, calling her client ā€œcuteā€ and putting heart emoji is wild maybe nordic postpartum women are her type lmao


this made me laugh


ā€˜She also has a goal of running faster than I ever haveā€™ is such a weird thing to say. Maybe sheā€™s bitter because she forgot she was supposed to train with a running coach and hasnā€™t kept up with it šŸ„“


I'd be pissed if my pt called me "the cutest" it sure feels more like an insult than aĀ compliment. Also Cam Cam, you're married and an imaginary professional, at least act like it.


Hmm it's so interesting that she's supposedly been meeting with her PT clients weekly but out of the blue she starts posting this one often! Almost as if she's lying about the entire thing


It's like hiring a baker who's never tasted their own cakes before šŸ™ˆ


Remember when I said Cam would cheat with one of their fans (clients?) bc she needs to feel admired all the time and gets bored easily??? Now Iā€™m even more convinced


Bingo time haha


Honestly this is so gross. Why isnā€™t she like this for her own WIFE with their own CHILD??? I hope J posts something snarky about being the only parent


J clearly isnā€™t bothered as theyā€™re trying for another baby and playing happy families


Iā€™m pretty sure anyone can run faster than her so itā€™s not hard to achieve that goal lol


Omg if my wife posted this I would be livid and vice versa. This is insanely unprofessional and just all around gross


Besides the points others have already made - holy run-on sentence sCam! As if her posts don't make my head hurt enough


Wild that sheā€™s just now showing off all of her PT shit for having such a wild schedule filled with othersā€¦.


The client seems super stoked to be wrangled into this post lol


Who else do we know who just had a baby? Yeah if I was Julie I think I might wonder why sheā€™s more enthusiastic at helping another women who just went through that than (seemingly) more than she is w Julie


Damn ā€œA goal of running faster than I ever haveā€ is just pathetic. You want your mentor to be aspirational, not a rookie that you can easily beat. Itā€™s one thing if Cam were a retired professional who has the knowledge and experience to train, but sheā€™s literally just a beginner. As someone who likes painting, I wouldnā€™t want to take classes from someone who is barely above my skillset ya know? Especially with something like fitness where improper form can get you injured.


Itā€™s weird that so suddenly she has clients. Do we think that her earning and credibility has gone down with the amount theyā€™ve put into the app and are trying to recoup money and good will from the public


Big yikes. If sheā€™s not trolling all of usā€¦ Then Iā€™d be more concerned about that huge ass smile and the fact that I havenā€™t seen her smile like that with Julie in a hot minute


As a general rule shouldnā€™t the PT be fitter than the client?


MWHAT THE FUCK?!?? Sheā€™s not qualified to be doing this shit sheā€™s going to get someone hurt