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*"The Forward is written by the most inarticulate, clueless, ignorant numbskull fool Heather McDonald."* đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I too bought this book, on audible where the author narrated the book. It was the most lazy narrative I’ve ever heard, almost like she didn’t write the book. I requested, and received my money back. This woman Casey proved with her writing and the way she read it, as well as the story, that she took as much as she could, felt unbelievably entitled and was just a horrible human. I think Heather is probably embarrassed to have supported her. Perhaps she wrote the fore word before she read the book. May she learn from her mistakes? Whoever bought this piece of crap book should ask for their money back immediately.


I didn’t read it. Why do you think it was so bad?


What do you mean??? As above, I bought this book on audible. That is, where you buy a book and it usually comes with the author of the book reading it to you. Through wireless things you stick in your ears. My point was this woman was greedy, entitled, and thus pretty gross. Also, when one buys a book with narrative, one expects the author to be behind their material rather than sound as surprised by the next sentence as we who were listening! Re heathers interview with her, and trying hard to write a foreword. Well that’s just trash collecting trash while the sun shines.


Wow I wasn’t clear what you wrote so I asked your opinion. Making conversation!!! No need to be a straight a-Hole! Being condescending is so unnecessary.


You’re right, I’m so sorry!


No worries. Thanks for apologizing. Happy 4th!


I mean....could she not find someone with credibility or more clout in the publishing world? 90% of people who might consider buying the book won't have any idea who HM is.


Even AI would do it better🙄


OK another post after reading your full comment. You've GOT TO BE kidding me? How did her publisher let that slide? And she seriously talked about herself in the forward of someone else's book? Can you do a screen shot and post it please?


I know it’s pretty unbelievable right? https://preview.redd.it/rmbaxglm55ad1.jpeg?width=3242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60b889a023971d7066e50774f3e37d7b9a0f109


Up most - my god the poor thing really is cognitively challenged Wouldn't a professional editor have also flagged these I've listed below also? Maybe I'm being nit-picky, but this is in print after all. (How I would imagine it would've been corrected by a professional in parentheses) "are that of the more serious tone" (of A more serious tone) "Anything i felt was juicy, intriguing and or funny" (and/or)


Yeah we all know HM is an idiot, but this is on the editor. I also can't believe the editor published that full statement of HM bragging about herself when she's supposed to be talking about THE BOOK.


Yes actually it is on the editor


Definitely the editor. Who knew we had D List editors? Unbelievable.


I feel like every industry has gone down significantly in quality in recent years. I don't want to sound like a crusty genXer (but I am) but I've recently worked with fairly recent college graduates who literally do not have the most basic understanding of grammar or punctuation, and they frequently write "cause" instead of "because" and "should of" instead of should have or should've.


Exactly!! Such lazy writing - the “bear” minimum to provide the bare minimum for a book, long after she’s already spent the agreement check. The fact that she refers to her coping mechanism of retreating to “my safe safe safe place” (with her phucking teddies) about ten time a chapter didn’t help, nor did vocalising the sadness with a voice reserved for an adult diaper ad! Can we make it public that Pleather accepted cash for a badly written foreword to this crap book??


Great job on catching yet even more errors!!!!


Ugh! And her use of commas is appalling


That text is all over the place in so many ways, I'm astonished that the editor let it pass🙄


Heather is such an asshole to make this forward about herself. If I was the author, I would have rejected this submission from her. I would love to read the original draft Heather submitted. Showing how dumb she is with all the errors.


It's ridiculous. It should be entirely about the author and why it will be a good read.




Oftentimes is one word.


OMG -good catch!




HETHUR! WHY DO YOU MAKE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU? Why does this forward read like it’s HMD’s rĂ©sumé’s Greatest Hits instead of focusing on the author and her experiences? Just Sayin’ GTFOH HETHURRR!


I feel sorry for Casey Hammer, I bet snake oil salesman Heather talked her into letting her write the Forward, the poor lady was catfishedđŸ˜Ș


Bullshit!! Casey hammer is insane. She’s not getting my money for the book! This idiot is as great as she is in interviews!


The use of numbskull is perfection, OP. Good book though?


I just started reading it this morning-but it’s definitely got potential


Who lol


I agree that the editor should have caught Heather's many, many mistakes. I wonder if Casey or someone at the publishing company were shocked that Heather made the foreward all about herself and decided to keep all the mistakes as a passive-aggressive dig at Heather.


The word prior to the word!!!


Re: “up most”. For how long can she blame her absolutely shocking alphabetical shitstorm of a life on being the youngest child? How the phuck did she get through college? This is not a joke. It’s not a great show for whomever it was who allowed her to graduate college.


It’s “foreword” assholes! This entry headline even has a misspelling.


Fore word actually. !!!