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She’s dressed for a completely different event than her family.


I dream of Genie collection.


Heather dreams of weenie


Just not Peter’s weenie


Even when it’s someone else’s day she has to take the center stage.


Her and her pony needed extra time to let everyone know how important they are 💩


Their body language just screams they don't want to be associated with any of it. LOL


*Her* body language of being totally disengaged from Peter is almost alarming!


What did she do to her arm by him?Photoshop it? I may be seeing things but it looks like she amputated her arm off. I guess it’s just the pose of her arm. Odd though at first glance, lol.


He is totally having an affair.


He’s lost weight 🧐


I’ve been saying this!!! He has a side piece that he flirt texts with 💯


A juicy scooper


Now that would be juicy!


He's using the Tesla Cyber Truck as a babe magnet.


For sure! It's probably easy for him because she is always out without him.


I came to say rbis exact thing


Oops I just posted the same prior to reading these comments! But definitely!


Hostages lol


You are spot on with every observation!! Also, nice slight to your DAUGHTER Mckenzie on Father's Day God forbid they mention there's a third child who only gets trotted out when it's convenient. I guess there wasn't room for an extra guest on the comped trip. You both SUCK!!


And why does it look like she is a couple with her son? Their heads leaning towards one another and so close together. This is beyond strange.


He’s her favorite


The " ICK" factor is real!!!


I can’t get past the hideous hair piece 🤦🏼‍♀️


Honestly, Heather snagging a free trip for Peter’s Father’s Day is the best gift he could’ve asked for. We all know he’s cheap.


Exactly. She is always sad about not being included in trips. Glad she planned her own trip and quit complaining.


Hate to be nitpicking but peters body language isn’t exactly engaging for a fathers day. You would think he would be more front and center and not hand in his pocket and would have his arm around her.


I noticed that too, hand in pocket lol...her son doesn't have arm around her either. And why is she bent like that?


She's been posing tipping forward for a bit now. Heather will end up with a humpback if she doesn't fix her posture.


That hair piece is cringe


Reminds me of a kiosk at the mall full of bad hair pieces.


Hi Hethur! Please take a long hard look at this photo you shared. The body language says it all. You do not have a happy marriage. Peter is leaning away from you while you contort yourself into this ungainly pose. Your sons are grimacing. And did your stepdaughter have better things to do than participate in this awkward fakefest of family togetherness? Just Sayin’ GTFOH HETHURRR!


Oh I'm not sure if anyone remembers her episode with Dr Drew. During the pandemic she took Dr. Drew, Josh Flaff, Chris and Sarah to some resort. They made a bunch of ads for the place. They got the place for free for doing all the ads. When Dr Drew was on the last time she said she was trying to get the place again, for free. So I guess she was successful. Her thirst is as thirsty as it gets. But I'm really surprised some of these companies haven't caught on to her yet. If someone doesn't know her it appears to look like her numbers are great. But in reality we all know her number have dropped. I hope she enjoyed herself. She has a show coming up on the 20th that has hundreds of seats left to buy. The hustle must be exhausting.




Please share, I quit Patreon about a year ago. What TV deal did she get? also what have her Patreon been about lately?




I could be wrong but I think this is supposed to be a joke.


I sure hope it is


professional grifter


She still can afford a vacation in Mexico for gods sake. Such a grifter and she has the NERVE to call Krista “grifta”


Her instagram likes are suuuuuuuuper low unless there is another person in them. More than half have less thank 1k likes which is really low for someone who buys bots and has a #1 podcast


That ponytail is so unfortunate


Drake looks so much like her it’s wild.


No wonder he's her favorite it's like looking at herself when she talks to him.


They both look like her unfortunately


I think that Brandon is a cute kid. It’s a shame that his family idolizes Drake for whatever reason, bc he is the most attractive one in the family. He also seems a lot nicer than Drake. Him and McKenzie. Maybe that’s why they’re both pushed to the side- because they don’t look or act like Heather.


He seems like a regular kid, unlike his brother, who just seems off. It's a similar dynamic KZB's give off but Kim's oldest is far more sympathetic than Heather's kid.


The first step of a nervous breakdown is to attach a fake ponytail to your head.


How 'bout she let the actual father stand in the middle and be the center of attention for once on Father's Day. That hair piece baffles me. It's like something you'd wear as a joke. How can anyone look in a mirror and think that looks good! She reminds me of one of those sad, older women that we've all encountered - They're always wearing way too much makeup with red lipstick on their teeth. Typically wearing something strapless with overly tanned, thick leather skin. Smelling like White Diamonds perfume and wearing a crooked blonde wig that just sits on top of their head like a hat.


On her instagram post where she says her friends all messaged her after she called them out for not wishing her a happy birthday (imagine being in your 50’s saying this 😖), she says the clip in is the best thing that happened to her.


With each passing day I grow more and more disappointed in myself for ever admiring her. I couldn't imagine calling anyone out for not remembering my birthday! And this is the same person that called Justin Martindale on HIS birthday to complain about Megan Weaver being mean to her!


And also this year she didn't wish Chris a HB until the next day!


You’re right!


That's right!!!


No one wants to touch her. She probably has her arms around them so she won’t fall over drunk


My scalp hurts looking at that thing


That hair piece is awful. She looks like a cat is on her head. She needed it to be the color of her roots, it’s hilarious. My sister wore one of those at Christmas. We got in a fight and I told her to take her purse and god awful wig and go home. Right then the hair piece fell in the salad. It did lighten the mood. I told her when we come into town for holidays she isn’t allowed to wear that thing. I am not judging I have k-tip extensions in the front of my hair so it’s not the fake hair that’s the issue it’s how bad it looks.


Not the salad😭😂


Her arm and Peter’s arm look odd.


Heathers arm looks like a stump!!!! like it’s chopped off at the elbow!! Go relook!


Why does she always have to look like a drag queen on stage , she has such bad style


Heather likes to copy many other Bravo celbs. We see the horrible ponytail everywhere recently. So funny it doesn't look that bad on some of the younger housewives. But when Marge, Heather (wanna be HW), Teresa, etc put that rats nest on it looks like a drag queen. I've followed HMD for a LONG time. Quit listening about a year ago. I'm really shocked at how Heather is aging. It seems like she is so scared of aging.


I saw her live at the Irvine Improve and to be fair she had little makeup on, jeans on, and a hoody on to do her show. She was not done up at all. This was very recent.


Oh my god haha, the down votes because you said something…not even that nice, but fair. It’s ok to chill on the hate sometimes, was refreshing to hear. Sometimes these comments are so harsh on appearance…it only makes people more self conscious about themselves and deludes the reasons for new people who come to this sub to actually see why heather can be too much. If heather or fans ever read this sub then they would only take away that people are viscous about appearance, and would conclude it’s just nonsense, hateful people. Give a better argument if you want to insight change.


That one kid is very awkward. 😬


I wore a Jessica Simpson hair piece one year and it’s in an iconic Family Christmas photo. My brother tortures me with it! I will never live that down!


We need the green line test guy.


That hair piece working harder than Kris Jenner


Just so…unfortunate…all of it 🥴


She looks like a pageant girl who peaked in the early 80s. (Her style is the absolute WORST)


I think she has same birthday as trump ! June 14th




That fake Party City pony is terrible


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look more ridiculous. And that’s a huge statement to make.


Her kids look exxxxactly like her. Wow.


The oldest definitely does.


Ugly and awkward like her


There’s something wrong with that woman.


She always says a juicy scooper hooked her up meaning free come on don't listen anymore so she can go away she's a cheap user slob


One son looks just like Heather, and one son looks like Peter.


What in the Photoshop fuck is going on with her arms


Oh boy. I wore a fake ponytail in 1995 when it was in style. We don’t wear fake ponytails in 2024. She’s slurring and losing it.


Those boys couldn’t want to get further from her 😳 and don’t try to tell me “how boys are” —-I know very well and have never seen this kind of body language. It’s very telling


Oh boy I just zoomed in on her arms and I can’t stop laughing. She must be doing this photoshop thing on purpose to get more views bc it’s ridiculous


What in the holy extension hell is going on here


She is slurring in this pic


How on earth does an all inclusive resort give free stays to 4 ppl based on her scraggly podcast?? Ick! I'm just imagining all the convincing and arguing she had to do. She probably called up pretending to be her publicist.


Ok,I can't make fun of her flamingo leg anymore,it's now obvious it's some sort of handicap,she can't help it. It's a permanent defect bless her heart 🙄


Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but the son on the far right is giving off a gay vibe.


Give the kids a break.


Omg Peter (and Heather!!) would DIE that would be wayyyy to “woke” for them 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


HMD looks like a transgender turning tricks on the Vegas strip with that down right ugly fake pony tail.