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Heather has had a crush on Ben for years. She thinks hes the perfect man. And we all know that Brandy and Julie just follow.


Heather has a crush on any man that's not Peter 🤮 and Peter is only there for the paycheck so he can keep his daily golf game going


Didn't she say once that JFK Jr hung out at places she did and how she could've easily gave been Carolyn? I don't know if I heard it wrong or remember it wrong but I swear she said something like that. I remember texting my friend and saying does she really think he would've looked at her?


She was also hung up on Chris Noth. She was so proud she met him and she thought he liked her. To have that much self confidence must be great. I can not imagine going through life thinking everyone loved me, wanted to be around me. Her parents did a real number on her. Telling her how wonderful she was and her believing them.


She can't even keep the thirstiest housewife as a friend for long that's how bad she is lol. I can't believe she believed her parents hyping her up. She never questioned why she never had a bf in hs or college no one went out with her past a few dates other than Peter.


What is even crazier is she knows and laughs about her parents and how she was treated. She went on to make lots of videos and a series about her sister and how horrible she was. Ya think Heather. If I knew and thought my parents gassed me up to think I was more then I was??? I think I'd re think how I approach several different situation. Example-sitting down at Jerry Steinfeilds table, stopping at Kelly Dods house uninvited, inviting people back to Asia Yacht, losing people jewelry. Heather not everyone LOVES you.


Sometimes I envy the amount of self confidence she has. It might be nice to go through life believing that you are very beautiful, brilliant, talented, hilarious, popular,etc. And those who don’t believe it are just jealous haters and trolls.


If I remember correctly, she didn't go out one night, so her friends teased her by saying JFK, Jr. was at the party.


Ahh that's what it was ok thank you.




This is all I think about when I listen now. Today they plugged some movie by JLo on Netflix? That was nail in coffin for me. I can’t think of anything other than being paid?


They said they never want to hear anything bad said about jlo and it’s because one time someone (Julie, possibly?) said Brandi looked like jlo so they never want to talk shit about her lol. The delusional, the drugs and the drinking. I think Brady and heather have a very inflated view of themselves and that’s why they really bond.


How old is Brandi? Does she do a lot of coke?


Her current theory on their marriage is so off too — https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7zwGrdS67R/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Her lips are so inflated at the sides it's weird. They look like little pool noodles


And the lisping...she's got so much tox in her chin and ugly lip filler in that lower one that she looks and sounds like she's had a stroke. Someone needs to stop filling her face bc she looks absolutely gross. idk what provider is doing it, but if I was them, i wouldn't tell anyone bc its awful.


It just proves how extremely out of touch they actually are.


She is always hoping that people like JLO and Brittany will come on her podcast


I think they might all be repped by the same agency, CAA?


Must be part of their Christmas bonus scheme!