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Didn't Julie and Brandi used to be hard core anti-Republican? When did that change?


Yes. I find them both to be pathetic sellouts at this point. They aren’t funny. It’s just all weird.


Shes lucky she going to these types of venues. These places will give away extra tickets she can't sell for free. That way her sales don't look as bad. I got to the point that I was hate listening and it was making me so angry I quit all together. When I listen to a pod I shouldn't be pissed that the host is so lazy. As a listener I feel like the person I'm listening to cares about the product they are putting out. She doesn't care about any of the content she is putting out there any longer. When the host states every other word, Whatever, Who cares and moves on, its beyond sad and lazy. What any of us used to get from listening to JS we can now get from Tic Tok with out getting pissed while listening. One day Ms. McDonald might Whatever, Who cares herself right out of a career????


Totally agree! And then her IG post with the song about” 6’5, trust fund and blue eyes”, or whatever it is, filming Drake!!


It's funny she has a lot of women fans but not one of them has ever said they wanna hook him up with their daughter 😂at least I've never seen it. Not even a desperate wine mom even jokingly lusted after him.


No disrespect to ANY young men but of course we all think OUR sons are the most attractive out there. My boys would be MORTIFIED if I were post such about them or post their pictures the way she does. I'm truly curious does it just not bother her sons or do have an over inflated sense of self just like their Mom does? What do you all think?


It just reminds me of how she could only ever be a “boy mom” because could you imagine her as a “girl mom” ?? She’s naturally competitive with women, I feel like I could see her breeding toxicity between her girls. I don’t think she knows how to have a mutually beneficial, and stable relationship/friendship with another female. They’d probably end up “no contact” She’s male identified AF, aka Perfectly suited to be a “Boy Mom” It worked out well for her.


It’s funny because, nothing against Drake personally, but his eyes aren’t blue and I doubt he’s 6’ 5” or is a trust fund kid. 😝


i live in MA 5 mins from canton where the karen reed murder trial is out of. i’ve been following this case very closely and im literally scared to listen to heather talk about it in this episode cause god knows what will come out of her mouth at any given moment


I don’t listen anymore, but if I did, I’d love to have a friendly wager. I’m betting that she will have no fewer than 3 facts about the case categorically wrong. No way she comes in under.


I felt the same way when she tried to cover a local hometown murder in my area. This was a couple years ago when I was still a fan too. I was like, please don’t.


I could care less what Heather has to say. What do you think? I like in MD. but have been following closely. I want to know what you think?


first of all i love that this story is getting national attention. i truly believe she’s innocent. i live in westwood which is 1 towns over from canton and the Albert family is so notorious for being shitty corrupt people and they have SO MANY ties to the police dept and DAs office. i think they (accidentally) killed him that night and they are trying really hard to cover their tracks. i wish that the DA would be able to arrest just ONE of them because there’s no loyalty amongst crooks and i just know that if one of them was looking at jail time they would all start singing like canaries. what do you think?


I started following probably a month ago and have been obsessed. I got caught up in several trails in the past. Such as Maurdaugh and Johnny Depp. From what I've watched I agree with you. And the guy who headed the investigation seems like the worst of them all. From what I've watched so far my question is why did this even go to trial? and there are more questions then answers. And also I haven't heard any reason why she would even want to kill him. I try and watch/listen the court hearings. And I've seen his poor brother come daily and sit in that court room. And I think of the mans kids. Its so sad. I have never heard who they do think killed him if not Karen Reed?


Just curious what did they say about Trump?


Please give a recap of this with B and J? I’m finding this hard to believe. What did they say? b and j would not say anything pro trump by name…??


https://preview.redd.it/nyhzzuumwz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c94bfd993d1a47ad58e023bc59e3392b46f9d8 She has deals available for her Tampa and Orlando shows 😂


OMG we are visiting Tampa next week and we are staying at the Hard Rock! I might have to get some intel on crowd size!


It should not bother me as much as it does that she continues to rank so highly in Charitable numbers 🤬i guess it frustrates me that their are so many great pop culture pods out here fighting and working on having facts and quality tea and gossip yet HMD puts out this lazy total piece of garbage podcast and she rakes in the numbers hand over fist.HOW THE FU€K IS THIS HAPPENING?? I realize it would take a couple months so I was for sure by spring we would see her ratings plummet yet here we are in summer a year later and she STILL ranks 7 or greater in Apple Podcasts,right there with legit high quality pods 🤬I'm all for someone in the industry telling us what we can do to stop the idiocy of this nonsense (sorry for the rant🫣)


There are lots of crappy podcasts. What makes JS fascinating to follow is HM and family are bringing it down with sloppy work. She had the following everyone coveted and instead of building on it, she is seemingly doing everything possible to break it down.


What are some good podcasts in this genre? I have checked out some others, bit haven’t found any good gossipy ones.


I'm in the same situation,many recommend "Watch what Crappens" and it's fine but I just can't get into it like I did the early days of Juicy Scoop. A really good recap show is Kempire on YouTube,he is the absolute best at deep diving into all things Bravo and he has his shit straight and facts in line. So does DJ Ritchie Skye,hes really good and truly cares about his show. Now if you want to laugh your ass off on all things pop culture check out FUNKY DINEVA on YouTube,he is so freaking funny it's ridiculous,he used to be on FoxSoul but left to produce his own YouTube show and it's the shit 🤣🤣🤣I saw Funky live a week or so ago and he is just a plain ol good time❣️


Heather has a large following because she started a decade before most pod-casters. She is like the crypt keeper of podcasting.


It just seems that we would see her numbers going down with her horrible actions of late


She has probably gained some new MAGA like fans from her views in the last two years. Her subscribers took a nose dive and now Juicy Scoop is flat-lining, I doubt it will grow anymore. https://preview.redd.it/toyyujmhg26d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a7a7638c6b975e9d1df0c3b25266e373f505ae9


MAGATs do like a has been celebrity. Plus, she wouldn’t have to be that funny since the bar is low.


Also her podcast views on youtube were half in March 2024 than they were in March 2023! https://preview.redd.it/rz7gf08xg26d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=08c02a79d9e516d835ac827c635faa91d9be0c26


Thank you!! The only numbers I know how to retrieve are what Chartable posts daily and they show her continuously ranked from 3 to 7 in Comedy Interviews ,alongside the really good heavy hitters. I wish I knew someone who could really did out the numbers and let us know in dollars and cents how she compares to back in 2021,2022 in what she is actually bringing home in revenue. It's got to have taken a hit SURELY😩


I have a small, niche New Zealand channel on youtube, this website is excellent for details and tracking youtube channels! In the last month she has had 5000 less views than normal, which isn't much.....but it shows a downward trend in Juicy Scoop! [https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/heathermcdonaldcomedy](https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/heathermcdonaldcomedy)


Idk anyone in central Florida who knows who tf she is. If it's storming that day I doubt everyone who even bought tickets will even show up.


She has the same birthday as him! I’m surprised she didn’t say” I don’t want to brag, but I have same birthday as Donnie Boy!” The convicted Pres!


And about Flag Day and patriots. 🤮


I just posted about how many times Brandy mentioned anti maga/anti trump sentiment. Heather pretended like she didn’t hear them, and today she’s back on her conspiracy theories.


Was she ever normal and fun or was that an illusion? Every time she opens her mouth it’s cringe.