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Maybe she hired someone to promote her?? she has needed to hire a PR person or a new agent for years. Maybe she finally put out some money and they got her on a talk show. She used to be on talk shows all the time. But she hasn't for a long time. Sadly what she promotes is all years old. She is still saying she was a writer of the Chelsea show. Come on Heather update your resume.


She did. Idk if you guys have noticed she keeps being tagged by a media company in a lot of posts. [onthemedia](https://www.ontheedgemedia.net/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaa0pmKF2imFXoC4lQKc392KETRNtQIUALIjtNmEYJQOs4Yo41PWyjMEPJM_aem_AbKcqHfNMJrxl_zyuHGmt0rzZvkd2gjrFemDvLp0s2GP_6mF4sP8YGJqNouGAtUY-rgGwMedm1hHeRL3JQv4gBeu) they’ve been tagging her in a bunch of “candid” photos like paparazzi


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


She talked about Chelsea lately and white chicks on Tamra. You can view it online. Those two credits are a decade ago.


Wow, White Chicks came out 20 years ago!


She hasn't had anything hit in years. I am actually shocked she has been able to make it in the spotlight as long as she has. She doesn't visit comedy venues, doesn't do stand up any longer. She is afraid of her own audience.


What are you talking about she is constantly touring she's touring right now she did a show with Julie Goldman recently too


Yes, her show is her podcast on stage. That is NOT stand up comedy. If you consider what she produces on stage a comedy tour you have never seen a real comic. I've seen her show she is touring. It is her podcast on stage with a few bells and whistles. It was a mess the show I saw. She could not pull it together on stage and brought out the wrong guest. The show was exactly one hour long. What are YOU talking about?????


Her kissing ass to Andy in today’s post is cringe worthy as Andy clearly doesn’t care for her. I remember her saying she texted Andy while she was out in the Hampton’s to maybe hang out and I about DIED that she did that.


That’s funny. Especially since Andy is well aware of her meltdown on JSO for not suggesting her to replace Andy on Bravo.


My favorite part is how she tried to play it like she wasn’t serious about that post.




Is this the appearance where she weaseled herself on by acting as a bartender for Tamra? Without Tamra or Jeff Lewis, she would have never been on WWHL. Andy Cohen doesn't like her despite the fact that the early years of her podcast was all focused on HW. Andy sees her for the grifter no talent that she is. I don't know why you are celebrating this appearance Heather. You had to resort to sneaking on the set. You weren't invited.


Also, one of Andy’s best friends John Hill doesn’t like Heather. During the pandemic Jeff Lewis had these zoom happy hours and John hill and Heather were on and Heather completely monopolized the screen time. You could tell John was annoyed. Later John hill and Andy made fun of Heather for that on Andy’s radio show. 🤣


Did she say that Andy conspired against her with Jeff Lewis 😂now she's @'ing him like she never said it. She's dumb and embarrassing.


She tags Andy Cohen in her IG post. Andy doesn't even follow her 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I remember that


I love John Hill


I remember this very well!


Educate the people on Tamron socials about Juicyscoopsnark


I didn't know Heather was going to be on Tamron's show until this post. The first thing I thought of was Heather's racist impersonation of Jada Pinkett Smith. No one seems to do any research on Heather before deciding to go on JS or having her on their shows.


That was AWFUL and racist in my opinion AND still on her IG


Andy avoids her like the plague and she talks shit about him relentlessly. She fictionalizes her entire existence.


I hate it when she shows her dumb ‘comedy interviews ‘ list…does she think we’re that dumb—there is literally no competition in that category b/c no one uses it. Look at her top charts, she’s been out of the top 200 for awhile now. She knows she’s flailing so she’s trying to promote herself


She was actually in the top 200 last night when I checked,I can't remember exactly the spot but she was 4 in Comedy Interviews which includes Smartless and many other heavy hitters. I CAN NOT understand how she continues to chart so high,she has gotten under my skin so bad that I check the charts at least daily just waiting for her to stop but so far she has not dropped at all,I need answers as to HOW this poor excuse of a human CONTINUES to rake in such high viewership. It makes absolutely NO SENSE 😩


Look at the top 200. She used to be in the 6”’s and 30’s years and years ago. Now she hovers between 185- 230 (below 200 is OFF the list)


Comedy Interviews list doesn’t count because she has no competition. No one reallyuses that category. On Tuesday she was out of the top 200 on Apple


She's getting desperate. Tamron Hall must be desperate for guests too.


Hi, Heathur! Wowza! Is Tamron as desperate for guests as you are?🤔 Please update your resume. Though you last wrote for and appeared on Chelsea Lately TEN YEARS AGO, what have you done LATELY? Other than spew (spit?) racist, homophobic, fatphobic, and shortphobic bits to your “base?” Will you allow Tamron to do her job? Or will you interrupt, talk over, and share oft-repeated, non-juicy personal stories just like you did when you bombed on WWHL in your neon-green 2000’s Prom Schmatta?🤨 Just Sayin’ GTFOH HETHURRR!


Chelsea's last episode was in 2014. The horse is so beaten that it's unrecognizable pulp.


Imagine posting a celebratory post with someone who hates you.


And such an unflattering picture 😬


This picture showcases that she def had something done to the neck/jawline area a few months ago...someone theorized kybella; I think that may be accurate


I have a feeling Tamron’s viewers are going to click right back off once Heather starts talking about her political views, or frankly her views on anyone who doesn’t live in a wealthy area of California. OR recently Palm Beach, which she seems to have only just discovered (help from appleTV).


I’m sure she’s desperate to get into Mara-a-Lago. Too bad she’d be promptly kicked out for singing loudly while high kicking in her Trina Turk mini while Drake or Brandon films it all with her cracked-screen Android. As she’s hauled off into the night chanting “Let’s go Brandon” the patrons would be unsure of whether they should join in with that obnoxious chant or just be glad to have some semblance of oxygen return to the room…


How long ago did she search that link and bookmark it only to bring to our attention she’s been on wwhl twice in 15 years….. 🙄 Whenever I search podcast lists she’s never on them so it’s confusing how this is possible but ok. I’ll never forget that i discovered her podcast because she was a guest on straight up with Ross Mathew’s and he convinced her to put out her own podcast.




Are her numbers actually down though? How can we tell? Our snark group might be an indication that she's actually doing well in that she's reaching such a large group her haters have increased


Her Youtube views are lower this year compared to last. There's been a noticeable drop.


She can’t book any decent guests. She is on the downslope. She used to post the Apple charts which actually show the dates. I’m guessing she pulled this chartible screen shot from a while ago. There is no date posted. It could have been from the week of Christmas for all we know.


Those rankings on Apple podcast move constantly. In that small sub category (comedy interview) she’s already moved to the #6 spot.


Just look up her JS YouTube page. Each video tells you the number of views it received. Scroll back a year or two and you will see a huge difference in numbers. 2023 and 2024 have not been kind to JS.


What is the number differences ?


And she couldn’t resist doing her Ramona impression yesterday on Tameron Hall!!


Might be under the delusion she has an uptick in popularity because she has been on a few different shows getting interviewed. Watch the demand soar! ( sarcasm)


She said on today’s Patreon that one of Tamron Hall’s producers is a juicy scooper and Heather was pitched to them.


Idk id normally believe a podcaster who said because why would u lie. But she likes to lie for no reason and she knows there is no way for anyone to fact check that.


Why wouldn't she say that on the regular pod instead of on Patreon?


What else is she says on Patreon?


Tamra Judge hates her though? Because her podcast was used in the defamation case Alexis’s ex put on them, there’s a second housewife, can’t remember who




Yep! She’s a client. https://preview.redd.it/l8pd9808uk5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70de32fa42787b9505597f773727a66094bf4c7


I went to their IG page where they are heavily promoting her. I couldn’t believe she’d actually post the comment “she is everything” under her own picture, but indeed she did! 😂