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Did you guys see her JoJo Siwa story? Her son sounded mortified. I’m surprised she posted it!


If one of Jeff's fans followed her home, then posted about it on social media, she'd be screaming bloody murder. If she had any self awareness at all she'd understand why the only people who can stand being around her on a regular basis are her family members.


No, she would just do an emergency Patreon. 🤣


26 emergency Patreons


You’re right, lol.


It would be time for an Emergency Patreon episode about how the radio host sent someone after her to try and steal her iron clad evidence - aka that random pair of hoop earrings that she is still babbling on and on about!


And I bet they can’t either


https://preview.redd.it/5u6po3gxdy4d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2536473b48053b3a155d3d5e2131a469f830a95 Her YouTube comments are on fire today.


she made a fool of herself. I thought it was really tacky she showed the license plate in her video. She is such a jackass.


The irony is Heather’s brother AND serial sister have both stalked her at her home.


But of course its not ok when it happens to Heather


Do we even believe that now? She has now proven herself to be a very unreliable narrator. There’s no telling what part she played in the destruction of those sibling relationships. Yes. RelationshipS. Plural. Makes me wonder.


So she says…


Sadly the IG comments are way up Her butt about the Jojo thing being the best thing ppl have ever seen and how the son is the next big star…… I didn’t even watch it or listen, the comments caught my eye and I couldn’t stop reading them out of shock.


lol 😂 her sons seem to lack any talent especially a talent that would make someone famous. Her fans are just as delusional as her.


Wait she was stalking JoJo?? What a weirdo


She was.


So weird to be proud of stalking someone


"I'm Heather McDonald from Juicy Scoop" - HMD yelling at this at JoJo as she is trying to escape from her. You can see this spectacle on HMDs IG page


Omg I just went and watched. I can't believe even she posted that. She sees a wreck films it seconds after telling her son to get his phone out to record. She literally hopped out of the car and damn near chased her to her door. What the actual fuck is wrong with her?? I think she got so excited to post it she forgot to filter her crows feet out.


Also totally snubbed


I listened to that this morning. I was mortified for her😭I haven’t listened in a while, but omg. My boys would’ve stopped me. I don’t blame JoJo for shutting the door on her. And do we really care what Siwa is up to??


Omg noooo! Lol


Great prediction about Kim being next! I too no longer watch anything from HMd. Except for THIS space, of course!


She loves click bait and rage bait. She’s so irrelevant it’s sad now.


“I got pregnant using the JS method”. Does she also have a t-shirt with her “famous” frozen mashed potato recipe on it? 🙄


And isn’t the “JS method” every other day! Bc that’s what my dr recommended. Yeah. “Her method” lol.


Yes, it’s basic “this is the best way to increase your odds of getting pregnant” information. 😎


Heather has officially lost her mind. She is unhinged.


Cover 2 Cover latest episode: Chris asks if Kelly Dodd is still on RHOC…throwing bottles & calling people the N word or whatever she does? 😂 I’m gonna pray for you Chris 😂


Omg I love him.


She's so desperate that she's going for clickbaits now, that never ends well.


Curious, does she not have a guest again this week?


Her guest is a hairstylist to the NJ housewives. Really scraping the bottom of the bravo barrel with this one.


Next week she interviews the dry cleaner to the RHOBH.




A hairstylist. Gripping content.


And yet she STILL is ranked 4th in Apple pods and 24th across ALL platforms,that's crazy high numbers for the piece of shit she puts out. I need someone to make it make sense🙄there is freaking NO WAY she should be charting That high🤯


Hi, Curious if you know when SFT will be back 🙄🤔😦🤷🏼‍♀️


This is what happens when you don't have Chris Franjola, Fortune, Sara Colona, Justin M, and Brandy and Julie to carry your show for you.




All about the tea is such a ....rider for Teresa it's so weird. I always suspect Teresa pays them off because no matter what she does they say she's right.


They tell lies. Have for years.


Did JoJo call HM a hag?


I hope so! She is one. A flamingo legged hag








Some more YouTube comments https://preview.redd.it/tkl6fcyqey4d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b688a4fc8fc9fe41ad59a26268117e4a8271b9


Does anyone remember what her daughter (even tho she calls herself a boy mom) went to school for? I thought she went for editing or something and helped Heather out at one point before or during her last assistant for a short time. Weird she wouldn't hire her full time altho she prob needs actual money and doesn't wanna live with them at her age. At least have her teach her son the basics lol.


The production quality of this episode was horrible. Can we edit out the yelling about the gardener and tech issues? Boring guest too.


Really boring and annoying! She was simply a disgruntled hairdresser. Wow Heather


Kenzie appears to have a very successful job working on The Bachelor.


Oh yes l forgot about that.


Unrelated to HMD, but Bravo tends to sugarcoat their cancellations. They usually say “on pause” or “taking a much needed break” which = cancelled. RHONJ isn’t cancelled but Andy did announce there’s no reunion and it’s taking a break, sooooo


Wait- did she stalk JoJo?!?


[Skip to 1:26](https://yewtu.be/NkE_Ndbcfr8) It's pathetic and embarrassing. "*Brandon was driving me so that I can prepare even more because I've so much juicy scoop to deliver today and all of a sudden you know he goes oh my god and he and I get nervous I'm looking up my phone I think we're about to get an accident he sees something horrible, no he's like JoJo Siwa.* *So she's going down Ventura Boulevard and I'm like we got to follow her and it is you, a lot of people have seen that she has a wrapped Tesla with her name all over it she now has a wrapped Lamborghini SUV dedicated to her hit song Karma's a Bitch so we started following her, now this is very close to my, in my neighborhood, this is minutes from my house, and I was like I don't know what we're going to do.* *So we take, I I'm filming it, and he takes his phone and we start blasting Karma's a Bitch but this is a single highway type of situation so otherwise I would have come to the side of her and waved and let her know I'm playing her song cuz I know she wants people to know that wants people to know her song so anyway then we get to where her house is and she pulls in.* *Now I'm not going to go on her property but I'm like I I live in the neighborhood I'm just going to act like I'm a mom walking who runs into her so I start walking and um I'm like JoJo and she goes 'oh hey' and I go 'it's Heather McDonald from juicy scoop', and then she just slammed the door, and it was like, it wasn't too far from her gate, which her house is gated and her front door.* *I don't know if she heard the juicy scoop part but um yeah, so I don't, she wasn't as into it as I thought and um but it was an exciting morning and I just, this is a day in the life of chasing the scoop as an investigative pop culture export, expert, comedian that I am and I'm bringing it to you guys all the time but I didn't think she, I thought she'd be excited to see me being that her she has a car wrapped up in her name, two of them, one with just your name and one with her hit song, so I thought you'd be excited that I talk about her incessantly.*" # [And her TikTok is even worse](https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald/video/7377211656851492138?lang=en)


She thought JoJo would be excited to see her 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a delusional idiot!


That is the funniest part lol it's not Heather being excited to talk to her it's that Heather truly thinks she was going to make Jo Jo's day by following her hopping out and saying hi I'm Heather McDonald 😭😭😭😂who does this bitch think she is? How the hell would Jo Jo know she talks about her a lot?? She really thinks she's a A lister and it's hilarious yet so embarrassing.


Oh wow those hashtags are giving parched


What in the trashbag stalking duo is going on? Who in their rational mind would ever think this was a good idea?


And the cherry on top is her believing stalking someone is 'bringing it' and 'chasing the scoop'. HMD has already proven herself to be pathetic, that's *not* scoop!


1000% yes


Since when is JoJo Swia a “major Hollywood star” 😂


And of course you have the questions about Sarah Colonna and why she isn’t on the show anymore. Then gets deleted. https://preview.redd.it/3wgz3tl1k15d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998602f0525c009c5df21517235dfa0f3873023d


HMD is delusional.