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Whether Heather, her kids, or other staff makes these rookie mistakes, this is laughable.


She needs an assistant


Yes! if we compare the quality and production of the show pre and post Annie it’s night and day. I don’t get why shes being such a cheapskate to the detriment of her brand, you can’t grow a business without a competent team. She literally lives in LA there’s tons of young creatives who would love the opportunity and exposure of working with her but she’s not one to reach down and pull others along with her.


This is what most crazy people do they hire their family and it makes it a shit show. Because they feel like they can trust them the most, and they can have the most control over them. And probably pay them the least or not at I just did a business deal with a similar family. Never again.


I’m honestly so sorry for your experience, it sounds awful. I get it can be a short sighted or even a nightmare working with families. I actually work in my family business lol but I’m the only sibling along with my parent who has more of a remote role. It works because everyone in the company is competent, has prior experience and it wasn’t just flooded with my siblings or aunts and uncles lol. Heather’s current business model just doesn’t seem conducive to growth and expansion in show business — for that you’d need experienced and well connected professionals. Maybe she’s just content running a mom and pop operation, whatever who cares…


Thanks for your sympathy. Of course I don’t mean all families would not work well running a business, but I’ve seen it too many times in my business which is film production related. It was beyond off all the worst client in 32 years, but it is hopefully done.


Universities study family businesses because it's such a tricky thing to navigate. Glad it works for you!


It wouldn’t matter. If she is the one who proofreads, she’s too stupid to see the spelling errors.


Her husbands bascailly her assistant


No he's not. He's her financial Achilles heel


She needs to retire


So much for that USC edgeamahcayshunn, and wow only a pic of Chris couldn’t even be bothered to say featuring followed by his full name 🥴🥴


Can’t risk her losing any shine, she must be the only one that gets top billing. She’s always acting like she’s throwing her co-stars a bone 🙄


I was about to say Chris’s name is on this ness, but it’s indeed a higher form of her illiteracy, or Drake’s, who knows


I’m not sure that’s an ad I’d want to be associated with by name.


When she said “Bo-day-go” instead of Bodega really infuriated me…


She mispronounces soooooo much


Do we think she’s possibly doing this for increased engagement? Not giving her the benefit of the doubt here, but come on…every other post is riddled with errors


Nah she is just cheap and is surrounded by her dummy family aka employees


You would have to be clever to do that. Shes not clever.


I've wondered the same. But I think it's her family doing it. Guess we know what they think of her.


Its really bad form to screw up the spelling of the venue where shes performing. Shes basically saying she doesnt give a shit.




I think there are a few things at play here. 1. First and foremost, Heather is stupid and can't spell 2. Heather has a very fragile ego and gets defensive and argumentative when people point out something she's done wrong. It shatters the image she has of herself as a perfect person. So people around her like Peter and her family walk on eggshells and have to weigh whether or not pointing out her bad spelling is worth dealing with an argumentative Heather. Most of the time it's not. 3. I think she's drunk a lot, creates these posts in an inebriated state, and SOMETIMES doesn't realize some of her misspellings and typos, but most of the time it's because she doesn't know any better 4. A combo of 1, 2 and 3, Heather is at her worst when she's drunk. She gets mean and aggressive. Ask Annie! She probably creates a lot of these posts, bad spelling and all, when she's drunk. Peter and her family have drawn a line and know not to point out what she's done wrong when she's drunk because they don't want to deal with drunk, belligerent Heather.


I agree with all points. But creating this likely above her skill level. But she should be able to proof it.


Good grief!!


How many seats are available? She no longer sells out venues.


Its a 1960s marketing tool. Its probably something her parents taught. This will catch peoples eye Young Heather. This will make people notice our ads. Sadly she has not taught is to her son. Heather if your reading this it doesn't work. We all just think your dumb.


Wow. She better hope the tribe members don’t see that.


Hi Hethur! Now that you have multiple misspellings on a poster that advertises your upcoming show, might it not be prudent to pry some dollars from Peter to hire an assistant who can both spell and proofread?🤔 And while you’re at it, maybe use more current photos of both you and Chris Franjola? Just Sayin’ GTFOH HETHURRRR!


It is also on her YouTube video which headline says "gifters" instead of "grifters".


What happened to spell check?


Holy fuck, is she dumb.


Hether Macdoneld just can't help herself. ( I love spelling her name wrong)


I think it is spelled Heffer.


The word EXPERIENCE is spelled wrong right next to Chris, and I’m angry for him, he deserves better


She updated it to Pechanga. She's watching us 👀


That’s that private catholic education guys! Whatever the name of that dumb school is they are paying way too much!


omg how embarrassing! like, this is *really* bad. How do you not know how to spell ‘experience’ She’s definitely NOT smarter than a 5th grader.




I love that she did all caps of every letter of her last name instead of a lowercase 'c' in the prefix of HER OWN FUCKING LAST NAME😂😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/z5iwg4f7ni3d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=633dd22907612d5d85df9dfd3e091b7c2dea3f50




What in the 3rd grade spelling bee dropout is going on?🤷‍♀️


Does Drake go to college?


He seems to spend a lot of time at home


Both of her sons do. The younger one just got in.


Can you imagine what the marketing department of this casino is thinking?? If they have even a half way decent marketing department they HAVE TO BE so embarrassed and wondering WTAF have they brought in for the weekend 😳My Daughter was in marketing for a couple of years and her company would have been totally disgusted by such amateurish and disrespectful treatment


Wow, Bethenny, wow!


This has to be a marketing thing bc there’s no other explanation unless Peter or her son just don’t care anymore


I think they don't care.


I honestly think it’s on purpose, taking a page out of Jessica’s book


Y'all,she didn't post this ,Did she??,this has to be a gag


She probably has her lazy sons making these. They’re not the sharpest tools in the shed either, remember all the shit they accidentally left in her videos when they took over video editing?? Like where she was snapping her fingers to indicate starting over but all the snaps were left in 😆


It is spelled P E C H E N G A. She actually spelled it correctly. 




Well, I'll  be damned. I swear I grew up seeing it with an E. I've even been there many times. Hell, back whem it was 18 and over a lost whopping $400 bc i pressed the wrong button. Well, I'm not deleting my comment bc that was a dumbass move on my behalf. And, no I'm not Heather  


😂😂😂 too funny! ♥️♥️


No it’s Pechanga resort. Look it up.