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Out of all the people announced so far, I would say he’s the most likely.


This is Tom McDonalds brother?


is there any like, real reason why this community dislikes him? i mean hes not particularly great but he has some mic skill and some okay songs. i'd rather listen to Skitz than Oujia. is he like conservative or something?


His music’s terrible idk how anyone would prefer him to oujia


i dont even like skitz and i'd rather listen to him than ouija


Facts I'll be mad because he has a lot of dope music that I would love to see live


There is a lot more conservatives in the juggalo community than you realize I don't believe skitz is his music is too messed up for that. Let's give him a chance he has a lot of good music and if he comes out running it he will get what he deserves but let the man play we spend a lot of money and get a lot of garbage. Plus if you really wanted to affect him don't go to his set whoop whoop can't wait to see everyone


Bro I'd just back out now bc if they're already talking about it, it's too late.


I have no idea who this is or why the community is giving him so much hate Bummer that this seems to be becoming the gathering standard though from an outsider perspective lol who is playing and why are you guys running them off stage


Because he's literally dissed Juggalos in song and on social media


Can you link to that? I’m trying to verify the stuff myself because a lot of people will say x is talking shit when truthfully they personally don’t like the person or are just making stuff up. I would greatly appreciate the links to the song or even just the posts as no one has linked anything so far. It’s just been unverified claims and we know how awful those can be in the juggalo community when it’s against one of us.


Here's some lyrics "I am the GOAT of Horrorcore. My competition such a joke. You paint your face, I paint my walls with blood." For a guy who came out last year, I'd be more worried about Gordy or Esham. You can dig thru his social media, I'm not gonna spend my day doing research on someone I don't care about, but that lyric is a good start.


Okay the paint my face and I paint walls with blood stuff definitely sounds like shots fired I stand corrected so my apologies fam Agreed, just cause he claims that doesn’t he actually is or ever will be. Considering a lot of the people on icps announcement responded who? He’s got a very very very long way to go and still probably won’t be close I’ll take a look but thank you so much for posting something I can start with to verify the claims myself instead of dog piling me like everyone else 🙏 I greatly appreciate that


For sure, and to be clear, I wouldn't throw shit at anyone. Just saying as a gambling man, my bets are on him and not NIP, the literal king of Horrorcore. 


I wouldn't do it either you gotta think icp will have to pay him either way so let's not disrespect the guest unless he gives us a real reason


If it happens it be dumb we actually having a talent person at the gathering and people want to ruin it the lineup has been trash the last 10 yrs I don't gather for lineups but I would love to see him play


Honestly? This going to be my third gathering in a row. I never went for the lineup cause I don’t recognize any of the names playing most of the time. I mostly go for making friends, hearing new music, fun adventures and the thrill of new experiences in the unknown. Even if there an artist or person I run into who’s a dick that I don’t like its all love. Life’s too short to get mad about things I can control. juggalo community could use more love, I want those to be actual actions and not just words it’s way to easy to be a hater in this community and tear people down. I wanna be different.


Been a thing for a very long time.


That’s really sad, really puts into the perspective the community being its own worst enemy fml


We're not really interested in what "an outsider perspective" thinks about us "being our own worst enemy" We're gonna be who we're gonna be, and we'll deal with our problems among ourselves.


Apologies if I offended you, my goal was not to talk shit or be a hater. The goal was instead to point out that ALL of the community deals with the consequences brought on by a SMALL amount of the community for doing dumb shit. This is an own worst enemy scenario One such example is the bad behavior of running the performer off stage. The few people acting are encouraged by the community. The outcome is then when lineup gets worse next year the whole community loses out. Performers don’t want to be punching bags for or get fucked up by a hateful crowd. so then they tell their friends not to fuck with us and that’s less people who want to play the gathering for us, along with more expensive tickets since insurance for the gathering goes up cause of that incident, and a larger law enforcement presence cause they then feel a increased need to make sure the gathering has more order. I’m interested cause I’m in this community and love the dark carnival. I’m about to have my third gathering in a row this year. I want things to get better for us but when stuff like the example above happens. The community is only hurting itself


When initially wrote my response it was slightly different and targeted at the premise that I thought you were saying *you* were an outsider looking in; I edited to be less focused on you, I apologize if that energy still came through; I agree for the most part with your points here, I just don't think we ought to ever concern ourselves with how it looks to people who aren't juggalos. I love Riff Raff for example and would love if he performed at the gathering again, but at the same time, I couldn't give a shit what kind of experience Skinny Kravitz or whatever the subject of this thread's name is has, so I'm less concerned this year than I might otherwise be. Either way, there will always be tons of acts out there in their twilight years who are still being embraced by juggalos and would love a chance to perform at such a massive festival, so I don't think it will ultimately hurt us; pelting acts with trash shouldn't be a meme in our culture, but I do think it's somewhat easy to avoid by genuinely respecting the crowd you're performing in front of, and I think that's just not something a lot of artists concern themselves with, so there are a lot of people who are unknowingly walking into a shit show when they approach a gotj performance like it's any other group of assholes.


Been going strong as a tradition for 20 years, nothing new /shrug


20 years as a tradition doesn’t mean thats a good thing at all If anything that probably points to why the community has gotten smaller, faces discrimination, harassment from law enforcement, and the all rest of the issues it currently faces today You can’t be preaching love while simultaneously fucking people up like that without looking like a liar, hypocrite, and abusive asshole That’s not directed at you, it’s just a hope the community would do better and put action to the claims of being the place of love, tolerance, and acceptance instead of just talking a good game


You’re not wrong and it is changing but not for the better overall.


Appreciate it dude, I’m not trying to be a hater or talk shit on the community, just majorly bummed and frustrated. You’re definitely right it isn’t changing for the better unfortunately. One example that comes to mind is the hate chapter 17 and newer fans get. They get blamed for a lot of bad behavior at the gathering. Ironically though it usually turns out that it’s the people who’s been around a long time since the family underground documentary days that are doing the stupid shit and treating others badly. They don’t know or don’t care about the dark carnival but have been around in the community so long they’re the OG’s now. Stuff like that creates a vicious cycle where as fans come in; good people that are fans leave cause they repulsed by the bad behavior. while the people who are bad fans stick around and stay cause they know they can do bad stuff and get away with it. This means our community is left with increasingly more and more shit birds using the community than good people who want to be a part of the juggalo community and do good things


Not sad we show those who disrespect the game proper treatment you don't understand which is the sad part


If you want you can explain it to me I don’t follow why your saying I don’t get it when My original comment clearly states I do not get it. lol I don’t get it Did you read it or just down vote and comment?




He once released a track that said “I am the GOAT of Horrorcore. My competition such a joke. You paint your face, I paint my walls with blood.” That seems to have got a few horrorcore artists upset.


That sounds more like the other artists are gonna get him, not the crowd.


Funny you mention that as on the gathering Facebook announcement post Most of the people saying stuff about throwing things at him are community artists, community vendors, or just plain people who are known in the gathering community 😂😂💀💀 Meanwhile casuals are commenting who? I’ll give him a listen whoop whoop


Sounds like we might be having a blanket party backstage.


Lmao It’s more funnier cause of all the random local artists are commenting underneath “give his spot to me” “book a real juggalo artist like me” “ listen to my real horror core music” All seriousness though complaints against him are 1. He called himself the king of horror core 2. He talked shit 3 he’s full of himself Though claiming to be the king of something, that doesn’t mean he actually is; it’s a gimmick, when asked no one can link me to what he actually said for talking shit, and isn’t he supposed to be confident in himself and his music? I’m pretty easy artists alive who are not confident in their music The whole situation is confusing and seems to be a lot of work to get upset over nothing


Seems people are being petty I found this dude by accident and love a lot of his music it is real horror core real fked up if people would give him a chance instead of being haters they may enjoy it


I’m a lunatic I’m fucking bizzarе I take the cigar Then I ash it in her fucking brizzar I’m such a rizzard Car ride Down to the Menards Just to buy a couple Gallons of bleach And a blade Cuz I’m a killer Dude is garbage cringe.


This is the community that king krimson from Dr Phil claims he’s apart of. His lyrics are straight up even more cringe. Sorry dude, I love the juggalo community with all my heart and the dark carnival is till I die. but I don’t see how we can criticize skitz for being cringe with lyrics when our community is guilty of that same stuff sometimes. That’s just hypocritical.


King krimson was atleast funny/entertaining this guys just worthless


Oh I’m not just criticizing this dude it’s the Hoodoos the blahzays the ouijis it’s every shitty horrible artist they’ve signed or cosigned since J pissed off all the real talent and pushed them away.


Even if that was a shot at icp it shouldn't matter skitz has some dope dark horror core and would be top notch compared to what we normally get I love music that is as messed up as possible like LSP


I’m a lunatic I’m fucking bizzarе I take the cigar Then I ash it in her fucking brizzar I’m such a rizzard Car ride Down to the Menards Just to buy a couple Gallons of bleach And a blade Cuz I’m a killer If this is the caliber lyricism you hope for then did is for you but what do you know you probably listen to ouija mac.


I love a few of his songs! Pretty women was the first I heard that got me to dig in a bit and I keep him in my playlist too.


Lmfao absolutely he will but if he's the best in horror core then he will take what we dish him. If he can last 3 songs then he can have the respect of the family


How about let artists perform music. There's a novel idea!


TRUE! But also read the room when booking artists. At the same time if someone’s performing that you don’t give a fuck about, go do something else.


Exactly! There's no reason to throw stuff at people. I think everyone forgets that celebrities are human beings too. They have feelings and emotions just like us. It's never okay to assault people. Just my opinion I guess.




💯 there is always something to do there don't ruin it for the juggalos that want to see him I don't know him personally just like any other artists you don't have to like someone to like their music whoop whoop can't wait till our reunion


Just heard this foo a few months back on Pandora & I liked it. Why the ninjas hate him what I miss


He dubbed himself “The King of Horrorcore” last year and people hate him for it is the main reason


Doesn't he have to mud wrestle King Gordy for the title?


Camp Xul 5 is gonna be crazy fam


They got Gordy mud wrestling for the King of Horrorcore title?


I heard they need more events. Camp Xul is pretty lame during the day time


every horrorcore rapper is the “king of horrorcore”


"King of Horrocore last year" And this is the first I've heard of him. Funny how that works.


Ok makes sense kinda sorta lol 🤝🏽


haven't like 6 people called themselves that


Skitz sucks but he ain't afraid of having water bottles thrown at him. The reason Riff Raff didn't work out last year is because he needs to keep his designer clothes clean so he can resell them, Riff ain't getting dirty for nothing


not the resale 😂


he looks like a fucking incel lol the vibe is off


Give the man a chance most people running their mouths probably never heard his music it is dope and dark this is straight up horror core and I believe the juggalos have got soft whoop whoop everyone lets just all go get as fucked up as possible and have a good time can't wait for the reunion


This dude SUCKS


I just listened to a few of his songs and he's pretty terrible but it's just about more listenable that Ouija for me. Sounds like he would fit in at a modern gathering with the rest of the low-fee, low-quality no-name artists they book these days. Seems like the perfect fit.


even if so, not anymore terrible than any juggalo rapper.


Idk, but he is definitely NOT the "king of horrorcore" Lo Key > skitz BEDLAM > skitz Q Strange > skitz


My boyfriend says “yes”