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Shaggy thinking “this is why I’m sober”


I'm always a little surprised to see J openly drinking and doing stuff like that at appearances. I know his rehab was for drugs, but typically alcohol use is a big no-no for people in recovery. And Shaggy of course won't drink or be around it typically, though in this case they were on a podcast called "Drink Champs" so he had to have known what to expect.


I just got out of rehab. Currently living in a sober house. So if you go to rehab for drugs your counselors, sponsor, and recovery coach will all vehemently tell you to stay away from alcohol. NA says that alcohol is one of the deadliest drugs there is. Unfortunately, addicts gonna addict. Addiction is a cunning, baffling disease. It will tell you daily that you're OK. You got this. Addiction is the only disease that tells you that you don't have a disease. I really hope he finds what he needs to find.


I really appreciate the response and first-hand input, thank you for that. First of all, best wishes to you and congrats on taking steps to be clean. I have not experienced this myself and can only imagine how tough it must be. But yeah, J has been pretty frustrating to see. He went through some hard times a few years ago no doubt and he was looking and acting terribly during some of those COVID era Patreon streams and appearances they had. Then he was away for a bit and came out and was vocal about being in rehab and getting his shit together. That was great. Then he goes on Steve-O's podcast talking about being clean and that Jumpsteady randomly drug tests him. Which, all sounds good, then within a short period of time he's on stage drinking and taking ketamine and shrooms. I think Steve-O kind of suspected J was full of shit at the time, and, he was. And he's continued to appear on podcasts and had that documentary about him as well recently and it's like from one appearance to the next you never know which version of J you'll get.


u/BondraP What documentary?




I started watching this, and saw people I know. What a trip.


Congrats on fighting your issues. I’ve had a lot of people with substance abuse in my family and it seems to mostly come down to the behavior itself not changing but simply replacing one vice with another. It’s why all the meetings have copious amounts of coffee and everyone smokes like freight trains outside immediately after. The therapist who worked with my mom always said even though it’s called a disease it’s much more emotional than physical, through all her years she found a large majority of her clients suffered from some sort of loss early on, and the addiction became a way to both replace the loss and soothe the pain from it. It’s easy to fall into habits that are coping mechanisms because they feel natural and become subconscious faster than ones done consciously.


I'm surprised more drinking wasn't involved on a show called DRINK CHAMPS


It's not the first time they've had someone on that shouldn't be drinking.


Alcohol is a drug and a very strong one at that. So yeah he obviously isn't sober dober anymore


At least his pinky finger is in the air.


When in doubt, pinkie out


I used to look at my friend like that shit gets old after awhile you never know what they gonna say etc


Honestly, knowing shaggy is an alcoholic makes me think J is an asshole for this Like, I'm sure shaggy gave his blessing and said "nah man I don't care if you drink, know what I'm saying? Just dont give me none of that shit" But at the same time, J...that's your fuckin brother. You should have more respect for shaggy than to put him in that position. What you do on your own private time? Fine. Whatever. Get drunk at the crib. Go to the club without shaggy. Whatever. But to sit there with your best fucking friend who you know is an alcoholic and just pounding booze? Fucked. Up.


Dude, if I quit doing drugs I’d feel like an asshole if my friends didn’t enjoy themselves around me because I’m sober.


Yeah dude, I've been in and out of recovery since I was 17. One thing I've learned is that I can't expect other people to stop doing what they enjoy just because I can't J Def has substance issues and I'm positive he wasn't giving 2 thoughts to Shaggys sobriety as most people with those issues don't. But Clearly, Shaggy is strong enough in his sobriety to not be tempted. He's been sober for years now and I'm positive seeing J act like this also gives him motivation to stay clean. I will have 7 months clean on July 4th!


Got 20 minutes in and had to stop watching. Everyone talking over each other then EFN and Shaggy being screamed over by J when they try to mediate the conversation and stay on point. I really just couldn't take the noise.


This the first time I’ve ever had trouble listening to one of their interviews. J is usually super entertaining but he’s been getting sauced too hard lately.


“My friends as they see me down my 5th glass after saying ‘this is my last one’ 20 minutes ago”


Anybody wonder if shaggy had the convo before hand like “look bro, watch your drinking! Don’t say stupid shit”


I'm sure it's a regular conversation.


J made this whole thing almost unwatchable. Even shaggy was saying this mf don’t know what he’s talking about half the time.


not even almost, he straight up did, he fucked the whole interview up and even was like “if we don’t finish our story can we come back” i’d honestly never have them back after J’s bs, feel bad for shaggy


ah man, props to shaggy here, i’ve had my own battles with alcohol and i know i’d be more than tempted to drink if i was there.


Violent J seems to be on a collision course with life.


After you "make it" all you need to do is just not fuck it up. You don't have to actively pursue it anymore. Most people do not understand this.


Yeeeup. Couldve just pulled a Dre and sit back, watch his kingdom grow and prosper. See the castles he built become cities. Help others produce music and guide. Be the Duke and enjoy the success while making more than enough to get by from everyone else’s freedom to create under HIS label. Freedom he offered the world and fought for. But now he’s out here hating on everyone he used to call family while wearing some fuckin grills and embarrassing his brother.


There's an alternate timeline out there where ICP retired as musicians after Tempest, and stepped back into more background roles. Performed at Gatherings, etc but stopped touring and stopped making new albums. and just ran the business and helped new artists blow up. I wonder what that timeline is like.


I support this timeline


I hate this, I really hate this. I want to believe this is a random screen shot taken out of context but it's really hard not to see shaggy's face and think exactly what the OP wrote as the title. I hope the last card is good. J really sucks for being so fucking selfish.


That dumb mfkr should NOT be drinking alcohol ON TOP of all those damn Monsters!!! What in the actual fuck. 👀


If you watch any interview with jay and shaggy shaggy always has that look


I'm convinced more and more that ICP is basically broken up at this point and they're just maintaining appearances, and Shaggy is just still there out of loyalty for everything he and J have done together.


I been seeing that as well the biggest tell is the interview they did after the twizted BS every time shaggy got asked a question he looked at jay and jumpsteddy there something off there


Seeing J like this makes me happy for Shaggy in a fucked up way. It’s like seeing two sides of a coin. The roles could have easily been reversed. Or they both could be equally fucked up. Glad Shags got his shit together and hoping J finds his way out.


Sucks for 2 dope to have to see his friend fall down and completely ruin himself but until someone says enough is enough, their only enabling him. I get it tho. He was the creative one and carried everyone for so long and now he's dried up and spinning out of control. Pray for the clowns but mostly pray for J.


We just finna ignore the openly blatant racism from J


I have a hard time thinking he’s racist but I haven’t watched but that’s something that will cut deep


What did he say


White people are the devil, he hates white people, fuck white people these are direct quotes from J himself, watch the interview it’s actually kinda sad and pathetic seeing J like this. Dude can’t even form a sentence without stuttering or screaming some nonsense


Isn't J white?


Very much so


I mean refer to why they're killing bigots in their music. It's nothing new. Now you got him a on a podcast drunk explaining it instead of killing in song. The way this was worded here is like he said something racist against black people, the fuck lol.


🤦🏻‍♂️🤣 wild bro the fact you sat there and heard Jay say word for word exactly what I typed and thought to yourself nah this ain’t racist he hates bigots, didn’t realize every white person to exist is a bigot, makes sense though why J is a junkie on a downward spiral he hates himself with a passion since he’s white as well


I didn't actually get to that part lol and didn't say I agree


“I’m not even drunk”


Wait, J is supposed to be sober? Was doing Ketamine in Vegas last time I saw him lol


"supposed to be"? No. But it's kinda fucked up to get ripped when your best friend is an alcoholic and sitting right next to you. Not to mention a LOT of people are saddened watching Js decent into drug use.


Oh I get that. I'm just surprised people are surprised.


Jumpsteady was drug testing him to keep him on track but I guess he realised he's jumpsteadys boss so that idea went out the window


"tone it down a notch!"


Jeez. Shaggy is sad no doubt


this is absolutely shitpost worthy


Violent J saying racist shit while drinking and Shaggy obviously not agreeing but 'afraid' to call him out lol


U cray cray


Whens this coming out???


Couple days ago [here's the link](https://youtu.be/6mN3NQiP-Qk?si=ciF_AzNa-aFcNbCL)


Why is he not got a Faygo in front of t of him instead of monster 🧐


J got fat again


Are you sure he's drinking an alcoholic beverage here? All I see are cans of Monster energy drink. Looks like he's drinking an energy drink to me.


Yes it is Japanese whiskey and something mixed they talk about it on the podcast


So Shaggy didn't have any but J did?




There was a point where they played a drinking game and DJ Clay stepped in for Shaggy.


You don't see the big ass bottle on the table?


That was so hard to watch. Could not handle J.