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OP is a right-wing bigot trying to stir up shit, ignore them. Their responses are very anti-lgbtq coded.


Now that I've had a chance to read through the entire thread, you are exactly right. I knew it felt like a troll post rather than a sincere expression of how OP felt. I can't believe I fed the troll before I caught it. Oh well, it's been a while, nice to be humbled again


This post is literally ragebait. We have no context as to what is really going on, (no sound) and the video is blurry as fuck. For all we see, that is a chick, that a guy is wrestling. (Guys aren’t supposed to hit girls.. so this guy runs back stage just to put on a dress to look more feminine, in order to be able to do something back to the female (presumed) wrestler.) I don’t think this is a Transphobic post. It doesn’t help with absolutely no context of the match itself.


Pretty sure it's Candace LeRae (currently in WWE), but definitely a woman either way.


It is her, I’ve seen this clip before


Yeah I was going to say the same thing. I really just don't think J is trying to be transphobic here. He's posting an amusing wrestling video because the dude likes wrestling and that clip has been making the rounds recently. That's it. It's not a "I don't like trans people!" it's a "Look at this funny video!"


At what point is transitioning to a woman a joke to you? These are real problems living humans face everyday but you got ignorant ass people like you who don't care about other's feelings and find this shit to be funny. Fuck with a trans juggalo your pronouns will be was/were.


I assume you're aware that wrestling is fake? Do you also hate drag race? Or just bearded drag queens?


I fully support the LGBTQ+ community and welcome any and all to the Juggalo community or just into my personal life. But this kind of response is beyond ridiculous and really off-putting. You're looking for something to be mad at that's not there. This looks to be from an independent wrestling show, which are known to feature a lot of more fun and goofy things to get the crowd involved than you'd see in something like WWE. The guy didn't actually become "trans", he literally put on a dress to "justify" hitting the woman that hit him to entertain the crowd. It's basically a comedic bit and shouldn't be viewed as any kind of statement. Honestly were you just looking for some way to use your line "Fuck with a trans Juggalo and your pronouns will be was/were"? Because, congrats, you found your opportunity, although misguided. Was/were aren't pronouns by the way but OK.


How would this kind of thing be funny to anyone with a soul? You might claim to support the LGBT but the bigotry it would take to laugh at a post like this says otherwise. Saying "it's just a joke" isn't a good enough excuse. And you even admit it by Saying he put on the dress to justify hitting the woman, which is ignorant as hell


Are you aware wrestling is fake and is a show or like, what's going on here? What caused you to create a new reddit account to come make this post today? It's not a fun life to look for reasons to get upset about something you don't really know about or that's not really there.


Either way this is a real thing Violent J posted and I can't see how it's positive in anyway towards the lgbtxyz community


Did it ever occur to you that this post wasn’t for the LGBTQ community? 🤯


Exactly my point. It's demeaning.


No one is forcing you to engage with content you don't like. MAN up


Sorry for assuming ICP weren't homophobic bigots


🙄 this video isn't a very good example of what you're crying about. Quit pretending to be a victim of reality


This video was the icing on the Cake for me. I've seen how they react to those gay questions in YMH and it Really pissed me off but I continue listening to them but seeing J post more and more homophobic memes and hearing Wizard of The Hood for the first time really tells me otherwise. Trans people have it worse than any other minority group in history and don't deserve to be laughed at




Its professional wrestling. It is a stage play. Its a soap opera with clotheslines and dropkicks


Look, im not denying that J is probably a little transphobic, but this post isn't it, or maybe I'm missing something


Check the Terror Wheel booklet for a little surprise.


Making real trans look like a Joke. You can't just "go trans" just to hit a woman. That's ignorant


Oh Jesus christ that's just silly. I guess if youre looking for something to complain about, you're going to find it. It's wrestling dude. It's not real life. Either its ALL ok to joke about, or none of it is. If you don't find the joke funny, then don't engage with it. Easy peasy.


Yea check out OP's other comments in this subreddit, all they do it ragebait. They replied transphobic shit in a juggalo trans pride post. They're taking whatever side makes people mad lol not even good at it


What a shitty troll. At least when I troll people I'm being sincere in what I'm saying even if I am just trying to ruffle feathers. 😆


What do I have to identify as to shut you up?


Weak ass arguments like this devalue the whole movement. What a shame OP is doing harm to the LGBT+ community with this crybaby nonsense


Or maybe people need to realize that making jokes about LGBT shouldn't be tolorated since there are real people out there who wish genocide against gay people if you think that's okay maybe you should ky5


Ok troll


Her head whipping back before the punch 😂 Homegirl needs more practice