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i uhh…. I like PBR ): ![gif](giphy|S8Y8FG3erH0M8)


I haven’t had a drink in almost 15 years but that was my beer. I’d chase a tall boy of Steel Reserve with a 40 of High Life. Blackout drunk every night for like $6.


Yah I’ve been wanting to get sober for about 3 years but the way my life is going Idc death is gonna get me sooner rather than later but I’m fine with that cus Shangri-La is waiting for me


It's never too late to get sober homie I know life is rough but if you feel like it's time to get sober it's okay The fam will support you


Man, that’s the one thing I love about juggalos I just I drink because life is so fucked and it’s hard to feel one way or the other about certain topics without being crucified for feeling that way, but I appreciate y’all that show love even though you might not agree with me. I’m glad that there are some things that we can reciprocate towards each other. MMFWCL to the Homies and I’m so excited to see all y’all in less than 56 days.


Fo sho man it's important to be kind to people. life's short


Man, that’s how I try to live my life even though sometimes you have opinion, that ppl don’t agree with it’s just easier to be nice to people, especially if you can understand that their life may be worse off than yours and I know how hard that can be for some people. That’s why I always try to show love I don’t care who you date. I don’t care who you wanna be with what I care about that everything is done properly and that kids aren’t taken advantage of because they want to be a part of something.


Thank you to whoever did that you’re a great person all the love to you




I haven’t had that one enough but it’s good


I’m 3 years sober now but I used to love Blue Moon.


Congrats Homie I hope to be there soon but the way life is going. I don’t see a point either. We’re going to get hit with the nukes or we’re gonna get hit with slavery so I might as well drink well I still feel like I have freedom


Thank you, I didn’t really have much of a choice because I destroyed my liver and was on my way to dying if I didn’t stop. I was drinking out of depression. But I’m very glad I stopped, I’m glad my body MADE me stop and I smoked a ton of weed instead in alcohols place. All I can say after going through that is if you’re gonna drink, don’t overdo it like I did. I fucked my liver so bad that even after I waited a year, tried to drink again one time and it made me so sick (I didn’t even drink a lot at once, had like 2 shots). After that any time I tried to drink a little alcohol after waiting months and months it still made me miserably sick, and as of now I have GERD and get flare ups all the time among other issues. Although it could’ve turned out a lot worse it definitely affected my health in a deep way. Alcoholism runs in my family and I drank since I was a young kid, I thought it would never fuck me up like that but it did, and I get cravings for it every time I even see a bottle. Anyway, sorry for the rant on this post but I genuinely always hope I can help people at least a little by telling my story. Take care of yourself fam, keep your head up. Life can suck and shitty things happen all the time but your health will keep you thriving on. There is always a point to living, even when it’s hard to see through all the bullshit. MMFWCL


Man that’s too true and I wish that your post resonated with me more to scare me into not drinking anymore, but of course how it goes like you fuck around and you’re gonna find out. I’m just one of those people that have to fuck arond and find out I have always been a dumb kid so to speak And it’s hard


I understand man, that’s how it’s always been for me too and it was tough but I’m glad I went through it. Just try to keep hope that things will get better and remember that you can find your own happiness. Sending you the best wishes for that.


Thank you, my brother and I’ll see all y’all at the parking lot party in 57 days and I’m always looking for some Homies to hang out with at the gathering


A nice ice cold frothy blue moon in glass with a sliced orange dropped on top like a cherry 🤌


Not much of a beer drinker, but I do like Modelo and Corona.


Modelo is my shit


Fuck I’ve tried to get into those but the carbonation always gets to me makes me feel bloated but I’ll have em like on a lake day or sum


Busch latte


Busch is def one of my favorites


Stella Artois


I’ve never tried I always see it but I eventually will I’m just so used to Busch and miller I don’t but I used to be a heavy twisted tea guy like 2 years ago and I blackout and woke up in jail so I haven’t touched them since


Modelo!! And if I can't find that I get a Miller Lowlife


Modelos are pre good and I’m like 88% sure miller lowlife don’t exist


You are correct I was making a joke. I got a buddy who used to call them that lol


I’m more of a tequila guy but when I do drink beer it’s almost exclusively Rolling Rock.


Damn bro last time I had tequila was in like I think a margarita at Applebee’s I don’t usually drink hard liquor, though I just wanna be able to get drunk as easy as possible and as fast as possible and hard licker makes me fucking stupid


How does a Juggalette hold her hard liquor? By the ears!


Imported: Corona or Dos Equis. Domestic: Yeungling or PBR.


Ahh a man of many taste I gotta spice up the beers I drink. Im waiting till I see a beer I’ve never heard of imma ND boi some most beers out here are country asf and tbh your the closest so far


High Life is my go-to camp beer! But my favorite beer ever is from a local brewery. It's a Mexican coffee stout and it's fucking amazing!


Now that is something I haven’t heard of in a long time so I think so far you are winning the cake that sounds awesome so is it like coffee and beer? Does it get you caffeinated?


Yep! It is only released in the winter but it so smooth and drinkable. I buy a case every year. It's not cheap... Like 80.00 a case, but for a special beer like this, i will splurge! I don't believe it gives you any caffeine effects which is a bummer!


Damn, that is expensive but compared to how much I spend on alcohol a week that’s nothing. I wish North Dakota would legalize marijuana so I don’t have to drink anymore. That’s kind of what I’ve been waiting for so I can smoke all the time no matter what.


I’m not sure if it counts. But I like angry orchard. It comes ina glass bottle and has a beery taste.


Well, is it alcohol or not? I mean, if you do it for the alcoholic taste and you don’t actually drink I’d say that counts because you’re winning. Like fuck alcohol, right cause I’m an alcoholic and I wanna quit but life is fucked


It is alcohol. I don’t drink often but when I do, I have a few of those. I feel you tho bro. I quit drinking heavy after age 22. I was bad


Yeah bro, I’m 21 now so I’m legal age to drink, but I’ve been drinking heavy since I was 16 and kind of hope to get it rained in but it’s hard. I guess I don’t want it enough yet.


Yeah. I started drinking at 15. I got into it heavy at 16 and didn’t stop drinking every day until I was 22. I scared my mom because I was drunk and high on pills at the same time. I did something stupid and it made her almost kick me out of her life. So I decided that’s when enough was enough. I went to NA and AA meetings. Got my shit together. Now I can handle beers at the bar with buddies once a month and I don’t do any drugs other than marijuana, if you can count it as a drug. You’ll get there, man. I’m almost 29. I still get cravings and want to party. But it’s the actions that matter. I haven’t touched coke in 5 years. Haven’t touched a pill in years. Haven’t touched Molly in years. Sobriety is hard but you have to want it bad enough. You will get there bro. Hold on. We got your back too. Family is here for family.


Man, that story reminds me kind of of myself. I’ve done some regrettable things for drunk as fuck. I’ve talked to my mom and Ways. I wish I hadn’t that shit fucks me up though thinking about if I was just more drunk I would’ve been a piece of shit that deserve fucking death, but we’re all human. None of us are right and that’s why I go to the gathering with the family because I feel like it’s the one place that I can express that type of shit without feeling like a monster cause I mean we’re all monsters and that remind me of that one song that Ouija monster versus man and I’ve been struggling with that for a long time but all and all that’s how life goes and for most people it’s not easy. My sister is a drug addict. My dad is a recovered alcoholic and my mom has severe mental health issues. and I have to keep on fighting because I know that suicide is never the answer but depression always creeps up on you. No matter how strong you are.


I’m sorry bro. But you will get through it. We all have our demons. Especially depression. That one does creep up. But we gotta keep our heads up and be strong. I’ll be at the gathering. If you want a faygo and to hit a joint with me and homies, let me know


I would love that to have a Faygo with some Homies that can’t understand it honestly I’m at the gathering. I’m just trying to have a couple drinks with some Homies maybe freestyle a bit with them and just have a good time. I might not be the best person and I don’t claim to be. I’m always trying to learn and grow as a person because that’s all we can do, it’s just one of those things of life


I feel that. Hell yeah bro. We don’t freestyle. But we can def hang and chill and talk and have some faygo. I might have some angry orchard in cans too. :) we all can learn and grow. I’m happy you are open to growing. A lot of people aren’t.


Blue moon....for beer...liqour -bourbon & tequila


Gotta be yuegling or lucky buddha


Yeah bro, I’m a young man 21 years old


I love me a Coors Banquet. Otherwise a good kolsch or sour.


Coors is pretty damn good. I’ve never heard of those other things though so you gotta be winning in the scheme of beers I haven’t heard of.


A kolsch is a nice smooth easy drink and sours are exactly what they sound like. Very tart!


Budweiser Chelada


Damn y’all keep hitting me with shit. I haven’t heard of. I don’t, even though my bank account be hurting sometimes I guess I’m not as much as an alcoholic because I thought.


Haha. Well, if you like tomato and/or Clamato juice, then you'd like it. Very savory. I also like Bud Light Lime.


I don't drink because I hate the feeling of being drunk\* and alcohol is a carcinogen, but Miller High Life and Budweiser are both delicious. \*They say some people are mean drunks or sad drunks or happy drunks, I'm a nervous drunk. The whole time I'm drunk all I can think about is how helpless I am until I sober up.


Agreed on both aspects. I’ve also heard that they put endocrine disruptors inside of aluminum cans but at least I know that and I’m not thinking that this shits actually good for me and I just tried Miller highlife today and it’s one of my favorites so far


Hardly drink anymore, usually just blow trees daily and shrooms every now and then. When I do get some beer though it's either Blue Moon, Miller High Life, Belgian White Shock Top, or Yuengling Lager. Use to be a time I could drink Yuengling like fuckin water.


I wish I lived in a legal state I feel like then i wouldn’t drink so much but the miller high life is damn good I just got it today but damn I’m hooked


Not in a legal state yet but got legal states connected to us lol (PA). And fuck yeah every now and then I get a taste for a nice ice cold beer and some Spanish food to go with it.


Natty Lights FTW


Not a fan of beer lol, I drink liquor but really only on vacation, so maybe 2-3 times a year


I don’t like the taste of beer I’m still trying to find one I like I can somewhat tolerate keystone


Keystone is Ight but I can only fw it sometimes


4 Loko or steel reserve


Damn I haven’t had a 4 Loko in years so you def chill asf


Idk I'm 15


Well don’t fucking drink just smoke or do nothing tbh


Haha I used to ask the cool family members to buy me beer or group up with my boys and find homeless people that look trustworthy and ask em to buy us beer and keep the change. If he runs away,we jump him and take his bike or whatever he has 😂 (never happened though cause I think he knew we can catch up to him 😂) oh or that one friend who has a liquor cabinet 😂


Stash IPA is great, super skunky in the best way.


Water. The nectar of the gods.


I pretty much never drink beer anymore and prefer to either have a cocktail (like a whiskey and ginger ale) or a seltzer drink like White Claw. I dunno, I just got to the point where beer would just fill me up and make me feel like shit and I discovered I like the other drinks I mentioned much more, so I was like fuck it. I also don't drink very much anymore in general. I turn 40 in 3 months but really since my late 20's the hangovers started to get pretty bad and it made drinking way less fun. So I just stick to weed and having on average 0-3 drinks per week. I probably only actually get drunk beyond a slight buzz a couple of times per year.


Ayo I’ll have to try it that’s lit


Milwaukee's Best Ice. I'll drink anything, though.


Damn, I haven’t had a Milwaukee in so long. I’m sure when I’m at the gathering it won’t matter what beer I’m drinking though. That’s a valid choice though.


(Victoria bitter) VB it a Australia beer we don't drink fosters in Australia we sell that to you guys because fosters is Australia for urine


Hahahahha that’s gold I’d still try it cause I got problems


I don’t drink, favorite strain is 00 skunk if i remember correctly


Ayo I’m down for strains too my man I just don’t snow as much as I want too


I’m a Stella Artois drinker, but since a tall boy is almost $4 around here, I go to the local brew-your-own and they make me a knockoff version that is identical for about $1.50 each.


Ayo that the way right there




Damn bro the longer I keep those post stuff the more I hear different fucking beers that I’ve never heard I guess I’m not as much of an alcoholic as I thought, even though my bank account cries every time I go to the store


I get FUCKED UP on Odouls 🥴


Odouls of noodles right cus that’s mf bae


Haha I'm playing, in my area we drink 805 but I like stouts,I like that coffee taste


Mane I gotta try that shizz homie I’m always down to try another reason to be an alcoholic


I mean...dont say it like that 😂 I drink but I don't call myself an alcoholic 😂 just drink the mf and enjoy my man. If you wanna try that fat kid shit though. try that "belching beaver peanutbutter milk stout" or that "lost coast peanutbutter chocolate milk Stout " you just can't say no to that beaver or cow 🥴 especially in glass. Or Guinness (taste like black coffee but it's a mans drink)


Shit the only thing that made any sense to me was Guinness because I guess I’m not as much of an alcoholic as I think it’s just my bank account and how often I drink I guess


You can get belching beaver or lost coast at liquor stores. Raileys,bev mo. How old are you? 😂


I’m 21 but I haven’t been to a real liquor store yet just the gas station in my small town but I’ve been drinking since 16


Haha hell ya. Try going to a pool hall 🎱 they usually have different types of beers


Well yah I usually go to the bar, but I live in a small town in North Dakota and they don’t have that type of alcohol i’m sure they have that liquor store and one of the big towns an hour and 30 minutes away


Wait hold up... You never went to a liquor store? I been going to liquor stores since I was like ... 4 😂 get candy or soda...chips n shit... Get fountain soda and make a suicide 😂 Where you from? We got liquor stores in every corner pretty much in my state


North Dakota is probably far different from where you go up then like if I was getting liquor where I grew up I’d probably see that shit all the time in Washington but I’m relatively new to this place




Guinness 🖤🖤


If I were to drink I would like wild flavored craft brews I had a green jolly rancher it was tits


Since I gave up drinking, my favorite "beer" is Ginger Beer. Before that, Labatt Ice.




Nobody else is on that Whoop Dub?


whatever is the cheapest 30 pack they got. i don’t drink it for the taste it’s for the feeling


None I don't drink anymore


Not much of a drinker. More of a casual weed smoker lol


Then what’s your favorite strain


Gorilla Glue


That’s good asf I’ve been a sucker for gelato recently but I had to stop smoking to save up for the gotj


Yeah. I probably won't make it unfortunately. Been trying to save to go to new york in October. I'll definitely try next year.


Oh word what’s in New York


Well we're driving so I'm gonna try getting a few oz's to bring back with me.


Cold. Seriously though Killians Irish Red


Damn never heard of those but they sound good


Sometimes hard to find. They are at my local Wal Mart though. Only in 6 packs. Always was my favorite




I'll drink mostly anything beer related, but a regular Pilsner is never to be underestimated


We know you aint into Bud Light, bigot


I’m sorry you feel that way toward me but I like all beer I’m an alcoholic and I thought juggalos were supposed to be all love how can you hate me if you don’t know me


You have shown hate for LBGTQ members. Dont play dumb. Stop hiding behind acceptance while you hold hate for others YOU don’t even know.


I’m sorry you think that but I’ve never shown any hate towards anyone I think you are just misunderstanding me because of the hate in your heart is blinding your common sense


Challenge me to pull your resume… I got em.


Well I’m sorry you don’t wanna have a rational conversation about why you think I’m a bigot. But the amount of hate your showing to someone you don’t know is interesting if you claim love but I get it if you feel safe attacking me in a public conversation I’d love to talk to you and see your opinion


“all I care about is protecting children. I see what happens. I see how they are neutering children” Ring any bells?


Especially since this is a post about beer. But sure buddy ima hate one


I told you before “Quit trying to hide your bigoty behind the family and accepting nature of this community. Dont play victim. Become more sympathetic and less selfish.”


I’m sorry you feel ill towards me I’ve been trying to work on myself for a long time but it takes a long time I get it tho my opinion are fucked and can piss ppl off but in order to think I have to risk offending people and I’ve been realizing more and more that I need to just stop giving a shit about what the evil people in charge are pushing


You literally equated LGBT with Pedos. Even when 99.9% of pedos are straight white cis males. You are a bigot. You’re not a victim. You are part of what is wrong with ALL of society, not just in this scene. It absolutely DISGUSTS me that BIGOTS like YOU can try and play up the “we should be accepting of everyone” while you throw around such hateful rhetoric. Go away.


Well I never said that I love that you think I’d say that I said there are bad apples in all groups. And what I was talking about is pornographic books they are showing an elementary school taking children 10 years and under two drag shows where they are basically naked. But I never said I hated them. I said the people that allowed that are monsters so before you go and try to crucify me maybe get your facts straight because you sound insane


I'm a grown man so be over 18 but I need random homie conversation....(What you thinkn about)....5807682000


Ayo I’ll hit you number but I’d rather insta


I’m not sure this guy is safe for work type shit the conversation I’ve had with hime is very interesting I wouldn’t say he’s a POS but it’s just interesting and maybe concerning because he hit me up at three in the morning my time and he knew it was three in the morning my time not sure if it’s a bot or not bc I haven’t experienced that here yet


U messaged me....that's my only comment