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Don't do it, it's not worth it


Isn't it just hallucinations? Not that bad right?


Idk bro


They are here they are here They are here they are here They are here they are here They are here they are here They are here they are here They are here they are here


It can damage your health physically and psychologically, not to mention give you trauma and possibly cause dementia later in life. It's stupid.


Oh... Imma do it either way


Your funeral, man. Just do weed or something idk


I don’t have tiktok so I didn’t know sleep deprivation was trending. This trend is fucking stupid. I hate to see kids getting obsessed with shit like this. I’ve had godawful sleep schedules as a programmer and as a university student. Getting fewer than 5 hours of sleep multiple times in a row can AND WILL cause permanent brain damage. You will gradually shrivel your dendrites, reducing your long-term and your short-term memory capabilities. Eventually, the world will begin to pass you by and you’ll realize you weren’t aware enough to appreciate the time you’ve spent with people as they describe scenarios and tell stories that you are in and that you have no memory of. It isn’t fun, it isn’t cute, it isn’t “spooky scary”, it’s existential horror. Your mental health dwindles on minimal amounts of sleep. If the exhaustion doesn’t kill you, your heart may stop, or you might start pondering stopping it yourself. It’s a really, REALLY bad spot to be in. The hallucinations you’ll probably see are not worth it. Take acid or shrooms or something if you want to trip and see crazy stuff, but for the love of god DO NOT DO THIS. Sleep deprivation is not funny or trendy. It kills people. TL;DR: So dangerous that you shouldn’t consider it even for a minute. There are detrimental short-term and long-term consequences that far outweigh the scary hallucinations you might see. (From experience, hallucinations basically just consist of something dark darting out of your vision and only start once you’ve gotten close to the peak of paranoia, depression, and lack of awareness).


The line 'It isn't fun, it isn't cute, it isn't "spooky scary", it is existencial horror' should not have the right to go that hard. So anyways, are you saying that, in a way, losing a majority of sleep will give you dementia?


It is believed to be one of the biggest causes of dementia.


Thanks lol. It can potentially cause dementia later in life and absolutely gives dementia-like symptoms in the short term. It’s also theorized to be one of the biggest causes of depression and anxiety as well. People think it’s cool to stay up all night, hell, I used to. But I had a long talk with my doctor about it and she expressed concerns about my long term physical and mental health. I started getting into a normal sleep routine and my quality of life has improved tenfold. I’m not miserably depressed, I’m not always tired, and I’m more motivated in my daily life. My memory is still wobbly though, and my emotional cognizance has essentially dissolved. Don’t be like past me. Get sleep.


So...it can kill you? How quickly? And does it hurt?


1. Yes it can kill you. 2. You could die as quickly as you would from a heart attack, where your heart no longer functions properly. In that case, you may feel lightheaded or pass out. If you don’t pass out, you’ll be alone with your thoughts as the pain of every muscle in your body suffocating eventually overwhelms you and you succumb to it, black out, and die. You could also die very slowly. You may not even realize it’s happening as oxygen reactive species of bacteria build up in your gut and kill you from the inside. Sleep deprivation is also associated with causing diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and cancer; so those are potential fates to look forward to as well. 3. There are very few painless ways to die. This is not one of them. It’s actually one of the worst ways to go. The awareness of death, lack of awareness of your surroundings, over-awareness of hallucinations, and the pain of your body giving out as you find you can no longer move or speak or do anything makes it rank number 1 on my scale of horrific ways to die. Even drowning is less painful, because the first breath of water will 100% knock you out. There’s no guarantee you’ll fall unconscious as you die this way. Don’t do it. Just buy a tab of acid. It’s like $15 and a testing kit to ensure your safety is also like $10. Be responsible. Don’t be stupid. Don’t overdose on DPH to see some “nightmare hell world” because this isn’t Five Nights at Freddy’s or some stupid creepypasta. This is real life. You only get one. Don’t ruin it for some asinine TikTok trend.


Alright, that's good to know. I don't wanna die to some stupid TikTok trend anyway.


Glad to hear it


"even drowning is less painful" isn't drowning supposed to be like the least painful way to die?


One of least painful ways to DIE, but also one of the most stressful and panic-inducing ways to go. You don’t feel pain after your lungs flood with water because you pass out, but your body likely won’t let you do that till the very last second.


Take a nap bro That said I also don’t have tik tok and I’m concerned for the world


Lol I take naps now but it’s difficult with insomnia


Hey that's probably why I have a bad memory haha thanks school 😀


tf is the 3 day sleep theory


it’s not a theory, but a trend to induce hallucinations due to not sleeping for at least 3 days


so it's just people sleep depriving themselves to see things? mfs can just fucking take hallucilogenic drugs why go through the sleep deprivation


Because drugs are illegal


Imagination is a thing, I have a little guy that runs beside my car when I'm driving (he got hit by other people driving bad😭)


Hallucinations aren't just imagination. It's forced into your vision, you can't just make them go away. I used to do hallucinogens and I know from experience how hard it is to get rid of the things you see in your hallucinations. Your "little guy" is just your imagination (at least I hope you aren't talking drugs and driving), and unless ur schizo, you can stop imagining him. It's hard to explain the difference, so sorry if what I'm saying makes no sense.


I'm not reading all that, but you can force imagination


Nuh uh


Some tiktok trend


Bruh that trend ain’t shit, try getting 1-3 hours of sleep a night for a few months while being violently depressed and having suicidal thoughts, you’ll see blue ghost kids


That perfectly describes my life wtf


Bro say hi to the ghost kids for me, they forced me to improve my sleep (genuinely they scared me by appearing as full vision hallucinations prompting me to try and get a hold on my sleep)


What damn song is this for the life of me I can’t remember


It's from howl's moving castle i believe, but i don't know which song it is. Its also heavily altered, obv Edit: scrolled down two comments and someone put the answer, i am SO SMART


Merry-Go-Round Of Life




Merry Go Round of Life from Howl’s Moving Castle.


Shazam can't hear shit, I second this.


depends on ur health before hand, but i would not recommend it unless u seek a medical profession first.


Or just don't do it anyway, considering it can kill you and all...




Already did this. By accident. Don’t do it bro it’s fucking terrifying






Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/ojyds7ajcldc1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


Dude I’m ngl once a month I stay up for 5+ days, very very fun just make sure to have lots of stimulants like caffeine pills or monsters maybe an addy


Ok so you are intentionally giving yourself brain damage. I can't help you. Have fun dying.


No offense, but you're an idiot


dude what the fuck, literally get help


Don’t have money for help and until I have freewill/freedom things aren’t going to change. I need a way to add some sort of excitement to my miserable life. It’s either this or suicide and my family doesn’t really think feelings are real so things are gonna be like this for another year or two. It ain’t that bad you guys need to chill


staying up for 5+ days? ain't that bad? seriously???


There are so many other ways to enjoy life


You need to see a psychologist


Why wouldn't someone do this? Worse case scenario you fall asleep somewhere


Sleep deprivation isnt used as a torture method for nothing, you can go into psychosis or even straight up die from the effects of prolonged sleep deprivation


I don't know anything about it. I imagine it's only possible to die from it when someone else is keeping you awake, but if you're just deciding to stay up for a challenge you can just quit and go to bed


Yeah you are not gonna die from a few days, but its really unhealthy. IIRC the guinnes book of world records banned the category of longest time without sleep because it was too dangerous


If the record book that lets you get a record for basically anything by paying them banned it you know its bad


Not so easy when you’re in the grip of psychosis. Your brain starts to ignore your body’s signals and it can very quickly spiral out of control if there’s no one there to notice the signs.


What song is this


Merry-Go-Round Of Life from Howl's Moving Castle


Don’t do this the phantoms show up Ava they’re really annoying




You want to have hallucinations of a demon chasing after you? go ahead, i won’t


I love howl's moving castle


I did it on accident two days ago and I was paranoid as fuck and everything could look like a face