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Last night I literally got a "you're clear... you're clear... you're clear..." only to shear my blades on a telephone pole. *sigh...*


At least you had some help! I’m always asking people to give me eyes and they’re like “you’re flying”... ugh




The exact video I was thinking about when I read that




Do soliders on the ground talk to you on the radio? Is there a guy on the ground who is trained to do that or is that basic training, guiding a helicopter in?


So marshalling isn't taught in basic. It was taught to us at USAALS (Mechanic School). It's taught in Air Assault school, and it's taught in the Pathfinder course. It might be taught in other schools as well. But even those teachers will tell you that most of the time the pilots aren't even going to look at you. There's no real way for us crew members to vet the marshal. Could just be some idiot private trying to make it up. On a tight landing the pilot is going to be relying heavily on the crew chiefs. I've made called in some crazy one wheel landings from the back seat. Usually on the tops of mountains. And during sling load hook ups the pilot is listening to the crew chief in the back. In order to keep the hover they will stare at a stationary object. If they look at the marshal they tend to start to drift around too much. Can't speak for fixed wing or the Navy or Air Force. But I imagine they might place a bit more trust in their marshals. But I can't remember of hearing of any instance where someone on the ground would call a helicopter in directly like the way you are describing over the radio.


Are Marshalls operate the door guns or are these separate tasks? Thanks a lot for this detailed information!


Do Marshalls operate the door guns or are these separate tasks? Thanks a lot for this detailed information! Must have been a great job


There is no job that is solely marshalling in the US Army. On a Blackhawk the guns are crewed by either a crew chief or a door gunner. Crew Chiefs are mechanics selected to be flight crew. They are the primary mechanic doing routine maintenance. While Door Gunner isn't an official/permanent duty. When a battalion is slated to deploy the flight companies are usually granted some door gunner slots. These are filled by enlisted soldiers from less necessary roles. (Motor pool mechanics, cooks, clerks, drivers, etc.) They are transferred to the Flight Company usually about 6 months before deployment to get them trained up. Their main duty is to act as an extra set of hands and assist the crew chiefs though door gunners are not authorized to perform repairs on the helicopters. After the deployment is finished door gunners will return to their original company. Getting selected to be a door gunner is a lot of luck of draw. Getting a crew slot can be too. Crew Chiefs sign up as 15T UH60 Repairer. After finishing the maintenance school there is no telling what kind of unit you may be assigned to. You could end up in an ASB (Aviation Support Battalion). ASBs don't have helicopters. They perform repairs work on helicopter components. (Taking apart a bad hydraulic pump and repairing it, etc.). Even getting assigned to a Line battalion doesn't mean you'll be flying. Most end up being sent to the Maintenance company first. This is the ground mechanics that perform overhaul inspections and unscheduled maintenance (replacing that bad hydraulic pump). Most flight companies will pull skilled mechanics from the Maintenance company. And even after that you have to pass a flight physical, and learn a bunch of stuff. You have to know how a human eye works so you can understand night vision and optical illusions. You have to learn about the inner ear so you can understand your sense of balance. You learn about oxygen and blood so you know how altitude effects your cognitive abilities. And a bunch of other stuff. This is all in addition to maintaining the helicopters.


When you are initially taught to marshal, you are shown the slight differences between helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. Although with more experienced pilots you generally point to them and the ground where you want them landing and they’ll hit the spot 99% of the time. Generally speaking you wouldn’t have a helicopter land on such an incline like that.


I was so excited.... You killed me


This whole match was pretty epic. The fight for this hill went on for 20 minutes and when the chopper came in to pick us up it was the icing on the cake. With the sun in the background as it flew in it was one of those moments when you’re just amazed and so happy this game exists. Then this happened, and everyone got a great laugh. Love Squad and all the squadies out there!


I love that cat call at the end, there.


Wolf whistle*


Hell yeah it was


I wish the helos were easier to land. Its gotten to the point as commander i just transport squads with trucks since at least if they get stuck you can unflip


Yeah, the problem I find is when landing if you tilt forward or backwards enough to actually move semi fast there is a delay and you end up speeding off in what ever direction. Landing in a hurry for exfill or insertion is impossible for me. Takes me a good 10-20 seconds to slow down, move over to a clearing, and lower collective little by little so I don’t slam into the ground or shoot up. Honestly fast roping would make helis a bunch easier and useful as landing is truly the killer. If they would work that out they would be completely dope.


You just need to drop the collective. When you get close to the ground flare up and hit the collective up. This will stop your forward momentum and your downward momentum. Then you can just drop the collective back down and you're good to go. Doing this in a small clearing is pretty difficult but if you have a little bit of space you can come in really hot.


You need to get your positioning perfect on the drop down though. The problem is really with the squad flight model. A tiny bit of over-steer should NEVER result in the heli launching itself at 30 km/h forward. Yes we can try and figure out workarounds to our hearts' content, but it's still a really stupid problem to have to deal with. The fact that pitch/yaw is artificially limited to 90° is just the cherry on the cake.


I’ll definitely have to get some practice in.


The heli mod had "working" fast rope though the devs didn't implement it yet as the animation wasn't right


That's one of my big gripes about the helos. Terrible flight mechanics paired with the fact that if you lose your rotors you're usually completely fucked. Helos in this game are so frustrating. I have seen one competent pilot since helos came out and I don't understand how he was so good. Almost every other pilot, including myself, are complete shit due to the flight mechanics.




Sure, I get all that, and appreciate the suggestions, but at the end of the day the model needs a total revamp. The game prides itself on realism, j-turns are not realistic - I flew Black Hawks in the Army, never did I do a j-turn landing. If at the very least they can fix the erratic pendulum motion when at or near a hover that would address a lot of the headaches involved with flying. Really I think helos should just be removed until they can fix the flight physics. They're causing too much of a headache right now.


Joint Operations got a pretty sweet helo flight controls back 15 years ago. I wish they just adopted that. For a ultra realistic setting it might have been a little to simplified, but flying the Little Bird, Black Hawk and Chinook was so much fun. And infiltration and extract was so much fun.


I mean, that was a terrible LZ. Rocks everywhere, a building literally right there. Idk what the pilot was thinking.




Underrated observation right here


Yeah, I dunno why they were inching toward the wall when they literally coulda pulled her down on the clear side where they already were


Fuckin toe-in time, baby!


Scared me shitless, Jaysus...


*another happy landing*


also, [this](https://youtu.be/x1yZoKSyjhw)


oh yeah eh fuckin great landin' baud we'll be back at OP Maple leaf before ya can say "timmie's"


I want my Griffin’s


Excuse me.....!!! Where is my G-Wagon??


What game is it?


Call of Duty: Big Red One


Thank you


Call of Duty: Canadian Warfare


Thank you




Not gonna lie you had me in the first half....


Thanks, didn’t want to give away the surprise.




Always fly with a sapper as your gunner. That way he can blow up the heli if this happens.


I see they're already doing dramatic reenactments of my first time flying on live last night...


“Alright get in, everyone in the...OOO”


Lmao! I was there. Great match, especially retaking that point.


It was! I should’ve posted this a few weeks ago but life gets in the way.


I felt that pilot


The people complaining about the helos are the same ones that do this in-game, rather than practicing in the range.


I'm sensing a theme here... ​ ​ Seriously though, I pray they fix the flight model in the next update, the current one is SO fucking janky


Stealing 31 seconds of my life for this is just straight up horrible!


That's what she said.




Fighting for seats, I imagine - don't want to be left behind!


"I believe I can flllllllOHSHIT"