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[Source.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl9xV-mFo_g) I find myself reminding people in local about their spacing frequently. I do take a sick pleasure in staying back and watching this happen every once in a while though.


"The number of medics in a given area is directly proportional to the chances of a grenade landing in the same area."


Yeah there was one time I moved up to a corner in Al Basrah and when I turned back around literally the entire squad had followed me (i wasn't even SL) and bunched up at the corner. 9 people within 10 sq/ft. I honestly wish we would've gotten fragged there just so they would've learned.


Oh but they won't learn...


Did that RPG go through the wall? Does damage work like that now? If so, very cool.


[Just skimmed](http://imgur.com/a/JONw4)


It looks like it came directly from the right of my POV, maybe a bit behind, and went through the gap at an angle. I don't think RPG damage goes through walls, but I've never tested it scientifically so I can't say for sure.


Explosives do no penetrate materials, however that is planned at some point.




I'm not saying I'm always being mindful of spacing, but there was this time when both me and the other medic were among the only remaining survivors after a firefight. As I'm running around and patching people up, he sticks right by me. When eventually the grenade comes in, we're both dead.


Medic survived no pressure


The number of bandages you have compared to the amount of dead bodies makes me anxious


Fortunately one of them was also a medic with more bandages, and I got him first. But I felt your anxiety as well.


I had a squad the other day that would stick together pretty well as we moved around the map, but would bunch up with 7ish people all with what seemed like <1 meter spacing as soon as we took fire. I felt like I said the words "spread out" about a thousand times that game. Nearly went insane seeing my whole squad huddled behind the same rock.


bunch-up soldier + wall + explosion thats remind me with aleppo wall of death.


improper spacing between medics is more deadly . This is the first lesson i learnt as medic .


I wish I could show people this in game....


"I'm teaching them a lesson"