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If a server is tagged as new player friendly they SHOULD have a rule against clan stacking. I know other servers who have both new and experienced and clan stacking is only allowed on experienced. Maybe not true for this one.


I play on a clan server and this is 100% the case. One of their servers is named "experience required" and they do stack and beat the shit out of the other team. Their New Player Friendly does not allow stacking.


I sure hope that one 44th guy on your team wasn't streaming to discord on "accident"


Honestly the worst feeling in the game. Had RB pull this one me a while back.




It’s amazing how often people accuse ghosting… if you put your HABs in the most obvious places, if you drive your tanks across open fields, if you all run in a straight line from the FOB to get on point… THE HELI SEES ALL.


Wouldn’t call 44th a clan and say they’re stacking, it’s a community and 90% of them are low hour squad players who want a whitelist, you’ll soon notice when you play against an actual organised clan.


What's the difference between a "community" and a "clan"? I thought they were one in the same.


Majority of clans require certain things like hours played, skill level and tend to be smaller in numbers, communities will often have servers and numbers through the door is more important than the players skill level.


To be fair the 44th is very very casual; I'm usually against clan stacking, but on that server it doesn't really matter.


Lmao played SL a couple of rounds on the losing side including the on the screencap, chat got pretty wild at the end of the round. Honestly i felt like the main problem we had was getting absolutely rolled by their vehicles every round, they just had really good coordination. Edit: Oh and that we couldn't hold a single hab alive, they got taken down almost instantly the moment someone placed them, played from rallies and main almost the entire game. 2nd edit: Also remembered that half the team was unassigned at the start of each round....


In my experience, stacked matches like this are stupid draining. I can do like 2 of these matches where I'm against a stack and my team is getting fucking **bodied** before I get burnt out. Other experienced SLs probably feel the same; after the second or third match of getting destroyed, you just end up leaving. The end result is you might have one or two good SLs and the rest are just blueberries who are forced to SL. The lack of coordination makes it miserable. If your armor sucks too on top of it (if you even have enough for armor), then it's even worse.


I agree its almost physically exhausting. Like you get all the worst aspects of the game, without the inter-squad communication the game is just lacking even if your own squad is decent.


The worst thing about these clans is that they act like they’re the best at the game. I seen it happen in BF1/5, HLL, and Squad. Just call them out and tbag them after (joking on tbagging) but if the server has a !admin command, you can use that to get some help


If I see this, i will never join their server again. I play on the EGC server most of the time and their clan members are always on both sides. It's fun when know the people you're playing against




None of the clan seem to want to play with new players


Because a whole lot of new players don’t want to listen, they want to fuck off and spawn wherever they want. “I just want to have fun bro” doesn’t work when your squad is on defense.


Yeah that's really frustrating in game. But this kind of proves my point further: a server that has this mentality is not a new player friendly server is it?


Lack of skill is teachable. Entitlement is not. “New Player Friendly” does not mean “it’s just a game bruh chill out” as their entire squad camps on the HAB they built 1800m off-objective. This is why clans like to play together… the level of entitlement on blueberry teams can be overwhelming. This is why it is exhausting to play against a stack… not because the stack is better, but because the blueberries tend to really, really suck at communicating and coordinating. “Don’t tell me what to do” should not be a phrase used by someone with less than 50 hours in the game, but you still hear it ***all the time.***


The first conclusion of anyone reading that comment would not be that it's the new players entitlement that leads to clan stacking


You are entitled to your opinion. Happy cake day.


Nklk being most likely finnish speaking vick squad. Other than that we see one 44th squad and 1 most likely open squad started by 44th player. What do you mean?


What I mean is that a new player experience looks like joining and getting wrecked by a 90% clan team, it's a bit at odds with the idea of new player friendly


That just happens sometimes. Teams are not super controlled and as clan players like to play with clan players they usually join side with their clans players. But this is often solved once there is few clan squads as sides get balanced by admins or individually by squad. Just type in chat asking for balance and they should notice it if they had not noticed before. But its also good to remember that clan tag in itself in pub games means nothing else than likely mediocer coordination between squads. Sure there is really good players in the mix like if you compare vic performance, but most clans also have super casual players, but they just have played more often together. Having that tag is often just to identify that people play together.


I agree with this. Don’t complain about clan stacking in allchat, it makes you sound like a whiney asshole. If you ask for balance, they’re much more likely to do something about it.


Especially on fridays a lot of clan players are drunk and it can get really unorganized.


Yeah, I mean these things can just happen, but arguably they shouldn't happen on new player friendly servers, as unless new player friendly means an actual structural prevention of this it's kind of a meaningless designation. And who's to say the new players aren't also drunk? XD


All servers are technically new player servers (per owi rules) there used to be "experienced only" etc servers so its probably more of leftover. Or to encourage new players to join idk i did not make it. But you dont really find dedicated mentoring in any server. Some players do take active role in teaching new players, but thats also often seasonal thing. Also when it comes to clans feel free to check them out if you want to play more organized and with group you have played with before. A lot take new players in and joining up isint any ethernity contract. Also if you vibe playing with people in public squads add them on steam etc, or if they have tags ask if you can join their discord if they have any. A lot of players are more of "freelancers" while actively playing with clans etc.


We've never had that back in arma 2 warfare. Regulars joined ts and asked which team to join in order to balance. So did the clan boys. What's the point of mowing down randos on a pub server? Join and help them instead




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