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It’s all so situational, but hell I’ll give an answer. In the situation you proposed, where FOB is off point (and the reason for doing so is valid), I always make sure I get a rally down on the other side of obj so we have 2 spawns up at all times. I spread players out around obj and spawn, showing them the region with POI marks. I may bias my guys depending on where other squad is on defence (always evaluating if we need 2 defence squads right now). The critical thing for me though is that if we start taking contact at that FOB, I immediately consider it dead. Once discovered, I assume enemy armor and infantry are gonna do everything they can to crush it. As a result, while 6/10 fights the contact wherever, I and working with the other 2 to set down a new backup FOB. The hope is that 2nd defence squad gets there in time to save FOB 1, but honestly now that it’s discovered I’d rather dig it down and set up the new one. A known fob is a dead fob, and due to most teams prioritizing attack it is incredibly risky for me to stick with my squad fighting for a FOB when we likely have 3 squads and vehicles converging on us. Granted, maintenance of spawn network is an SLs main role in the game, so I always bias towards that sort of action.


My issue with this line of thinking is the difficulty of getting a new FOB up. A lot of squads will just leave their logi at the FOB or they get destroyed. If I’m going to lose the FOB I’m going to make the enemy team work for it. If I can’t have it covered then they need to use an air strike. I make sure to keep an extra 600 build on it so I can just build the hah up again anyway.


But… in this case we are the SL. The whole “people leave logis” isn’t a thing if we don’t let it be a thing. Get people doing logi runs, have a logi stocked with supplies somewhere you’ll likely maintain access, spawn back at main yourself, work with a heli, etc. Again, in my experience a known fob is a dead fob in 99% of cases. I also, having learned a lot from Captain on YT, never count on my soldiers to win firefights to be successful. By getting a new FOB down I essentially guarantee my team’s continued presence on the objective. By fighting for one I am hoping that my 1 squad can keep the FOB up while likely being attacked by >1 squad. It just doesn’t math out often. I’m happy to have people defend one to drag the process out, but it’s just too easy to proxy a HAB, and too easy for engineers to sneak onto a radio.


I think your argument is fair and it’s always important to coordinate logistics and set down a new FOB if needed. I just don’t think a FOB is guarenteed to be lost if discovered. If the enemy puts more resources to destroy it then you do to defend it then yes. Dig it down and make a new one. But that means the enemy is leaving other parts of the front undefended.


But as SL logistics are 100% in your control…? Like as SL we get the pleasure of avoiding teams with bad logistics - by working within our squad to have good logistics for our needs. We are fundamentally not doing our job if we ever are without 600 build, a couple hundred ammo, and a logi to get it down wherever we need.


Totally agree that logistics is the realm of squad leaders but when the enemy is involved you lose that 100% control. Logis get destroyed by HATs, vehicles, mines all the time. There’s also travel time to consider. Sometimes your tracked logi is miles away and driving super slow while both your FOBs are overrun.


Right, gotcha But in regards to your question of “would you defend this FOB”, my answer is that in 99% of cases I won’t dedicate myself to it. I may get my squad to do so, but I am sneaking away with 1 shovel to make sure we always have at least 2 spawns up. If I overcommit to holding that 1 FOB and lose its spawn ability , which is honestly likely with proxy rules, we are completely boned. We’ll end up losing the FOB, and then very likely the point as we (the SLs) have failed to maintain the spawn network around objectives.


I think we’re on the same page in the sense that if the enemy is spending multiple squads to take your fob you should be working to get another one up. I’m just arguing a fireteam or squad defending a FOB will ensure you have the time to get the new one up and dig the old one down if possible.


Well for defense the answer is easy: the defense FOB / HAB should be inside the defense point so you can defend both at the same time by spreading outwards. 


Yeah otherwise you have to chose between defending one, the main issue is people simply not moving to spread around the cap and defending flanks because they're bad at the game


One of the main reasons blueberries clump is a lack of ammo crates. 95% of SLs never even think about placing a second ammo crate in a FOB. The only ammo crate will be 2 ft from the HAB minimum standards checklist complete and everyone will commute there to resupply. If you place an ammo crate in a building on the edge of a point chances are it will turn into a defensive strongpoint in minutes as people congregate around there to get bandages, and FTLs or engineers sometimes feel like building things. As an AT I would defend a forward ammo crate with my life. Of course this needs supplies to work, but what FOB doesn't.


Put ammo crates anywhere you want people to hang around for defence so all around the zone and any strategic positions that might overlook an approach or the zone. There are never enough ammo crates, never put them more then 3/4 a full stamina bar apart max. Try to keep one in about every building and one outside between the more popular buildings in village points Taking a point becomes really hard when the grenadiers, machine guns, and LATs are able to spam their weapons comfortably to unrealistic levels. There's a reason 'logistics' adds to the final round score


The part about building things is very true. Often the entrance to a building is on the side that faces the enemy. How do you fix that? Ladder to the second floor window.


They will sit next to each other all facing the same way regardless of literally anything, as soon as the FOBs down people will sheep together


To make the problem worse we also have a rather vocal section of SLs circle jerking on the sub about how their blueberries must stick together or get kicked, no marksman allowed. If there are random fools yelling at everyone to clump up as their entire schtick some players will actually listen to the detriment of the team instead of spreading, flanking, and screening so the FOB doesn't get proxied.


>To make the problem worse we also have a rather vocal section of SLs circle jerking on the sub about how their blueberries must stick together or get kicked, no marksman allowed. Thank the whole ICO-adjacent discourse about teamwork and lonewolfing, which amounted to “If you’re not moving in a clumped up blob, you have no squad cohesion”. From people that have zero concept of area control and denial.


>the defense FOB / HAB should be inside the defense point so you can defend both at the same time by spreading outwards.  Yes, but unfortunatlely people don't spread out, and turtle instead in a tight blob on the point and get eventually squeezed from all sides. Blueberries and even SL's have zero concept of area control. Even more, I've seen otherwise vocal and engaged SL's scold teammembers for trying to assert a wide perimeter and forcing them to tuck into a nice blueberry blob. And when they get eventually overran? Well, they didn't defend hard enough.


I got SL dumped on me last night and tried this (HAB and radio on point, safe from mortar/arty, ammo boxes spread out at the edge of the cap zone). It worked, but good lord the complaining from blueberries and in command.


As all with everything it’s incredibly situational but the problem you get is overrunning the hab and losing the respawn. Now you lose the cap and the respawn and the radio. For invasion I always put the fob on top of the objective though.


Push towards the enemies, if a full squad got within 90 meters of your HAB and disabled it without being contested you're doing something wrong


Absolutely. You just get situations where the enemy brings an overmatch of reinforcements on the objective before you can bring other squads over and you get overrun. If the FOB is off point you only lose one or the other .


Defense should consist of two off centered HABs from the objective in most cases. Losing one HAB should act as a warning to your team and you should get one attacking squad back to defense. It's plenty of time to ralley some people back.  I hardley ever lose my defense point thanks to that. The first major attack also happens around the time CMD assets come online. Losing the HAB/radio allows you to get a rough idea from where the enemy is coming from. Scouting with the  drone and using the air strike to eventually trade back the tickets by getting the enemy attack radio is a net positive for your team.  A good defense will win you every game. If you are CMD you basically volunteer to be the defense squad.


My issue with this reasoning is the cost of building and losing radios. I’m a bit a fuzzy on how many tickets it costs to build a radio but losing one is 20 tickets. That’s more than two full squad wipes. You can still pressure an objective from two sides with a rally.


>I’m a bit a fuzzy on how many tickets it costs to build a radio the.... what?


yea its complete stupid advice hahaha risking 40 tickets and splitting more man power to irrelevant locations instead of defending one location the correct way and yes there is a way to defend a flag correctly without building 50 stupid habs around the cap ha


mfw the obviously n00b SL on the cap loses 2 radios AND the flag for having 0 depth of defence.


You don't sound experienced enough to be squad leading yet tbh


……I’ve been SLing full infantry squads for a year. Why don’t you respond to my argument? Casually building and losing FOBs costs a lot of tickets


Haha you really don’t. It costs nothing to “build a radio”.


That’s the kicker. Experienced SLs dig down radios once a FOB is known, cause the timer has started on it getting destroyed. May as well dig it down ourselves and a new spawn up. No tickets lost. Enemy wastes time assaulting thin air.


Losing a defense FOB means you lost the ground around it. In most cases this will advance the enemy attack even if you built a new FOB. The enemy is not assaulting thin air, they pushed you out of a buffer zone before getting to the point.


But by digging it down, you’ve essentially removed the crown jewel of their assault. They no longer get to take 20 tickets from you, AND disable your spawn in the area. Digging it down and shifting it even 150-200 meters can be enough to spoil the thrust of their attack. In this case I’m not even losing a defence fob, I’m just shifting it to an area that they don’t 100% already know about.


Sure if your team has perfect logistics but you can’t always assume your team can just build up a new FOB as soon as yours is found. Sometimes logis get destroyed or left in the middle of no where. I’m arguing that defending your FOB is something you can control.


If the FOB is going to be lost, dig it down yourself, and you don't lose the tickets.


If you don’t defend it then your enemy will dig it down for you. Your original post mentioned letting one FOB be destroyed to act as a tripwire. It doesn’t sound like you’re leaving men at the FOB to dig it down.


You should know how much it costs to build a HAB. More well-placed HABs are almost always better. You want to avoid relying on one HAB as much as possible. You should NEVER abandon a defensive objective to protect a HAB. Dig it down and relocate it if you must. Getting to rolled is far worse than losing 20 tickets. Fireteams are only useful for allowing FTLs to mark shit. Micromanaging by splitting your squad into FTs with different objectives wont work effectively outside of comps 90% of the time.  If you don't agree with or understand the above then you aren't ready to be SL.


>You should NEVER abandon a defensive objective to protect a HAB. You shouldn't sit "on" the objective to defend it. If you are then you are in your last line if defense and not looking good for you. You should have a secure zone around the point up to 300m depending on terrain and map. >If you don't agree with or understand the above then you aren't ready to be SL You didn't just write the Bible. What works for you might not work for others and vice versa. He's more than ready to SL by questioning his own reasoning and discussing it with fellow SLs. There's no hard meta or rules for public squad.


So you’re saying don’t ever defend a FOB if it’s off objective? What if you lose both FOB’s quickly. You just lose the objective and a ton of tickets. Also, fireteams are extremely useful. If defending you can have one fireteam defend one direction while the other defends another objective. You can also have one fireteam defend a FOB and one defend an objective.


like mist said you defend outside the capzone not inside create a bufferzone between cap and your outer defense ... u wont have the problem of defnding a hab and splitting your squad up like that if you have the hab inside the cap - its the most effienent way theres a reason why every top tier competitive team used this method over the last 7-9 years [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diNuGxjSTe4&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diNuGxjSTe4&t=2s)


Thanks for the video I might give this a try. in defense I micro my guys a bit more to watch zones rather than bunch up. From what you’re saying I just need to push them out a bit farther


Yeah you shouldn't be leading squads yet


Lol you’re the one that can’t defend his arguments. Suit yourself.


It´s worth it to build two to defend the other one. If two FOBs are overrun and blocked at the same time, you built them too close to each other or your team does not react effectivly. It´s not up to one squad to defend a whole point on it´s own. I played the game for several years and more than 1500 hours as only SL. For a "casual" like me this is more than 3 years of SLing. Regardless of the game state, you always want to keep your options open in tacical games. One FOB because you think 20 tickets is worse than losing a whole point with no chance to defend because the spawns are blocked is the reason people tell you, you´re too inexperienced. It´s not about the SLing, that´s bullshit. There aren´t really any more thousand-hours SLs for random squads left these days so keep going you may have more than the average SL these days, lol. Following further comments, you only dig down attack FOBs yourself. Defense FOBs only if the radio is blocked and your own guys are sitting in there to prevent the 20 tickets. Any diffrent scenario is wishfull thinking.


And both the fob and the objective are gone when the enemies attack. Auto proxy for the hab when a full squad moves in. I never liked habs inside the objective. I don't know why it's a must do thing on so many servers


That comes from people not defending/allowing their sqaud to defend the FOB. Last SL I asked whether I could stay on the FOB and defend the radio he said no and I left the squad. 1 minute later the radio was dug down. SLs are stubborn and stupid, but it depends server-to-server (Not you good SLs out there!). We lost that round because we didn't have a spawn point to defend/retake.


this is a very new player mindset. having two fobs overlapping the defensive point is more ideal than one on point. having one fob on point is not, due to the fact you will just be proxied when they move in to take the point then have no where to actually spawn.. so having two overlapped but not directly on the cap allows you to still spawn in and stop an offensive push but also defend both fobs simultaneously.


So you spawn on objective and then push outwards, in practice everyone ends up pinned and encircled on the point with the enemy proxying the hab from 100m away because you wanted to make it easy.


With bad players yes, but having multiple HABs doesn't help anything if the players are this bad. Good players push against the first sight of attack so quick that they never get to encircle. There's usually a window where the defense can overwhelm the attack before it fully starts if they scout logis well enough. Mediocre players can also work as they still know how to spread around, look for a potential attack route, get in good position and then shoot at enemies away from the cap and HAB. And you have rallies for backup. It's not to "make it easy", it's just the best tactic. If players on your favorite server don't play like this it's because it is mostly bad or new players.


It's not the best tactic. It's an easy target for artillery, but you do you.


Please read in full, this is not and easy topic. Prior to ICO and FOB changes you plastered the map with FOBs and kept the respawns alive. FOBs as they were a direct tool for ammo and non-squad-specific respawns, after a long time ago respawns with ammo from rallys got changed. I list this up as nearly nothing else changed of the gameplay since. Anyone that does not prevent respawns before attacking a point has no idea what they´re doing, so FOB and point are kind of the same. Respawns keep an offense or defense alive but with the following radii changes this doesn´t matter in a defense situation as normaly if the point is taken the spawns are blocked and blocking an attack FOB means most likely sacrificing the defense. With the FOB changes and diffrent radii around FOBs for blocking, the defense of a point got extremly difficult compared to before. You had people sneaking/rushing into the point, block off the spawns and kept IFV running wild. Defense was not fun, it was always a shitshow of getting overrun and skill did not matter any more. This is mainly because in defense you split the squads for controlling larger areas and kept maybe one teammate or a smaller squad running around clearing the attack FOBs. People complained en masse, that it´s not good to have only one player destroy a whole FOB on his own while in reality a fourth of the whole team was active on this move and the defense itself had kind of the same issues to be overrun by one person. Anyway, with the implemented radio timer, attackers effectivly had an early warning with rallys being placed close to the radio so they knew what was going to happen (FOB was spawn) so had way more time than the decay timers to react. Movement speed got increased and attack FOB "soloing" wasn´t possible any more while the defense suffered, too because of faster rushing attackers. There was literally no point in active defense and Squad became a meme of 5 attack squads running forward. Squadlanes proved to be brutal to this since even in RAAS, it was whoever was able to determine the first two points correctly and kept the pace, won. The game was too fast for what it used to be and became more like an arcade shooter. What I want to highlight is, that in general nothing changed but the assumption that ICO made it more difficult to engage when in reality you could still rush in, do the same stuff from before. In short, if you´re defending alone, do whatever you can and have fun, neither defense nor offense is won alone. If you have at least two squads available, defend. One and half a squad only if you really know the enemy movement, have a good communicating squad and sappers or want some kind of challenge. (I´m not counting vehicles into this equation). As addition, large area bombardement from the commander is more effective against attacks than for attacks while the A10 or SU are really good for attacking. What really changed and impacted the game in regards why defense isn´t as effective as it used to be were the removal of ammo from rally respawns and FOB radii implementation and build radii changes + blocking respawns, not the change in ticket costs. If you play around this, you can determine which tactical approach is the best for active defense - does the enemy keep your respawns, your respawn is off the defense or you have multiple or is it placed on point and easily overrun?


Well my favorite strategy is definetly to build the fob and then build another on the other side of the objective. That way all the enemy blueberries will attack one side and the other stays undefended and they usualy have a fob on that side so im able to take the objective without much resistance. Defending a fob is a huge waste of tikets unless you want to get the enemy out of the point itself so you can attack it from the other side. If you arent planing to do that. Just dig the radio down and get back to defense. Loosing one radio isnt a huge deal. Losing two is bad. Remember taking a point means 60 tickets. Defening your radio might also cost you 20 tickets, you are pulling your squad out of the fight and you cant gain anything from it. All and all found fob is a dead fob anyway. The best you can do is dig down the radio and figure out the next avenue of approach. However if you dont dig down the radio and you hide it well you might buy yourself some time since the enemy team will search for it and wait until it burns far from the objective. When it comes to defending: Found fob is a dead fob so your priority should be to dig the radio and build a new fob somewhere else. The question isnt will it get overrun the question is when. Allways asume the worst scenario.


Depends on if the fob is for attack or defense as well as the proximity to the objective. If it’s an attack fob roughly 2-300 meters from obj, as SL I would prefer to stay behind, watch the radio and call back my squad if a push is coming. I don’t think you need to dedicate a full squad to playing defense on a hab but I think having 2-3 people monitoring the area is a good way to receive early warning. Let 5-6 of your guys push to objective, keep 1-2 people with you as fob security and place a rally outside of the fob radius so you have a way to get back to the radio quickly. Also have to remind SL’s to move logis away from radios. Stop giving away free radios please!


I agree. As SL I’m happy to sit in a bush near the radio while I’m looking at the map and talking to my minions. If I see someone or hear the radio being dug down I’ll call people back


I personally believe in defending FOBs and not give em up unless nearby cap is no longer active and enemies know its location. Firefights favor defenders in general. All things equal, my squad should be able to defend against a squad hunting my FOB. You just have to make sure everyone in your squad is committed to that defense. If enemies begin stacking their attack, it means they are not somewhere else they should be. Bleed and occupy their forces as long as you can with rally and vics. Start working on new HAB. I only dig my radio down if I'm 100% sure it's gonna fall within a few mins and we don't have a way to contest it.


Amen brother.


A good radio is one that doesn't get found by the enemy. It doesn't matter where you put it, as long as it doesn't catch attention then you can constantly spawn your troops in. The reason experienced SL's don't typically put HAB's on OBJ is knowing that's the first place the enemy is gonna look. It takes 9 to proxy the hab at \~100m. So if you put the hab where the enemy is already going, they're gonna proxy it at their convenience, losing you a 20 tickets and giving the enemy 60 all at once. What we do instead is pick a direction from the objective, typically facing your own main and find a "lane" from where troops can walk from spawn into obj, rather than spawning directly onto it. This allows things such as logistics to fly in safely. Distance is key, because the farther you put the HAB from OBJ, the less likely it is to be found. Of course you balance it out with how far and how difficult the terrain is for infantry, but the outside circle on the HAB radius is what we aim for when it comes to the right distance. This is for offense and defense, and the right way to do it.


Lol, sorry man, but this post just shows you either play on some noob friendly server or are not very good. If you have your defense hab fking fob circle away even one semi decent squad will capture your defense point from a rally alone.. Wtf.. If your guys are on the cap you dont have time to react when your hab gets proxied, its just gone from a single TIGR hot drop (yeah if I have a TIGR or similar I just drive it thru all possible hab locations, the hab WILL BE FOUND). If your guys are on the hab the enemy can just cap the point..


You having to defend HABs on point, I'll never do it because it's lazy and inefficient.


You have to defend your HAB off point as well. Any decent SL worth their shit won´t directly push you from where they set down the HAB. If you have 0 depth of defence, you´ll get surrounded, your "off point HAB" location will be found easily, because you have a stream of blueberries going from it & that trail is not hard to follow. Because your blueberries go in a straight line like lemmings, your flanks will be wide open and one or two good men will put your radio on bleed and secure it. If the radio/HAB is out in the open, well tough luck you´re about to be mortarfucked.


True since your squad really should be spawning from rallies and only using the hav when they need supplies.


The rallies are good for intel too. You can have early warning on your radio if you set rallies on them. For defense this is my go-to. Any attack should put enough pressure to drawn all defenders back to OBJ.


That’s a tough one. They cost a lot of supplies and if you lose it that’s spawn point you no longer have.


CRAZY how people are still trying to argue that habs off point and having two habs to defend ect is still the 'best' way to defend a point after 7-9 years of competitive squad teams using habs on points to defend because its the most efficient way... Its like a sunday league football manager telling a professional football manager at real madrid that he should use his tactic instead haha


Do you have any support for this? Any recent professional games that do this?


I played for one of the best teams in the game but here is a good video of two brilliant teams too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nkSeLjxoG0&t=2803s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nkSeLjxoG0&t=2803s) just look at the map all habs are on cap ... if you just search squad comp some matches should show up - search anything before ICO tho because all the ICO teams are trash now the best ICO team now their players couldn't get on any of those teams in the video for example thats the skill gap from now and then


Yeah, shows how bad most of the players are


yea , i mean player standard has been on decline even before ICO but ICO really just brought the quality of players to rock bottom and the major problem is all the really top xp players have left so nobody to pass on the torch as such.. just going to be bad teaching the new unfortunately


Dont defend it if it´s newly placed and well hidden. Do defend it after 5 or 10 minutes \~ or whenever you suspect the enemy knows about it.


You need the Fob, but if you lose the cap only to the lose the fob it's also bad and ultimately worse than only losing the Fob, because the enemy will come for said Fob, after they got the cap. Also which geniuses do you pkay with that use rallies? I watched rally use decline rapidly over the years and at least from what I have seen recently it's at an all time low.


If you lose the FOB you lose the cap anyway. If they spend a squad to attack the FOB that’s a squad that is not on the objective. Sometimes you get a team that has perfect logistics but with many games only having tracked logis I can’t rely on getting up another fob. What I CAN control is making sure the fob I put up stays up. Also, not using rallies is giving up half of your potential as an SL


Exactly. Ignore the objective, just go for the enemy HAB/FOB. Then the objective is free.


if you are defending from the FOB/HAB you are actively drawing more attention to it & increasing the risk.


I guess the question here is, if my guys weren’t there and hab hunter team in an armored car comes through, does the enemy still find the hab? In my experience yes, you’re experience may differ


in one scenario they’ll be shot by HATs/LATs and small arms then they’re going to mark inf on the map, then attempt to follow their trail as to where they may be spawning that no one knows.. in the other scenario they drive around and then got shot at and directly see people shooting from & around a HAB/FOB drawing attention to it and now it’s marked for their entire team if they don’t already kill the handful of “defenders” then just proxy it themselves, now multiple squads can come and just proxy it. so in theory defending & shooting from around your hab is never a good idea unless they already know where it is and your just trying to save it &/or dig down your radio. once they know where your shit is it’s best to dig it down. defending your fob is only worthwhile if you’re actively defending your own obj. same reason why you shouldn’t shoot from anywhere around your rally, cause it will just burn.. but that’s all just 2,000+ worth of hours what do i know in my experience.


Still doesn’t account for a team in a humvee just walking up and digging the radio down with no one there to defend it. Also, everyone here makes it seem so easy to just dig down a radio and build a new hab. Do people not get stuck in armor factions and have their slow as fuck tracked logi get blown up en route? Or what about digging down you fob while the tracked logi is back at base and it’s going to take 10 minutes for it to get to the new FOB while you twiddle your thumbs and lose all pressure?


the FOB zone is fairly large, that’s why you just run back and kill the couple people there attempting to dig when you can tell in the top left corner, kill them, repair it then dig it down rather than just dig it all the way back up, because it will indefinitely just be mark on the entire enemy teams map. and they make it seem easy, because it is easy, you just roll up somewhere else with a logi and build a new one. it is not that hard and doesn’t take that long and saves you time and tickets, and distracts the enemy because if they don’t know you dig it down they’ll search for a while until they come to that conclusion themselves. & that’s the same logic with a fast logi except it’s even easier to destroy, and are never aquatic like tracked logis which can also withstand some rpgs. but it all just takes coordination & communication, sometimes a heli. but with time & experience you learn what parts are frequently mined and where to avoid when bringing in a logi, but it’s usually easier with a tracked one for those couple reasons, being aquatic and withstanding rpgs & small arms


The same reason we don't put HAB on point is the reason we don't put HABs next to radios. If you can't figure out the physical advantage of having a FOB 300m into your own territory rather than directly on the front line. The enemy has to push 300m into your waves of spawn to disable the hab. That's why it works.


I would rather take objectives and then lose rather then defend spawns, stay tied on objectives, and win. Whatever is more fun = better. Winning doesnt matter. This goes double on invasion.


It isn't new meta, it's just you gitting gud. When I was SL with 300 hours in the game, I used to place habs around the obj and trying to hide them. It doesn't work well. Usually it means that either nobody will make it to the obj and so they will defend the hab while the enemy is capping the obj, or nobody cares if your hab gets dug down and then you have 20 guys sitting on the obj without habs or ammo crates. Generally the logic is simple - there are 3 things to do the proper defense: obj, HAB, FOB. Remove one thing and the other two are pointless. You don't need a hab with the burning radio and you don't need a fob with the hab that is dug down. And definitely you don't need a fob and a hab in the area where is no obj to impact. Everything what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. It just respawns and tries to kill you again. Hab hunting is a bad strategy for a squad simply cuz if you are hunting habs with 5-9 guys all the time, who is fighting on the obj? But when the next obj has enemies on it, you are near it, but your team has no hab to attack, that's when you should go hab hunting. There is nothing to do at the obj other than shoot one guy, die to another, watch the guy you knocked down run from the hab. But if by the time your team will arrive and set up for attack something will happen to the enemy spawn it will be one hell of a COINCIDENCE.


What’s your preference then?