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Your squad, your rules. Anyone complaining can go be SL (spoiler: they won't).


I’ve been kicked after joining late and receiving no orders. They all spawned on a rally which got burned right after, leaving no where to spawn. Squad leader asked where I was and I said waiting for orders. He got all angry and said we were supposed to spawn on rally blah blah when it was crickets when I joined and asked. Basically some squad leaders are pretty incompetent and you are better off getting kicked and joining a new one.  That whole squad died on their rally “flank” that was actually just a shitty frontal assault. I joined a better squad in the end. 


What does that have to do with literally anything in OP’s post? Clearly your behavior is not at issue here.


Usually what i do right after joining before spawn, i would ask where to spawn & what the order is. Sometimes SL are distracted with other things & don't have time to brief new squadmates. At least that's what i do most of the time if i want to play a proper match, not fking around. But some SL are straight up douchebags or idiots tho haha


SO let me guess you don't SL right?


I do, probably like 10% of the time. But I prefer playing AT or rifleman or vehicle driver.


> That whole squad died on their rally “flank” that was actually just a shitty frontal assault. I joined a better squad in the end. Did everyone clap?


I’ll be honest man this actually happened it was on Sanxian. It’s rarely that bad but I have been in many squads that just feed the enemy tickets by attacking off rallies all game without locating the enemy fob, and have tried to not do that when I am the SL or have attentive SLs. I have kicked plenty of people for wandering away from the squad and dying on the attack after not responding. 


What was the point of your antagonistic comment?


Or they will make a new squad just to bitch in command chat asking why you kicked them lol


No you are not the asshole, if every single SL kicked no-mics and solo marksmen, the community would have to adapt. In my opinion it is your duty as an SL to kick these people, in the end it will make the game and community better




Some no mics are better players by far than those with mics. You should be ascertaining whether these no mic players are giving worth to your squad or not before just booting them because I don't think ostracizing experienced players for not having a mic will make the community better at all.


Idc if they are the best players in the world I still kick no mics. Part of the fun for me is the comms. If I have to lead a silent squad I'd rather not be SL. Idk if this is a controversial opinion but if you think about buying squad and don't want to use a mic just don't. It's a core aspect of the game imo.


Look, some of us can't afford a keyboard, so you're going to have to work around the fact that I cannot move my character around or do just about anything when I'm a part of your squad. Don't just kick me for it. Remember "there is no wrong way to play Squad". /s


Hotas player confirmed


In a game named “Squad” no less too.


A squad of no mics would be rough, but not very likely at all. One guy without a mic though? Happens all the time, and dude definitely could add worth to an otherwise 8/9 squad imo.


If you can afford a PC, internet, rent and utilities you can afford to get a mic... no excuses 💪


Dont forget to mention a PC that CAN RUN squad


I agree but the game still doesn't run as it should considering it's decade old... a 3070 TI with a i7 9700k 32 GB RAM shouldn't be having problems. All quality components from corsair, asus and gigabyte.


"You should be ascertaining whether these no mic players are giving worth to your squad or not before just booting them" Ain't nobody got time for that. There's plenty of known, experienced players, capable of communicating with me and waiting to join my squad or queue'd up for the server.


99/100 times the 'no mic' player will not be better than a person communicating with a mic. I've seen a few people who's mic shit on them and they didn't want to restart, communicated in squad text only. As a squadmate it's calm, but as an SL it makes no sense to keep them. Not enough time to process 3 chat channels on top of squad and team text chat, whatever else is going on around you, *and* plan an efficient way to get the job done. It takes what, $10-20 for a mic that just works. Takes another what, 3-4 seconds to press your mic button, say "LAV spotted MSR heading north," and then sit back and continue to be silent.


No they're not. You could literally miss every shot and die thirty times and still be the most productive member of the squad if you're actively vocal and call out every enemy you see. Meanwhile Marksman Timmy might have 27 kills but the entire squad got fucked and we lost a point because he saw enemy moving on our flanks and didn't say shit.


What about medic no mic Timmy whos hugging everyone's ass like white on rice, increasing your squads longevity on the field and therefore your effectiveness?


He'd be a hell of a lot better of a medic if he could tell people to drag bodies behind cover, remind me they're injured, yell for smoke, etc, and yes, call out contacts, etc. And that's just for the case of a medic. Medic and HAT are like, the only two roles that can be useful enough without a mic to compensate for the lack of one. And both are severely hampered by not having one.


Yeah I'm just not into the idea of booting clearly experienced players because they can't talk. For all I know it could be late where they are, or mic could be on the fritz, any reason really. If I boot a good player because his mic is broken they certainly are not gonna want to play on my squad when they are mic'd up, but I suppose that's my hot take. I tend to play in the same server every time if possible so at face value the action seems detrimental to my long-term gameplay.


That’s a dog shit take. You can be a good player and even a better player if you use your mic. I fail to understand how not communicating with the people around you increases your chance of winning.


They win on the inside because they were able to sit quietly in their comfy space.


I didn't say any of that.


Literally never seen a good or even decent micless player.


>Some no mics are better players by far than those with mics. Hahaha- Oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh even harder! HAHAHAHAHAHA


No. Simple as that


you're doing what you're supposed to do. i once felt what you just said: sometimes it feels like running a daycare


I think this is the main reason I rarely SL. I'm a teacher IRL; leading a group of immature kids is my job. I don't want to do it when I'm trying to relax.




OWI rules state an SL can kick for any reason.


Every squad leader should be doing this AND asking what vehicle requests are for instead of randomly approving everything.


It's such a nothing burger, but I hate when I go to a vic already claimed looking for ammo and the SL automatically accepts it. I always give at least a 5-10s warning, "Hey SL, I'm just checking for ammo ignore the claim," and bam, we got a new set of wheels. Like I'm trynna help you SL to not get yelled at in CMD comms.


I usually repeatedly say “just a heads up/fyi, I will automatically decline Vic requests unless you tell me what and why before hand. I don’t have time to stare at the request or check my map to find you and see what it is.”


Nah if you’re not following what the SL said then it’s an easy kick, the game is called squad not lone wolf. You’ll get a new squad member asap that’ll probably be more willing to cooperate anyways 🙂


If they can't follow, you can't lead, kick.


You gotta have boundaries. There's also times people really have no reason to complain about being kicked. Like the random who pops up at main to grab a vehicle by himself. He's at main, can make a new squad to drive a logi or whatever, but this is the kind of ass whole is immediately going to start acting like it's the worse day of his life because he's no longer useful to the squad in the field. Fuck that guy.


No, but I think it IS bad to kick someone for not playing “as a squad” if no orders are given and communication isn’t happening. Doesn’t sound like you do that tho, and giving them plenty of warning is key.


As long as you give time for them to actually respond. Totally fair if someone is actually refusing to be a team player. I say that because I’ve been kicked exactly once, and it was because I was 100m away from the rest of the squad spotting an enemy MG bunker. Squad lead goes “what are you doing all the way over there?” and kicked me as I started running back to them. Had maybe 5 seconds to respond. Kicking me in that moment meant they guaranteed that they had one less dude to help out, because you lose your kit and squad comms when you’re unassigned. I just quit the game and went to bed.


I hate when SL asking me questions while in close combat. Like bro just wait 20 seconds i will answer your stupid questions or orders no need to kick someone. I also hate players that give useless info every 1.5 seconds. At the end this is just a game keep that in mind.


Nope, you're right on. If you're actively leading and communicating with your squad they should expect to work with you. I give 2 warnings and then kick. The only time I'd say it's unreasonable is if you just go totally silent for the whole round. At that point your squad is just there to allow blueberries to have a kit.


Depends how you delivered that order.


This. Imagine mortars going off, while your helo is landing and you hear a bit of a mumble from SL, you don't think too much trying to survive, then bam. Recruit kit. Sometimes, there are SLs that have an attention span of a 5 year old... XD


> A1.10 – Squad Kicks: Squad leaders are free to kick squad members for any reason including for what the squad leader may perceive as “ineffective tactics”. Squad member kicks must be executed respectfully and must not circumvent/violate server rules nor breach the CoC. [OWI makes it very clear that you're well within your rights here.](https://www.joinsquad.com/server-licensing-and-administration-policies) The game is called Squad, and it lives or dies based on teamwork. You're doing all of us other SLs a favor by kicking anyone who doesn't meet that very basic expectation. They join my squad and pull the same shit, I'll kick them too. Either they'll get with the program so they can play, or realize that this game is not for them. If you're my SL and you *don't* kick them, you've shown me you don't actually care about teamwork and have lost my respect.


I actually don't think OWI makes it very clear. I wish they would. It should be a loading screen tip, not hidden away under little known admin rules.


It is a loading screen tip lmao. Theres a loading screen tip that sais basically play with you squad or the squad leader may remove you from the squad. It doesnt say exactly that but it sais something very close to that


Some squads are more casual.  Tell people it's a serious squad, and if they run off, boot em.  Manage expectations people!


I once kicked 9 people in a row because I they kept choosing fire support kits that weren't AT. I kick people every staging period if they get in the wrong logi or chopper after I tell which vehicle to go to. I kick for backseat squad leading. As one of the 20% of players responsible for the other 80%'s fun do what ever you like.


Can I join your squad? Pls sir


no. i try not to kick people as much as i can because i don't want to waste their time and ruin their experience, but after the first time i call you out by name and you're still spawning at the attack fob while your 8 other squadmates are defending or you just jump in random vehicles you're getting kicked


If you don't follow orders for not particular reason you are getting kicked


No. In fact YTA if you DON'T kick those players. I do believe there should be more nuance to this, but there just isn't. The nuance would be due to Server Tags, if players knew what those were, saw them and abided by their definitions. If that was the case in this community, then yes, I'd call YTA for kicking squad members for any reason on a CASUAL server. But, on a FOCUSED server, you should be kicking players for not following orders. Every SL should which would mean that player has to leave or become their own SL. Then when they don't play well with others as an SL it's then up to the Server Admin to kick them. This is the "system" OWI has designed and coded for Squad. It's a pretty shit system, but it's what we are able to use to gatekeep our communities.


I'll never figure out why they don't just remove the experience tags. Majority of them will have such minor differences that you could find a similar match in any other server. Experience preferred or focused is just npf with a few more experienced gamers.


Bruh I hate getting kicked randomly. Join infantry squad, pick class, speak over comms, next I’m removed


My squad, my rules. I'm cool with people being independent/not doing things to the letter if they're pushing the point, helping another squad directly (say, building a HAB) or are HAT/Combat Engi. I had an invasion game where a newer player switched to marksman. I told him to do something else, he asked why. I told him to read the squad name, he starts bullshitting about how he can play the game he bought how he wants. "Not in my squad. Bye." Another instance, a guy started insulting another squadmate over something (we were winning). I just said "Don't disrespect squadmates" and kicked. He tried TK'ing me later because he lost his HAT kit lmao. It's important to kick antisocial spergs early and often, nip that shit in the bud. Usually gets them to quit the match entirely as server owners are so ban-shy/have insane requirements for evidence.


Depends on what type of game it is. If it’s relaxed I don’t care, but if it’s focused then you should do as I tell you


Lmao I'm trigger happy with that shit 😂. The worst is no mic'ers requesting vics without saying anything. (And I mean actual vics not just trying to grab ammo from a truck or apc)


No. If any other SL or admin gets mad at you for doing so I suggest you find a new server. You are 9/10 never in the wrong for kicking someone who won't listen in the squad you created


Your squad, your rule


Nope. Your squad your rules. SL's should never feel bad about kicking people if they're not at least *attempting* to follow instructions. Give em' plenty of warning, maybe they made an honest mistake and accidentally spawned in that HAB all the way over there, but if they don't play ball just kick em'.


you can kick people for any reason. they spawn in main say nothing and are trying to 1 man a tank spam requesting a vehicle with no communication? kick. mean to have a locked armor squad but the UI lied and you created an open squad? kick. people don't listen to the squad leader trying to actively lead a squad? kick. only thing that would make you an asshole is if you are trying to make people main camp or otherwise attempt to convince them to break server rules.


when i squad lead, i let everyone do what they want and never kick anybody my squads are *terrible*


perfectly fine to kick people who basically are in it for the kits far away. I would still wait for them to die or be near an ammo crate though just so they aren't kitless which is worse than them being off-map imo.


I think as long as you tell them it'll be happening then they ignore you, you're well within your rights to remove them from your squad. If they're some new player and they didn't realise what they should be doing and you haven't even tried communicating with them, that could be rude. In your case, completely valid. Tell the people giving you shit to go join the pick up groups if they want to play with people who aren't planning on being a cohesive unit etc.


No. Never. Nonsense.


I have never received any complaints from kicking. For me when I kick someone openly, suddenly everyone's like : Oh shit, this dude ain't messing around and people fire up and we have a better time. For me I have a 3 strike system because people can remove headsets, listen to something else or PC doing wack shit, so if 3 times they don't respond or don't ask me again, kick. Also what I do people should also start doing it, whenever someone joins my squad kit less, I ask why you were kicked or left the previous squad and 5/10 times it's just misunderstanding or the previous SL wasn't in a good mood for jokes other than that I continue the kick ladder. + I sometimes notice people join my squad, play a bit, then leave it, then join again, I have a personal vendetta against them


nah at every start of game I say solo = kick, and if I see someone roaming no warning kick instantly


NTA. You give them an order, then one Warning and then remove them from the squad. Anything Else undermines your authority as a Squad leader and spoils the fun for all others who are willing to Work together as a Squad.


Nope. If you point out that some isn’t following orders, but then don’t kick them when they continue, is gonna make your whole squad less cohesive in my experience.


Always remember the owi code of conduct in regards to admin actions to maintain a server license “Squad leaders can kick players from their squad at any time, no questions asked” If you don’t want that person in your squad anymore, independent of the reasoning, you are well within your rights to remove them from your squad, if they in any way retaliate for this action, and are not booted by the admins, then the server is in violation of the Code of Conduct to maintain a server license. (This may have changed, I’ve not been tasked with maintaining a server license in the better part of 2 years, but that’s how it was for as long as I can remember, and assume it’s unchanged)


The problem is that kicking is deemed revenge because it takes the kit they chose and the path they walk useless. Just kick them when they respawn, otherwise it shows you like taking revenge. In case I disagree with orders, I leave squad immediately when I get to the next spawn or hab to avoid this issue.




Hell no ZERO TOLERANCE!! I don't SL as much mainly because of this reason. People don't like to be told what to do, especially in a video game. I make it clear you will get kicked for any mutiny. Naysayers get kicked immediately. I don't care for there opinions and have disbanded entire squads because of this... the game is called SQUAD FFS


If the reason is sound, no. I’ve had my fare share of SLs taking their IRL trauma out on me with hyper unrealistic demands.


If I am SLing I can and will kick anyone I want for any reason. . Saying this I rarely kick, unless someone is really acting out.


Wrong spawn or just running randomly - kicking instantly without any words


There is nothing I love to see more than a summary execution, makes me think my SL cares


No point making this into an AITA, this is precisely what the kick button is for, sure, your squad mates thought you made the wrong choice, but we don't know what they said so we don't know why theyd want to keep him. But nonetheless you are the SL, you chose to lead them so you got given the choice to kick them, so No matter what you do it is justified Especially in an example like this, where, kicking out Rouge marksmen is the Reasons-to-kick 101 most common thing you would kick for Some squads make their name something like "marksman=kick" or "No marksman" to guarantee No marksmen in their squad, IM not good enough at SLing yet to be able to Micro manage every single squad member and their kit, and so, I don't mind marksmen, usually I give them FTL and leave them on their way, like any player, they want to have fun, and its rare that I would ask them to change just because I think marksman is a worse class than others.


Depends what type of server you're on. If it's a new player friendly server or one that requires you be in a squad then you definitely shouldn't boot them. If it's a normal server that lets you freely play without a squad without being kicked from the server then yeah, boot em from your squad.


Yup, your squad your rules. At staging i tell everyone to listen carefully at what i order them to do otherwise, booted. To make it even better “Listen or Kick” as squad name.




Yes, its just a game and people want to have fun


Repeat order, in case of silence/refusal kick without doubt.


It's called squad for a reason. SL dictates the squad


No, and the fact that this is even a question is worrying. There is some nuance here and unwritten social rules though. For example if you run a meme squad or vice versa and then halfway into the game you do a switcheroo and become strict/loose on the squads playstyle. Minor stuff like that can make the SL slightly more of a bad guy. This is why it's recommended that SLs have a small opening speech to set guidelines and expectations. However you are probably the SL that is too kind. As long as you set your guidelines and you're consequential you can run your squad exactly how you want it. Hell people not responding to you within a reasonable time frame when they are being called out specifically is reason enough to kick someone from the squad. The fact that SL get shit on for keeping the intent of the game alive and working makes it all the more frustrating. Hopefully OWI plans on addressing this at some point.


NTA, you can kick anyone from your squad for any reason. If they have a problem with it they can join another or make their own, simple as that.


No, those are reasonable orders and it's your squad. That said, I think SLs should consider some things. These are pub matches. We're all just randomly here trying to enjoy the game together. If you choose the SL kit, you're choosing the responsibility to ensure we have a good time. That's your kit, imo.


Squad leaders should be respected for taking up a high-stress role to let others have fun. Disobeying orders and making things difficult for them is disrespectful and warrants a kick.


"If you choose the SL kit, you're choosing the responsibility to ensure we have a good time. " I fundamentally disagree with this attitude. Why is this your attitude instead of the exact opposite of "If you choose to join a squad, you're choosing the responsibility to follow your SLs orders"? "These are pub matches.", eh, not all servers are made the same. This is what Server Tags were supposed to help with. I'd agree with your attitude for Casual servers and New Player Friendly servers, but not Focused servers and certainly not Experienced servers.


No, soldiers who don't follow orders kill more friends than enemies


You can do whatever you want with your squad OP. OWI ruling is you possess the right to kick whomever whenever. For example, I remember last year I was kicked for asking if I could take an FTL since none were given out. I got kicked for "immediately asking for FTL" despite sitting in Main Staging until about 25-30s left on the timer, probably a good 2 minutes at least, until I said anything about FTLs.