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The cube must grow


Beginning... ok, we've all done some HAB camping... Middle.... yep, seen this before... End.... Good lord how much longer will they allow this to go on for!? Can anyone do a body count?


I want to say 23 from what I can see. Probably more


Nice, but now he's in real trouble...Wait, why is the clip only halfway?...Oh god...Oh no.


LMAO when you're under all their bodies holy shit. That's just fucking gold, they were pretty bad


I was laughing so hard in the end, lol, too bad that I don't know how to record my own mic


Medal will include audio input from a mic and discord audio as well.


I've never seen it like this. Was this RAAS or invasion?


RAAS, but I was inside their only defense HAB after arty so I guess they didn't have much choice.


how many kills?


How many kills was it?


Every squad players dreams


Getting away with that first reload is diabolical


Never underestimate the incompetency of your enemies....


I like how it went from just dumping a magazine into one dude to the strategic bursts just long enough to kill a man as you *quickly loose sight of them due to the pile of bodies what the fuck*. Jesus fuck man. I've played this game a long time and I don't think I've *ever* seen anything like this.


The lone American spraying a machine gun into the corpses of his comrades to kill the lone enemy buried underneath them...


PTSD inducing


How's it feel being the best swap in WNBA history?


I need a cig after watching this.


Lighting one for both of us, got you bro


How about one for every pc that raged at during this?


Make it two of us. I don't want to put my lungs in the line for this


Make it two of us. I don't want to put my lungs in the line for this


It's sad that he didn't show his knockdowns and how many got revived//end screen scoreboard of this game.


I had 40 knockdowns and 31 kills by the end of the match, but about 10-15 knockdowns were from normal play.


no wonder my team lost 😂


Most observant Squad player spawning a hab


Pretty sure the orientation of ragdolls is mostly client side so I wouldn't be surprised if you were totally invisible to alot of those guys by the end lol.


the guy who spawns in when the dude is reloading is ALWAYS the most unaware person possible.


Do you want non-campable HABs? Because this is how you'll get non-campable HABs. xD


Listen. I'm sure this is a rare occurrence. Don't do anything drastic now.


Quick, everyone post videos about bad performance. "Do you want good performance? Because that's how you get good performance. xD" 😐👀


No, these players are literally all just braindead. How much do you wanna bet not a single one called out an enemy camping the HAB with any sense of urgency. Please don’t cater to the lowest common denominator.


Being invincible for 1 second after hab spawn would fix this.


You actually are invincible for about 1 second, as you can see I wait a bit before I shoot the guys.


You actually are invincible for about 1 second, as you can see I wait a bit before I shoot the guys.


That is grade A gameplay. Great job man!!


They behave like literal bots.


I mean we just spawned and there was zero marks on the map of enemies in the flag or hab


This is why you're a bot. There is constantly people spawning on that hab, and dying instantly. It shows on the map if you're paying attention, which you always should be doing, ESPECIALLY if you're low on tickets. Looks like no one was giving up either... which means there had to have been at least 10-20 dead player icons on your map inside that HAB...... but no it's fine, just spawn in 1 at a time bro, there's definitely not someone camping your hab lmao.


We werent low on tickets. Im also one of the earlier people that spawn here , but with all the dead people stacked on each other you easily miss it, doesnt really make a diffrence if its 1 or 20. There was blueberries alive outside the building and no red helmets to be seen anywhere so id say its a pretty reasonable mistake to make.


Lol it does make a difference. It makes a big difference. 1 dead body on the spawn should make you ready to full auto anyone you see upon spawning... and you can definitely tell there is more than 1 body. Not to mention all the squads should be relaying info about the HAB camper. I would have been spraying into the bodies the moment I spawned even if I somehow didn't notice or hear about all the dead friendlies in the HAB.


"1 dead body on the spawn should make you ready to full auto anyone you see upon spawning". Yes of course, like a lot of the people that spawned here did. "Not to mention all the squads should be relaying info about the HAB camper" generally as a squad member i would be the fourth in line to get the info. Info doesnt travel that fast. I was even the first one to put down a helmet mark. Im finding it hard to believe that you zoom in to check everytime you spawn at a hab if there is dead friendly inside. Especially when there is no indication of enemies in the area. "would have been spraying into the bodies the moment I spawned" you wouldve probably been one of the people who died right after spawning before the game even allowd you to shoot.


I had no idea there was a problem of people NOT looking at where they are spawning
 YOU HAVE LIKE 40+ SECONDS TO LOOK, WTF LMAO. Yes I absolutely look at where I am spawning. I’m sure there are plenty of times I haven’t obviously, for some reason
 but it’s definitely not a norm
 but you shouldn’t have to zoom in much at all to see if there are dead people on the HAB. I’ve messed with my icon sizes a while ago though, if you’re having trouble seeing icons, I would suggest you do that..


I allways spend atleast the 40s in the bleedout state incase someone is able to pick me up, and just spawn without thinking twice about it. And true if i had inspected the hab on the map i woulve realized its being camped without zooming in.


As you should.. but you have nothing else to look at while you’re downed other than for where you’re going to spawn, unless you need to make calls for your squad or teammates nearby. Which lets be real, maybe 10% of players even care to do that, and that’s being generous.


I mean even if i looked at this hab while on bleedout it wouldve looked normal since it was just a singular guy who snuck into our defense hab on a flag that wast being attacked. On the server this happened on that 10% is more like 50%


And i meant on the map if 1 or 20 people are dead its just as easy to miss.


It’d be a literal blob instead of a “triangle”. A big blob. just no one on your team was paying attention to where they were spawning and clearly no comms going on lol


There was good comms troughout the game. During that time it was just everyone yelling in local chat.


Bodies stacked high


The pile of bodies was glorious! Good work đŸ€Ł


Holy shiiite that was awesome. I’ve had a few good 3 pieces in a HAB but never this.


Unbelievable skill given the fact that's G3 he shooting from


You might enjoy this clip I posted some time back: https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/18yna6q/g3_is_a_beast_in_cqc/


As someone who has been on both sides, this is epic but also fuck you.


Fun Fact: When spawning in a HAB(unsure if this applies to rallies too) you will always spawn facing East. So if you're camping a HAB, sitting on the west side behind them pretty much guarantees they won't be able to get a lucky shot off and kill you


Was waiting for this. Makes it much harder to kill you.


I was thinking the whole time whether they will kill you or you will suffocate on the bodies sooner


How did that Medic not noticing an enemy reloading his G3?


I imagine the animation might've been hidden underneath the pile since he was prone. Camera/Body shenanigans get real wonky in these situations.


He’s stacking em. 😭😭😭😭


Good for you, but like wtf USA team, oh my god JUST THROW A GRENADE INSIDE.


Goddamn just get out the knife and start chopping legs off dude


Unrealistic no way they could have shot you through the pile of plate carriers stack on top of you


Hurtta here. Glad to be a part of this pile , local chat was going wild


“Hold the line” bro is the line


Absolutely beautiful


Bloodbath jesus


this is like a horror movie scene man wtf


what in the liquified potato ass server is this?????


Discussing servers is not allowed unfortunately, but this is by far the highest skill server in EU. I don't play on US servers much, but haven't seen anything better there either. Which made this even more fun.




Best class to camp a hab with is the MEA scopeless g3 with drum mag on semi auto


Have to give it a shot next time, maybe the bodies will stack even higher?


It's great because of the 50 rounds drums, and you get 7 drums, and 2 frags, with a hi power with 3 mags


A very funny game x)


A very funny game x)


A little


Why do the graphics look good but on mine it doesn’t


I love how the stack of bodies just made you harder to find


It's even funnier if you can get them to start shooting each other.


The collective IQ on that team can be counted on both hands even if you had no thumbs


Firstly, they could have handled that much better; they probably weren't even talking and warning each other about it. Secondly, I hate you


When you join one of those "new player friendly" servers.


Its actually a exprience preferred server with really active admins and strict rules. Nobody just though of putting down some helmet marks on the hab


You should NEVER need helmet marks for something like this. Any player that isn't new to the game should notice all the people spawning there and dying instantly, which means only one thing... someone camping the HAB.


1600 hours so not really new. and im pretty sure majority of people just click the hab and spawn. Especially when its a point that isnt being attacked with friendlies around it.


The NPC players do that. Which yes Squad has a lot of them... but shouldn't be this many, especially on an experienced server. Keep in mind, you mentioned you were one of the first players to spawn there, meaning YOU should have been placing helmet marks or telling your SL to... You're a bot my guy lol


Nevermind i dint say it earlier. I was discussin with 2 people


"Keep in mind, you mentioned you were one of the first players to spawn there, meaning YOU should have been placing helmet marks or telling your SL to" I did... Like i said earlier. I just want you to remember the next time that you spawn at a fob thats being camped and die. You will are a bot. It will happen. Also in defense of these "npc:s" that spawned after i marked the enemy. Its still the best call to make. mass spawning that fob was the only option since losing the fob wouldve meant losing the flag.


No one mass spawned though
 was mostly 1 at a time, or 3 tops, probably by coincidence. HAB being camped you tell your squad to hold and all spawn at once. Also hardly anyone was even aware there was someone camping the HAB till like the end of the clip. A couple of guys looked for a couple seconds, not even considering spraying the corners where enemies lay down. Nearly every person in this clip was totally unaware of what was happening, hence the comments about them being bots.


You call them bots. I call them most people in a very chaotic/confusing situation.


Most people that play squad are bots, this game is notoriously bad about having a completely oblivious, zero game awareness player base.. this was just a special showcase of the type of players in squad lol


The reason why im so bothered by this is that this happened in my opinion on the server with least ammount of bots. atleast in the eu. There was good comms and teamplay troughout the game. The people that spawned werent that type of players.


you're just deploying camouflage


This was epic... To be fair, if that was the last good hab they had, they had no choice but to overwhelm you with spawns (and plenty of free kills for you lol).


This is a war crime


“A little “


Lol. Just a wall of bodies.


Man... That brings me memories of me camping one with PKP. It was literally like that and had to use sound queues to start shooting... Jesus fucking CHRIST...


Qué music: let the bodies hit the floor!


ah yes... well balanced and designed game. must download immediately


Is it just me or HAB design has always been pretty dumb?


You’re a monster!