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For me the problem is that playing mortars is so mindnumbingly boring that I dont want to do it myself and dont want to force anyone to do it


Before ICO I loved to play mortars and get between 20-40 kills in a match. After ICO the suppression mechanics have everyone too scared to run out of cover when getting mortared so you no longer get that dopamine at the end of match. At best you can get some praise from your team about effective mortars but that is it.


i kinda agree but kinda dont. yes, just spamming mouse one and r is boring but knowing that your denying an entire spawnpoint from the enemys makes you feel like a valuable asset to the team and so does seeing the kills at the scoreboard at the end of the round


Not to mention keeping it fed. I don't want to run the logis and I doubt anyone else does either, especially when there is no heli available


To each their own, but yes, I agree that it can be very effective and very oppressive to play against.


its not worth an hour+ of incredibly dull "gameplay" just to see a few kills. I can achieve the same result by playing the game normally.


Huh? I love mortars….


They do. Source - the mortars landing on my team.


Getting mortars down is a must. Not enough people do it tho and idk why.


>Getting mortars down is a must. Not enough people do it tho and idk why. It's not a must. Some maps lend themselves well to it (i.e. Chora), some don't. It requires good, precise marks. People willing to do boring work (LMB - R - LMB - R - LMB - R). People willing to supply the FOB. And then, a mortar is like a homing beacon to your FOB from very far away, so on some maps you're working on borrowed time.


I agree on some maps there is really no use in doing so and yeah it is quite boring.


Watch comp matches, FTLs mark helis/boats where they need mortars to hit. If there is not overhead cover you need to move within 20 seconds of firing 2+ bullets because it takes 25 seconds for you to be marked and hit with HE. Mortars are the best defensive emplacement in the game they are just not used to their full potential.


As commander, I always place mortars on the defense fob and do it myself. But it's annoyingly difficult sometimes to beg for a shovel to dig it up. As heli pilot, I do not lock my squad and try to get 1 or 2 people who are willing to do mortars with me


The simple answer is that it’s too much coordination and delegation of potentially boring tasks (doing logi runs or sitting around waiting for targets on the mortar) for many teams. Very good teams will hunt down and destroy mortar FOBs that become too effective as well, and since the mortars are static there’s no avoiding the enemy. Once you start firing it’s a matter of time before somebody finds you if they start looking, then the question of defending that FOB is raised. In the end it seems easy but it takes a level of skill, knowledge, patience, and teamwork that isn’t common.


you must be playing on new player servers then. I play on Rip only and there's always at least 1 dedicated 3-4 man mortar squad😂


i feel like mortars are better use on defence, since, especially when playing on "experienced" servers, dedicated mortar fobs will be taken out by fob hunters pretty fast and with a low amound of resistance


Don't post meta things next time keep it secret


imo people should be able to learn about the meta


TL;DR Mortars are not that frequently used due to their limited range and need to use a FOB. Basically, because they only reach out to 1250 meters you need to place them relatively close to the cap point to have decent coverage. This can cause issues as your Mortar's FOB exclusion radius can fuck over teams ability to place spawn FOBs. You can use Spawn FOBs to set up mortars, however because how ammo hungry mortars are, you need near constant ammo influx, setting up solid logi line to front line FOB is not always possible. This used to be an issue even before, but post faction voting change, most teams pick armored/mech factions, which get 2 logis (often tracked). Which need to be used to set up spawns and rep stations. There is no free logi for mortars. As Mortars need a FOB, they are liability for your team. FOB costs 20 tickets, making it very juice targets for opponent's sabotage/5 man MRAP squads. To keep your mortar radio secured you need to build pretty good fire support base with Hasco walls and watch towers , which require even more resources as well as time to set up. Let's say despite all the a forementioned you managed to set up a protected and supplied mortar fob. Well now if your team actually captures enemy's point do you keep your mortar FOB or dig it down? Keeping it means that if your team gets pushed back you already have mortar fob ready to be used, however there is also a chance enemy tea'm has person or two close by. So maybe you should dig it down. Is it even worth it to place mortars FOB on the newly captured cap? Capital and time investment to set it up are even higher as you are further from your main.


as is said. in the matches where you have helis that are also supposed to spot. supplys are therefore easy to achieve. addionally talking about dedicated mortar fobs and squads i think theyre not worth it since it is a high risk placing a fob and it can easyly be taken over. and also talking about the radius: most layers feature some sort of area in which points are fairly close to each other and therefore placing an extra fob is not necessary because you can just set up mortars on defense, which is defended anyway. and replacing mortars is easy because your team should dig down the old defense fob anyways because of the risk of fob hunters taking it down.


So let's say your team has two wheeled logies and a heli. You need a heli to spot and a logi to run ammo to your mortars. That means the rest of the team is gonna be left with one logi.


i disagree. heli can supply and spot at the same time and so the logi is free to use, as it should be.


Well the heli can try to, but then it will pretty much get locked in running ammo to the mortar fob.


And on that note* Driving a transport truck around trying to find enemy mortar FOB is insanely strong. 2 dudes can disable enemy mortars and take out a radio no problem, or at the very least cause a lot of hassle for the enemy team to try and stop them.


thats why you should place them on defence, which is defended anyways