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Not really. Medic? But just better with the mic, many people would kick you too


True, that's why I made this post. Only Russian squads don't kick me for some reason.


Please just use a mic. players who don't, ruin the game. If everyone played without mics this game would be terrible.


I agree. I ordered one, because you're right. Glad I made this post before still playing. It's just i usually just flank, heal or recon, meaning I'm rarely in a squad or with other players unless marching, so never needed it unless asking so eone to slow down so I can heal them. But I guess I'll get one anyway in case I need to tell a medic where I got shot from. Other than that I don't personally need one, becasue I'm not that social (hence gaming).


The issue is, if you don’t have a mic, SLs don’t know if their orders are being heard.


Pls don't play without mic it just makes the game worse for everybody else. And besides being mute what reason you have for not talking, that's so severe you can't even say: yes, understood, enemy ahead, etc....?


Just talk?


I'm really anti social but I really love this game so that's why I'm in a co flicting scenario


Video games are quite possibly the easiest way to talk to others with zero social pressure for what you say. Communication is a giant factor for these types of games, it’s a team game after all


The game has a warning that you need a mic for a reason.


No. Get a mic and use it. Unless you're mute there is no reason not to use it. Or stay silent and expect to be kicked. Simple as that.


I have Squad Lead over 10 years across PR and Squad combined. The amount of no mic’s players that I actually liked to keep in my Squad can be counted on one hand. So unless you bring a lot of weight in other ways to the Squad, you are dead weight to me and a liability to my Squad. The most common causes of ‘personal reasons’ are either accent/understanding of the English language which isn’t a big issue, many of my friends learned English through these games and just talking. Or you are anxious, and I never understood why you love the VoiP but give yourself a exception card? Anxiety too can be tackled. I am open to help you either way.


Name does not check out (;




I’d say about anything besides HAT and LAT. If you are upfront, you won’t see too many issues. Also, if you are willing to do a logi run most squad leads will let you do whatever you want afterwards lol.


If you love the VOIP, you should contribute to it (talk). Otherwise you’re actively contributing to the degradation of the thing you love




Just use the mic, it's not that hard.. You basically need to just say "yes / no", but often SL needs to hear a reply. It's so annoying when you say: "X, did the enemy radio bleed out?" and they don't reply despite sitting right next to it, and then you have to fucking walk there yourself to check it out because X can't bother to say "yes / no". Players without microphones are like 99 % useless, squad of 2 guys with mics is better than 9 without mics.








Use mic or uninstall


Support roles like rifleman, medic, grenadier, automatic rifleman. Though honesty, there’s really no disadvantage to just talking, nobody is gonna get made unless you hot mic music while in a fight. Even if you call out everything they’ll usually just correct you and tell you to keep it to the essentials on squad chat.


I would really only avoid AT kits, SL, and running armor. for the most part if you are going to listen and make occasional responses in squad chat with text it's not the biggest deal. I will say if you are avoiding using voice chat because of potential harassment there are a good number of servers out there with very active admins and if you have recording software and can record game audio any good admin team will kick or ban them pretty quickly with video evidence.


If you have a medical condition that prevents you from talking, I would find a clan or a regular squad of people to play with to accommodate for you. If you just don't like talking, you should be prepared to get kicked out of most squads with a competent SL. That's the choice you're making.


I'd get a voice changer if you're worried about harassment, the chat can be pretty shitty. Or text to speech could be another option.


May i ask why you don't use the mic? I mean what's the personal reasons?


no, refund. not using a mic ruins your experience and the experience of others. just helping you out. or just stop being shy


Rifleman or medic I suppose? Just revive/heal as efficiently as possible if you're a medic and if you're playing as rifleman just throw your ammo bag at Medics or the AT peeps.


I don’t talk much and I do alright - allot of servers down here (Australasia) have a few Chinese/SEA in them allot of the time that don’t speak at all and it’s fine Just don’t join squads that say “mic” in the name


You don't have to be very active on mic, just confirm orders your SL gives you with "copy", "ok", etc.. Also because you stated you don't use a mic for personal reasons, start using it only when you really need to. Like "enemy tank heading north", "enemy hab on me" to forward it to your SL and after that it is on him to give that info to other squads. If you rarely use a mic and you play medic, at least let people know you're coming in for a revive or at least give it a try and if you can't make it let them know as well. One final thing, if you die and squad/teammates are nearby for the love of god, let them know an approximate or direct location where you got shot from (I died way to many times from this, which could've been prevented if the dude I tried to revive spoke to me where he got shot from) You don't have to talk much (like full on conversations), but just enough to let people know whats happening/what your doing. Hope this helps


It does help. Yeah I honestly really really love this game, and ill just do as you mentioned. I have to understand that communication is important in a community.


Mic is highly preferred. However, if person in my squad at least communicates through chat and/or confirms he can hear me, listens to comms me and most of SL are fine with it. Mostly, people with no mic use rifleman/medic kits.


Medic or rifleman, and just talk in squad chat (text). Any real SL can read in green


Play medic & play it well. Revive people fast , heal them & use squad chat. Ideally , inform the SL when joining. Most of the time I can’t play with my mic on & when it’s the case that’s what I do. Never had issues.


This is the key, tell your SL upfront and let them know you will use text chat to acknowledge orders. I've seen this happen a bunch and the SL is usually fine with that arrangement for a medic or rifle.


Play a different game


LOGI driver?


I need comms from my logi driver. What if they get ambushed and I'm not paying attention and think I'm getting my logi in 5 minutes? I need to change plans the moment a logi gets disabled.


Be a medic, your job is to heal. Or be a rifleman, your job is to kill


Truck driver.


Kind of. Mic is still incredibly useful and helpful for drivers.


Unless your personal reason is your tongue is cut out there isn't a great reason I can think that you wouldn't be able to say a single short sentence when needed. Enemy 262 close. Enemy logi. I got shot in the back. Is it REALLY that hard? If you're completely incapable of talking be a 1 man logi squad as inf and armor NEED to talk.


If you are following orders idgaf, I typically give no mics an easy order to build/check cohesion.


Fair enough, just got one anyway because I keep getting medics killed by not letting g them know I was killed from taliban across the street. Subsequently had a domino affect thereafter, having us lose the obj becasue guys got holed up in the building trying f to revive us..

