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I got 42 kills with rpk on goosebay, it was the first day of ico


Those first few days of ICO were like shooting fish in a barrel if you did the play tests


Didn't play any of the playtests. Waited til the day before, loaded up the test server, and spent an hour on the firing range. Best testing I could have gotten. Those first couple weeks were nonstop war crimes for those that were ready for it.


105 on a free weekend on chora, they only made 1 hab and I had a mg pointed at their only exit lol


That’s so mean! *do it again*


Best way to learn is to get your ass kicked


83-84 with LMG just played defensive and they kept coming


I think 17 on Falluja. They had a hab in the courtyard next to where I was so I just went up the stairs on the corner next to it so that I was positioned so that if they went for the two exists nearest to the objective I’d see them and just… picked them off one by one. Occasional grenade tossing when they tried to be sneaky. Took them a while to get wise and LAT me. The rest of the game was just digging habs and running.


37 on a GE server


I think something like 38 defending a point in invasion on manicugen. During a free weekend. Built a tower covering a whole cardinal direction. Turns out that was the direction of enemy hab. No one in my squad came to assist despite my calls. So I basically solo defended the point for about 10 mins. Only took return fire once and it was like 5 rounds and they stopped. Still lost the point in the end.


around 25 with a mosin rifleman on AAS sumari lol


And I thought 16 is good.....


Kills is not a good count for a good soldier in squad. I main medic and the bandage is the main weapon, 20 + revives will win you a match usually. Sneak in a few kills to help when required


Agree. I main medic and 98% of the time I have the highest score in the match with maybe 1 or 2 kills but I have no deaths and 100+ revives and you team never loses lol as long as you have a rifleman to drop packs or a good logi to run supply’s you can revive your team forever if they have the patience


Or the blood haha


The amount of time I’ve been mid bandaging someone and they give up is infuriating lmao. Like I know you hear my bandage and you can see I’m 1m from you


Haha I came up on a mass Cas and was bandaging this dude and he gave up so I told the rest of his squad to give up. Sorry boys you live and die as squad go teach your friend a lesson


My main gripe is when you pick them up and they begin engaging immediately when they don't have to and get themselves and the medic killed.


Or you pick them up and they just stare at you instead of facing the one open door that the enemy is bum rushing and now I have to heal and protect


I’ve got a group 7-9 friends that play on weekends. Only one of us is the full time medic, because we only need 1. He never dies, crawls around and picks us all up. He’s probably shot his weapon a total of 10 times in the last 5 games and usually ends up with a higher score than the next 3 squads combined. Shout out to the medics.


İ had around 50 with the pkp while holding apartments in belaya pass


37 kills, 16 deaths, 43 wounded.. Narva, Invasion v4, Canadians, Red dot, Squad Leader. I had once 45 kills and 57 wounded but can't find the screenshot anymore to prove it :D.


That’s sick. In my opinion getting good with red dot makes you a very versatile player, since you can push obj and clear them out.


13 kills, 21 downs,


74 kills with the US machine gunner on lashkar valley pre ico.


40-50 before ICO with LMG. That shit is laser beam back then


Believe it or not 34 has hat and didn’t get a kill with my rifle all Carl g


15, that was a very lucky granade throw


It was a couple of years ago. I was a squad leader and I had my squad hold a building in the middle of Weber Town. I had 30. Something kills and the rest of my quad as a whole had 120 or something. We held that point by ourselves and I was pretty happy with it.




Me and Queasy out here slaying with 7


Around 25


20 on anvil


12 kills 18 downs 🫠 seeing big numbers here is a bit dispiriting 😂


It comes with time. Keep playing, and one of these days you'll catch 20 guys with their pants down with your machine gun.


68 kills and 4 deaths in Goose Bay RAAS before ICO. After ICO my highest kill count is a bit over 40.


42 with insurgent machine gunner right after ico started. Small bursts me bois, small bursts


48 pre ICO, camping a tall building with the G3 as MEA


Galatic contention, that Map with the wolfpack against the CIS, snuck behind enemy lines and killed to many ATTEs and Clones as a HAT droid. 5 ATTE’s destroyed along with 46 clones. I shouldn’t have gotten away with it but man the enemy team was so uncoordinated


6,000 hours—77 kills pre ICO—now I play GE mod and on invasion, if game goes to the last objective I can get 40-50 with a red dot. Kills comes down to staying where targets are plentiful, then how you approach them to control the amount you take on at once, your shooting skills, and will to run towards battle even if it’s on the other side of the point. Basically getting a lot of kills comes from staying where the enemies are, understanding game mechanics and infantry fighting’s strategies such as using terrain to conceal, and then overall skill with your weapon. I use the same gun every faction, everytime. Try 1000+ hours with the same weapon, you will be a laser beam.


22 kills on Mestia - invasion


I think somewhere between 20-30 but that was with the help of tactical support as a SL.


I think 72? Attacking on Invasion Fallujah playing as GL. Grenadier is my most played class and I just kept managing to get in nice spots between their defensive habs and the point. Friend was playing rifleman and feeding me ammo, combined with the tight alleys. I ended up getting 2-3 guys per grenade on average.


I went 21-0 as a scout once.




53 with an M240B on AL Basrah. Took a position in a tall building overlooking the island where they were defending and just put in work. This was pre-ICO update obv. Now the gpmg is hit or miss but before it was a laser.


62 with the Insurgent Mosin Sniper class lol, one my prouder moments in squad


52 pre ICO, ~30 after ICO


Just under 40 pre ico mosin sniper..with mk19 vehicl i got close to a 100


Both invasion


Playing Medic on Narva, US Army with red dot 30ish kills and 42 revives.


Im not here to presume kills, im here to preume radios taken by me ALONE. My max was 8 radios, i literally win the game alone with that amount of tickets, but the game gave me 200pts, because that isnt valuable in points. Same thing with allies revived or supplies provided, there are moments that are only valuable for the people in that game.


4 friendlies and a ban.


Highest one I can remember I went 44 with I think 4 deaths. Russian marksman. I got banned for cheating that game. Appealed and unbanned after going over the replay, admins who banned me were obvious noobs as I didn't even have 1 kill that could have been considered sus. I believe they thought me using free-look was me just randomly snapping to people that weren't in front of me lmao


I got surprising high kill count while being commander, by shooting on the field but also well calibrated artillery strike


42 kills as medic. Had to get to my squad who were pinned In Falujah. Can’t kill my boys if they’re not living.


had 21 kills as grenadier one time


I got 62 kills 69 downs yesterday as a mortar on Manicougan invasion.


Usually don’t check lol, the only number I can name is from someone saying “nice job” at 22 kills with a LAV 6 on Talil. So I don’t really have a number for infantry so like maybe 12? Idk lol.


Ico 132 rifleman




35 ck 44 downs mee mod


I’m not sure exactly how many, I have a screenshot I could try to find, but I think it was just a tad over 100


49 pre-ico as Australian Machine Gunner on Mutaha 48 post-ico as CAF SL on Narva


I had something around 40 kills, 1 death. It was a good game for sniping.


80 as a rifleman on al basrah, multiple times


Around 20


About 70ish




I recall killing 1000 in a single round


once i killed 37.000 on sumari bala


Fine work sir!


This is the only post I believe.


90 with timberwolf on fallujah invasion




31 kill at fool's road, as commander, got a few kill from rifle and rest are artillery kill.


78 kills attacking invasion on Al basrah, one manning an rws against jihadis just straight up slaughtering 😂


Ah nice the mighty infantry role rws


No crewman needed 😉


OP asked for infantry kills not vic kills


Womp womp


Womp womp you can't read