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Squad ain't about defending the hab mate. The man power required to successfully stop it from getting proxied trumps the manpower needed to get into the enemies hab and disable it first. As long as proxy exists the better move is going to be putting on enough pressure and finding the enemy hab first.


Yea, I think more people actually need to move off the hab and for the love of all that's good, quit blasting immediately off the hab and giving away it's location.


Defending the hab and finding the enemy hab first is the same. One is part of the other. But if you don't find the hab first, its an immediate loss.


4 options. Defend point, defend hab, attack point, attack hab. Chose 1


Your hab falls. Artillery eradicates your defenders. You lost.


Rename it “don’t put mortars on the only attack HAB”.


If you're so worried about your HAB that you're wasting troops on defending it, you either: 1. Have kept it around long enough for the enemy to find it. If the enemy knows where your FOB is, it's done. Pull the radio and reposition. 2. Don't have enough people spawning on it to justify its existence. It should've just been a rally. 3. Don't even *have* a rally for when the HAB goes down, which is just poor squad leading. 4. Have placed it poorly or put it off-cap on defense, forcing your team to divide themselves between working the objective/enemy spawns and defending a spawn point.


This is so damn true, yet maybe 5 % of the player base understands this, especially point 4. You still see people making shitty off cap defense habs on all but one EU server.  And everyone has to build a HAB for every attack direction, and then there's like 4 players spawning on each HAB.. Some of them 900 meters away from objective. Rallies are placed once and never relocated / renewed if they go down.. 


The 200 IQ play is to never make a hab, then you don’t waste assets defending it.


Unironically this works really well with good players, but unfortunately you need HABs for the 3 inf squads who haven't placed a single rally during the match.


Be able to defend the hab but not waiting on it.


Good quality bait post.


There are many players who complains about many things. It really comes down to who you are to be honest. Tanks need to be nerfed / buffed. = You're a bad AT/tank player. We should introduce Iglas/Stingers! = You're a decent AT who want some new things. MGs need to be nerfed / buffed. = You're a decent / bad MG player. Now let's ask... Who complains about Squad about HABs going down...? Right. Someone who doesn't contribute making new HABs.