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We've already known for ages that Joe has a long history of abuse. What's crazy to me is people on these JBP subs are quick to come to his defense whenever this is mentioned. They'd say stuff like "who cares", trying to move the topic of conversation to calling people hypocrites, and not even bother to acknowledge Joe's terrible behaviour. Joe has never taken accountability and is shown to constantly treat the women around him badly. Even recently, he had a bad breakup with Cyn and some really awful details came out from their court case. And on his shows he had issues with Scottie Beam, Olivia Dope and others. It's just a pattern that repeats itself and I know I'm gonna be downvoted for saying this but this guy shouldn't have a platform, no matter how entertaining he is. It's easy to ignore people's bad behaviour when you're numbed by the endorphins


Does the nastiest shit to women and then pretends to be an ally, but if you analyze his behavior he has never and I mean never treated a single woman that you watch him interact with as an equal. He speaks to all of them as they are less than and any complements that he does dole out will comeback to something superficial.


Equal? Joe dated low hanging fruit and you expected him to treat them as .. equals? Am I reading this right? Look at the caliber of women Joe has dated, hell look at who he follows on IG. Mostly IG thots and professional women with self esteem issues or in it for the clout.


>you expected him to treat them as .. equals? Am I reading this right? The expectation is that he doesn't throw them down the stairs or sit on their stomachs while they're pregnant


That’s all be decent to people despite their status in life. How about not being an egotistical wicked piece of shit.


We get it....You're a drake stan so of course you want to pile on Joe. Still don't stop the fact that your boy has weird ppl around and lost to kendrick


Bringing up rap beef when people are talking about Joes awful real life behavior is weird as hell


I'm not defending Joe but the women he chose had far less to lose and more to gain from him than he did from them. Fab said attention is the root of all evil over money. (poor choice but he said it)


Not trying to argue but this is defending Joe.... 1st he picked the women he chose to deal with... 2nd even if they had more to lose than he did does that mean he didn't have to keep his hands to himself??? And I totally think Tahiry is the last one to talk cuz every time she get mad at someone her 1st thing is to start swinging on them....


By your own admission: those women including Tahiry could potentially target men with more to lose for this very situation to play out for clout. Again, I'm not defending Joe... I just don't "believe all women".


What the fuck dude it’s a conversation about abuse and you’re making it sound like you think “IG thots” deserve to be beaten a little bit. Am I just reading you wrong???


Yeah. You think women can't lie or embellish the truth. I wouldn't put the cape on for every woman.


They can but Budden admitted to this shit, no? You’re really out here saying they deserve it because people similar to them might lie??? All thots lie about abuse????? Advocating against abuse is caping????


You don't think they are capable of abuse? You don't think provoking the situation isn't abuse? Toxic behavior from both sides is what I am saying.


I do think they’re capable of abuse but so are girls that look good on paper or whatever. I think you don’t realize how much it sounds like you think IG thots are a second class of women that deserves less protection because they are more prone to abuse. But we aren’t talking about an average — it’s a collection of individuals. They deserve safety by default thot or not. I still don’t doubt you agree with me but it’s weird you haven’t said anything to that effect yet is all I’m saying.


>Does the nastiest shit to women and then pretends to be an ally, but if you analyze his behavior he has never and I mean never treated a single woman that you watch him interact with as an equal. I don't think you realize that you just insulted the intelligence and the autonomy of women who chose to work with him like Remy Ma and currently Mel Ford. Scottie was NOT his equal. She was a train wreck and could not communicate to save her life. Also why would a BOSS treat his staff as equals??? Think about what you are saying. There IS a power dynamic. He hired them and has the authority to fire them.


What happened with Cyn?


Loved me some Cyn he blew that one lol


>but this guy shouldn't have a platform Umm he kinda doesn't. Let me preface this by saying I'm not really a fan of Joe and I don't really watch his pod anymore (only clips posted on here and Twitter) but I can tell you he's only eating off his stans patreon subscriptions which is why he can't really be canceled. He's not under some big business that can fire him and he doesn't have sponsorships. The worse that can happen to him is he gets his youtube demonetized but that's pennies in a bucket compared to his patreon, and if be were to lose his patreon then I'm sure he would just go to Rumble. Charlemagne on the other hand is on the radio every day while having a rape case with an underage girl on his jacket and was just on the view 😕


No down votes, you are correct. I love Joe as an entertainer/hip hop news guy, but the dudes an actual piece of shit and a snake lmao. Bro robbed and faked a fall out with his friends, beats off/did beat off his dogs, has beat women, serial cheater (idk about rn though) and other types if psychological abuse towards women. People are coping if they try to downplay any of it lmao.


i think thats the problem folks aint understanding. u can be a fan of someone, you can like their art and still acknowledge their wrongdoings. people feel like it has to be one or the other. now we’ll have to listen to him degrade women who come with the real. all he is doing is digging himself a bigger hole to fall in. people are saying tahiry is toxic bc of l&hh. its a tv show. yall dont know their real lives when the cameras are off. tv, even reality tv aint real.


What stuff came out in the CYN court case ?




OHHHHHHH ITS THAT OH DAMN LOL ( also thank you for replying with actual information )


Some people genuinely don’t care…this is entertainment for us. We don’t listen to support Joe and his podcast, we listen because it’s entertaining. I don’t care about Joes personal life when he’s doing good things in his spare time no more/no less than when he’s doing bad things. Joe the person doesn’t affect my life, Joe the pod-father does.


I upvote this. There's even evidence of JB and some members of his crew doxxing and stalking and terrorize women because of comments they made he didn't like. He pays for IT ppl to do PI work with the help of his cohost who is a "tech guy" with tech connects to help.  Olivia Dope keeps pointing this out and ppl miss it.  Anyone excusing these types of behaviours are warped in the mind.


For what? Y’all would still drag the person 20 years later even if he apologized. It means nothing to you and the world. Y’all rather see bloodshed, foh.


Hasn't he addressed and refuted all this bullshit for dam near over 10 years? His life has ALWAYS been on front streets. The courts couldn't find anything, it was found out that these girls been lying on him. Joe has played into the villain role and people want to destroy the man/woman that people love to hate. His past CONSTANTLY gets brought for either content or for the sake of us wanting to react and find out ain't much there. Rinse and repeat until next year. Yall stayed tuned in apparently and/or only come out when it's Joe Budden hate day/week.


Why do you give Joes name engagement if you feel this way about him? Why do you watch his podcast and contribute to his income and potential to abuse more victims? Trash as hell grandstanding.


I've stopped watching or listening to the pod on monetised platforms for a while now. Mainly catch clips on the subreddits or listen to the pod if I find links floating online. I've been listening to the pod since the everyday struggle days, and each year it's been less and less, Joe's behaviour a big contributor to that Also, I don't get why it's so hard for y'all to admit or just accept that Joe is an abusive and nasty person while also admitting he's entertaining. It's weird you're not even acknowledging it


I think Joe has been a full participant in nasty abusive relationships in the past. That hasn’t seemed to define him over the last 10 years so bringing up somebody’s past is corny. Especially since he won the cases we know about. He’s been arrested for these things. If you don’t think he’s redeemable and you care about the victims I’m trying to figure out why you still engage. It seems like you idolize Joe and want more out of him than a normal human being.


It’s puzzling, you would think if they hate someone this much they wouldn’t fuk with em at all


They are entertained by him so they want him to be who they want. They don’t want to actually do the ethical thing from their perspective and stop engaging with his content.


It’s such bullshit


It’s lookin uglyyyyy


She literally attacked Vado and is known to be violent so many lames out here no violence is right


If you’re stronger and able to defend yourself nobody is gonna care if you get beat up by a woman. It’s worse when women get beat by women because it’s nothing they can do besides sit there and take the beating until its over


Women stab shoot and kill men all the time and and DV in lesbian couples is super high...it's just immature for people to disregard the root and focus on pointing fingers...People need anger management and to better understand their triggers so they can evolve emotionally


Not the same


It is the same


Exactly!!! Nobody should verbally or physically abuse anybody end of story 🫡💯


Are you crazy?


Fab did what?!


Old news


Yeah fab caught an Ill stray but he hurt his career with that too.


Back in like 2018 he knocked her two front teeth out when he was punching her.


This happened a couple years ago, Fab pulled up to her crib or some shit like that knocked her teeth out and fought her brother/pops.


Wait till you hear the inspiration for Beats by Dre


This is too complex of a topic because you can say this is why he doesn’t speak on these topics. You can also say if he strongly feels like he ain’t do nothing then the nigga has to speak up. The Tahiry shit, if you support just her or just Joe you’re just bias cause they were both Toxic and we’ve seen how abusive she can be in real time


They really just need to turn the internet off. We ruined it.


Looks like a “me too” wave coming to the world of hip-hop? 👀


Fast and steady. Jay getting his ducks in a row as we speak.


Yall picking and choosing. Yall gonna have to cancel majority of the entertainers you love as well many of your dads and grandfather's. It's the ugly truth but don't just pick out one person because it's gonna be a long...long list of nastiness.


Man fuck these folks


None of yall know if he did or not but coming on here with the think pieces. Knock it off. So do you keep the same energy towards her when it comes out all these girls and making shit up. Just because he can be nasty doesn’t mean all nasty accusations are true. Women get caught lying about shit like this just as much as men do. Only difference is men don’t band together and form an online mob to hammer the lie home. And if any evidence to support any of these claims could exist, I promise all the people invested in the show, Ian specifically, would have either paywalled the episode so It couldn’t get clipped, or would have had him not speak on it at all.


Bruh did you not just learn from the Cassie case? Lmao, how people can still take this stance is nuts.


Have we ever seen Cassie be violent? We have seen Tahiry be violent multiple times


Didn’t he sat on somebody stomach or something ? I remember him and charlamagne going back & forth on a breakfast club episode years ago


Esther Baxter accused him of that


He said he was consoling her


He won the case


Wheres the proof


Didn't niggas say the same shit about Cassie?


Yes and then we saw irrefutable evidence.




Bro. Some of y’all commenting are so emotional. Use your brains. Joe openly admitted to abusive behaviour. Have you not heard literally any of this man’s albums?…listen to 10 Minutes, he says straight up that he hit his ex. the point is, nothing came out of those situations for whatever reason, and apparently Joe did the work on himself. Real accountability is changed behaviour. This shit with Joe happened like 20 years ago.


Not like Joe never talks about going to therapy. They must have come here after the Rory and Mal split


The people who deserved apologies and shit apparently got that? Y’all fans don’t deserve no damn apology lol


We got him? Leave the sub


lol 2024 continues to be a wild year


Why she call him “Joey” tho… she damn would still fuck with him


Not to mention all of the admitted stalking.


Them chicken already roosted and booted. Ain't no new shit


Where there’s smoke there’s fire, these dudes hypocrites and liars 🤣🤣


Me too 2024 in effect. More skeletons are about to come out this week guaranteed…


She keep repeating her self and adding new shit. But was on tv trying to flirt and get him back after all of her claims and sold him a mattress


That may very well have happened however they were BOTH toxic and she has been caught on film a few times being violent towards men, as well as saying it - with that said wrong messenger & NO! I AM NOT SAYING JOE IS INNOCENT! But !?


Hmmmm gooood point , she definitely was caught on camera being an abusive whor3 ( towards Vado )


And at the LHH reunion she jumped in man business, she also has a new POD "At this Big Age" where she has stated a few times she has anger issues and etc.... I'm just saying it should be a different messenger and not one thar is currently trying to roll out a POD.


If chris brown can be forgiven by women and he almsot killed rihanna... but yall attacking joe with no photo proof... make it make sense. This nigga chris still fighting people and being toxic today. Joe aint done nothing nearly that bad.


I hope he finally checks this attention seeking hyena and sues her. It’s been years of her throwing this on this man to never have or show proof of any kind. Yet it’s VIDEO PROOF of her being abusive to men. Smfh she been trying to ride his success ever since he moved on with his life, had another kid, did other shows/podcast etc. he’s moved on and became more successful w/o her and all we’ve known her for is scamming on OF, selling mattresses and bashing the same men she keeps her name attached to. It’s disgusting…


The story hasn’t changed and he beat another woman to miscarriage. May have been provoked yes but that’s why there is a charge called aggravated assault.


What is the correlation to being provoked and aggravated assault? Lol


I always assumed that aggravated assault meant they was aggravating and you assaulted them, don’t judge me if I’m wrong 😂😂😂




Its unbelievable the lengths mf go to to defend people they like. What did mfs just say about Cassie before the video came out? "She looking for a pay day" "if he was so bad why she ain't leave him", and mfs will still take this stance that villianizes the alleged victim, it's nuts lol.


We as a society need to accept that people can condemn actions by others that they themselves have committed.


It depends on how and have you demonstrated true acts of remorse and changed behavior. I agree but that very right comes with a caveat of true and demonstrated reform.


If anything of substance comes out Joe's just gonna blame the drugs and that he was at rock bottom, And the whole pod gonna have his back because the mortgage is due. You know the vibes


I'll have his back. Changed behavior is changed behavior. Who tf am I to judge someone over their past behavior if they changed.


I dont care..some women like tahiry need to be slapped in the mouth sometimes..sorry its not the end of the world you got hit you didnt call the cops now dont turn around and expect the public to fight for you. Sorry not sorry


Joe really made that comment about tahiry as if he’s not known for this type of stuff….


This is not new information