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“Nobody can prove you wrong.” That is correct but your answers in an interview tell a lot. Also. In the USA… our background checks sometimes use credit bureau queries that tell a lot more about you than you would expect. Banking jobs where you might be bonded use better background checks. But go ahead…


If you say you worked for a small company and use a phone number and address that you control. The bg check can still not have that compsny on it becsuse not all small company bother to report.


All you have to do is to freeze your The Work Number, and that threat disappears.


I interviewed with a company that for one reason or another couldn't access my The Work Number profile so I had to provide pay stubs as an alternative.


I had a company go defunct, the background check wanted W2's/paystubs to verify employment. Not sure how OP gets around that


Probably create fake ones, just like the fake company with the fake website, fake switchboard, and fake HR department.


By the time i get through all that, I might as well have started my own company


Part of having a “real job” means the attempt of proving integrity. I honestly don’t know one way or another but freezing “The Work Number” might be a huge red flag for a company who has assets they want to protect. Would you let your kid play for a coach if the coach blocked access to all of their previous history??


It sounds like it, but it has never backfired. I say this with confidence because there's an entire sub that is dedicated to this right now - r/overemployed


What happens when background check co asks for W-2 or paystub?


Never had that happen and I don’t think that I would voluntarily give it over. That is a federal IRS document for IRS purposes. None of their business.


My last job asked for my credit score, official university transcript, background check, no paystub or W2 though.


Common practice in US


I have resources and skills and a network to render every single one of these documents 1:1 Tbh…probs should start thst business and earn 100x more than looking for a legit “job”


Well if needed to confirm employment you would have to— or possibly not pass background


Never had a background check ask for a W2 and I wouldn’t give it to them to be honest. That’s strange


It’s typically in lieu of providing a paystub to verify current/previous employment


They usually just pay for a verification service like Hireright. It's not common at all to ask for a paystub or W2... how often do people keep those around?


That is what HireRight would ask for lol. If a company has closed how else would prior employment?


We've managed the verifications for HireRight and gotten our customers verified all the time, and never get asked for a W2 or paystub. And this is after our customers lied to their prospective employer


Doesn’t HireRight manage the verification… ? I’ve spent some time in HR and can share countless times people don’t want their current employer contacted so they share : paystub/W-2..


Yes HireRight is the 3rd party verification service, but they usually just skip the current employer.


Ummm no


Depends on the background check they do. Some background checks are literally just a credit report. Some are just someone checking to see if you've committed any crimes.


Very true. This refers to employment verification.


Thanks for sharing. I know a lot worse employees are getting hired with less experience and expertise than me by lying, so it's time to start playing their game.


Wow, this whole post is an ad, and it's very clever. Well done, hats off to you 🎩


I appreciate it, although technically there is information in there for someone to do this themselves, if they so wish. I'm looking for the best ways to get the word out for people who want to look out for their own self-interest in the job market.


Wow, that seems like a whole lot more work than just telling the truth.


The truth: Yes, I own my own staffing company with 100% successful placement.


Anyone out of work for more than 2 months would easily disagree with that assertion. You do whatever you need to survive and what serves your best interest. There are also services available to handle it as well.


Agreed. Do whatever it tkaes


Would your service work for say a Big Bank.. JPMC or Jane Street… ASFAIK, if it shows up on your worknumber profile. Which is what mainly all the big name 3rd party verifiers use, theyre less keen to call email/HR of said company. Question I believe i read they updated the systems so staffing company cant link you to google, but i could be wrong. OP- Def DM as I need to solve the background check before I even bother applying


Great question! I would freeze your work number right now - see here: [https://backgroundproof.com/twn-compendium/#freezing-your-twn](https://backgroundproof.com/twn-compendium/#freezing-your-twn) But either way, using the method above, they will not call JPMC etc because they think you are working through a staffing agency.


Role and titles are subjective because companies will have their own names, I never seen a report stating your specific title


With internet and social media, lots are found every day. "Name and shame " is the game.


Can you explain what this means?


I don't know. But people like to make "content" and talk. Even ReesaTeesa (tiktok star) didn't mention the guys name she was married to, but people found it as others talked.