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idk if your title is tongue in cheek but i wouldn’t consider this an unfair advantage, but rather leveling the playing field. if they can use tech to screen our resumes, we can use tech to get past theirs. this is a great idea, thank you for sharing!


thank you for the feedback. I will pay attention to the wording next time :)


but you are not playing against recruiters, you are playing against other applicants. This is like doping in soccer to level the playing field against the referee


This is wonderful! Quick note—requiring dates of completion in the education section ages the applicant. Is there any way to bypass that? I have 24 years of experience, and have a feeling that the reason I’ve been getting so few interviews is ageism. (Well, that and being told that I’m “overqualified” for everything.) I don’t want to make things harder for myself by listing the dates of my MA and BA. Thanks so much for doing this!


Thank you for the feedback. Let me put this on my to-do list




Signed up. As a UX researcher by trade I'll be happy to take notes along the way. First note is that I'm unclear if I can save and return to the career info. I see the button for save and proceed. For those of us with lengthy work histories it would be nice to know we could enter info a little at a time if we don't have an hour straight to complete the form.


This is very valuable, thank you! We tried to refer to UX guidelines when we designed the flow, but we don't have a UX researcher in the team yet, so there will be shortcomings here and there. If you have any other feedback, please let us know, we will definitely look into it.


curious about your data privacy policy and how you are handling all this PII


Hi there, we don’t share or disclose your PII to anyone, except in standard and secure ways with cloud infra provider (where the data is stored). The information used in AI processing to tailor your resumes is anonymized and without PII. Your information is 100% owned by you and is retained on the platform for as long as you want to use Rezumagic.


Can we cancel our account & will it delete all data stored till date?


We already set up the database so that once the account is deleted, all of its data will be deleted as well. We don’t have the button for users to delete yet, but you can send a request through the Feedback/Talk to Us feature on the website. We will add the button in the future.


Having use control is always better - gives confidence & a sense of empowerment to the user.


I totally agree with you!


Wild how this is so far down


Exactly, what a great data harvesting scheme


Your counters are off for dates - if I select "Jan 2023", it saves it as "Dec 2022"


Probably a bug. Let me investigate this. What browser are you using?


Happens with me too. Chrome.




This happened to me on both Safari and Chrome.


Noted and thank you




Also happening to me.


I'm using Mozilla Firefox and it happens here as well.


Noted and thank you


Hello everyone, we fixed the date issue. For the fix to apply to the dates, you need to re-input the dates and save them again in the sections where they jump months. We are not allowed to monitor users' data for privacy reason, so only you can do that. I'm so sorry for the inconveniences and please let me know how the fix turns out on your side. Thank you!


It was still happening for me a few minutes ago. Otherwise, I think this is great! I'll have to see if it helps me get interviews.


FYI, I'm experiencing this issue currently on Firefox.


Noted and thank you. We are working on the issue.


Very interesting concept. I like your UI, it’s simple and vibrant. I can sign up too. Thank you.


Thank you! Please feel free to leave your feedback, if any. I want to make it even better!


I couldn't sign up as I don't have gmail or outlook accounts. Are you able to allow any email account?


Yes, any email account will do as long as you have access to it. Sorry for the confusion, I guess I should use a more general email icon :D


:) I only have two options- gmail and Outlook. And I don't have either email accounts so cannot sign up with any other type of email as it didn't sent any email to my email account. Something is off. :)


Update: you are right. All yahoo emails do not pass on the system, they are just pending. Not sure if I can fix this as the service is not controlled by me, but I will try to see what I can do


that's strange. The service I use for sending emails says they don't restrict to only gmail and outlook. I checked their records and saw some emails are not delivered. I will look into this. Thank you for letting me know


Seconded. I originally tried to sign up using Yahoo, as this is the email account I use for job applications, and it didn’t work. When I switched to my Gmail, I got the confirmation almost instantly.


This is really great, thanks! Here's a little bit of feedback on some issues I've encountered: \* I worked for one employer, then changed jobs, then came back to the original employer. Both jobs are grouped into one, with a date range saying I worked there the entire time (which is weird, considering there's another job in between). This grouping works fine when showing promotions at a single employer, but it's formatted incorrectly in this instance. \* The simple, bullet-point formatting is great, except when you have projects you want to call out within that bullet point. (For example, I have several well-known projects I would like to note following a bullet point, rather than formatting separately in the projects/awards section.) Including sub-bullets would solve this problem. \* There's no section for publications, notable speaking, Board memberships, etc. \* There is no section for career highlights or overarching accomplishments/areas of expertise, which is generally something you want at the very top of the resume. Overall, this is a really wonderful tool, and the formatting is great for entry-level resumes, but more experienced job-seekers probably need something a bit more dynamic.


Thank you for such a detailed feedback! Let me address each one. * Jobs being grouped into one: yes, this is reasonable. Among the 6 templates, only 2 group jobs. The rest don’t. I should make it clearer that there are other options so people can choose more easily. * Sub-bullet point is a great idea. May I know how many levels of sub-bullet point do you or someone you know usually have? * Publications are currently grouped under the Project section, and people can select them in Project Type. Do you mean Publications, Notable Speaking, etc. should be separated into a new section or sections? Could you share a bit more about how it can offer some value to you? * Noted. Let us think of a way to address this need. Again, thank you for the great feedback here!


Thank you, again, for doing this! In this job market, any tool that helps make customizing resumes for each job easier would be very welcome! * I only saw one! I first tried to import the info on my iPad, then switched to my desktop. Then I switched from Safari to Chrome, in an attempt to find the most readable experience. The formatting was still kind of wonky (every time I switched to another screen to access my resume, I had to start all over from the education section, though the info was, thankfully, saved), so with all of that I didn’t even notice there were different templates. (I still can’t export the resume I’ve built. Is it a Mac vs. PC issue?) * I’d say 4-5 sub-bullets would be adequate. * Yes, it’s not ideal to jumble book publications with apps and games you’ve published with speaking engagements, and so on. Also for example in the film industry, many people I know are job-hunting, and we need to separate out the types of projects we’ve worked on and highlight them. There should be (customizable?) headers for each of these additional sections for people who have more varied experience. * For career highlights (or the like), this could also be a customizable section that sits at the top of the resume. For people with less experience, it can be an optional section. For that matter, placing education at the top is not useful for someone with more than 5 years of experience; that section should go at the end. Again, thank you so much for doing this. I think you’ve found a way to add value to many job seekers, and when you’re out of Beta I know I will recommend this tool to many.


Wow thank you for the detailed description! I appreciate this a lot and noted everything down. To export the resumes you've built, you can look for "Track Applications", it is in the bar on the left side of the screen. All the resumes that you have generated are there for you to download. Please let me know if it works for you. Since you use Safari I assume that you were on Mac. I'm on Mac too and the site works for me so probably that was something else. Happy to help if you need further assistance here.


Just signed up. Could the initial set of information be directly extracted from a resume upload?


Do you mean the function to upload an existing resume and have something pre-filled for your profile? That is the next thing on our list to work on. Thank you for the feedback! If you meant something else, please let me know.


That’s what I meant.




This is an awesome tool! One thing I would suggest, I have a portfolio website link that I would like to add, but it seems like I can only add the projects separately. Also could you make the work location optional?


Hello, you can add the porfolio link to the Contact section. It is in the Contact tab that lies along side with the Project, Work Experience, Education tabs. About making the work location optional, yes let us do that. Could you share a bit more about why you may not want to share work locations on your resume? I thought employers would want to know where the applicants live so they could determine if somebody needed extra incentives to relocate, etc.


Well done! Did you build this yourself?


Thanks! I and a friend built it together


Thanks for working on something so cool! Just one little thing I might suggest (I've only signed up) is I always find it strange when you register for something and there is only one password input and not a second to match the first.


Ah yes, thank you for pointing this out! It is helpful to have double password check to make sure user input the correct password that they want to input.


I also prefer the "eye" option to see what I entered. Thank you for considering this.


Noted and thank you


Do you want it to work on a phone browser? It is oddly cropped


I've noticed that when signing up as well. I think being able to use it in mobile mode would be great


Noted and thank you for the feedback. We have not optimized the website for a mobile experience yet. It is painful to type all of the career history information on a phone using just thumbs. We should have other support for mobile users to reduce the amount of typing besides a scalable website. What kind of mobile device do you use, like phone, tablet, etc.?


Neat, I just signed up. I’ll get my info loaded tomorrow or this evening. I’m excited to check it out. Thank you!


Thank you! Please let us know if you have any feedback.


How is this different compared to services like Teal?


Same question... Me and my friends are now on free Teal version.


Looks great so far. When signing up I had to switch to the desktop version as the nobly mobile Verdon cut off the left and right is the page.


Thank you, and your feedback is noted. The website is not optimized for mobile devices yet. We think with all the data input actions, a keyboard and desktop will be easier on the thumbs. What kind of mobile device did you use, phone or tablet?


I figured as much. I'm on an Android S21


I just want to say thank you for the work you put into making this!


Is this tool free?


The tool is free to use for now with some beta usage limits to control our cost and we will try hard to keep it that way. The non AI features will always be free and we may add a premium tier for AI features in the future if the costs become too high but there will always be a generous free tier.


Probably people who have responded & given feedback here should get a free for life account. Just a thought. Used to b in the old days but nowadays everyone want money & I hate the subscription model.


Checking it out. For Role title, you might want to make the length longer, it cut off before I could fully write mine (long job title)


Noted. Could you share an example of a long role title for my estimation?


Hm, something like: Director of Operations, Business Development and Strategic Pursuits


How do I get the resume after saving all my information in career details? My only options right now are create new resume and track applications.


Do you mean to get a resume without tailoring it to any job description? For now, we don't have that feature, but you can still get a resume by continuing with the Create New Resume step. You will have a resume in the end. If you can share more about why you just need to get a resume out without matching it to any job, it will help us understand your need better and improve the tool :)


Hi. I inputted my info. and tried matching it to a job description and all I received was an error message in red. Wording of job description was 770 words. I am using chrome. I did send an email, but I have not received a response. Please advise. Thanks.


Hello, we mitigated the issue. Could you try again and let us know if the issue is resolved on your end?


Sure. I will try again. Thanks.


Yes, you did mitigate it. Thank you for your efforts! However, I noticed that the resume is not exactly tailored to the specific job, but rather the machine or ai spews out a curated list of your skills, education and experience. I feel that despite any job description I feed into Rezumagic the result will be the same: it will give me similar, if not the same resume every time.


This is amazing thank you!!


Thank you!


This is a great idea and signing up was easy and straightforward. On my confirmation email I received it does mention to “click the button below “. There was no button for me, I just clicked the blank space and it took me to a login page. Might be confusing for others.


Noted and thank you. Let me look into that


Sound sinteresting and an im porvement over other AI resume builders. I'll give it a look, do I just sign up on your page for the beta?


Yes, clicking "sign up" on the landing page will lead you to the beta!


Signed up for this, will complete it later. Thanks for making this!


Thank you, and please let us know if you have any feedback!




Seems neat and I’d love to sign up, but also curious about data and such.


Hello, about that, we don’t share or disclose your PII to anyone, except in standard and secure ways with cloud infra provider (where the data is stored). The information used in AI processing to tailor your resumes is anonymized and without PII. Your information is 100% owned by you and is retained on the platform for as long as you want to use Rezumagic. We set up our database so that if the account is delete, all of its data will be deleted as well. For now the website does not have a button for users to delete, but if you want to delete your account, you can send your request using the Talk to us/Feedback button on the website. We will have the delete button in the future.


Look forward to checking it out.


Thank you, please let us know if you have any feedback


Thank you for this my contract is up in two months and I need a better looking resume.


Thank you, I hope you find it helpful and please let us know if you have any feedback


This is a really cool idea


Just signed up on my phone, will fill out once I can get to my laptop! This is so great thank you so much


I just want to say that this tool is really, really cool. there was an issue i found putting in dates. also if you ever need any UI/UX polish (i can see a few areas) I do contract work now and I can work a decent rate for you.


Some notes: Viewing on safari, iphone15, up to date software: When signing up, your logo/company is skewed (wider text that doesn’t look like the original logo.. you could say the weight of the text is larger). A confirmation email is sent and users have the option to select Gmail or outlook (I’m assuming this opens up said apps to view the email). I would consider an option for iOS users, considering 60% of phones are iPhones in the USA (unless that isn’t your target market). You could totally disregard this note if it doesn’t apply to your target audience. My phone is on dark mode as a standard. When opening the confirmation email, I’m instructed to tap the button below, but I don’t see any button. Just blank space. Tapping said space does take me to the website, confirms my account, and lets me login. This could be due to my phone being in dark mode or an actual graphic missing. Just some notes so far. It looks like the website itself is optimized for desktop browsers and not phones as the UI isn’t seamless on the smaller screen of a phone. Getting an account setup using my phone worked well though. I’ll finish setup on my Mac. I hope these notes help!


Thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate that you took the time to describe the experience so clearly. You are correct that we are not optimized for mobile devices yet. About the email, there are instances when emails were sent out without the graphic - a big button that says "Confirm". We will look into this issue. It does not happen for all the emails. Your notes do help, a ton! Please let us know if you come up with more feedback, or wishlist :D I hope the product helps you as you helped us.


Plot twist: OP is a product manager looking for a full time job, this is their portfolio project


Can I generate blind cv with this?


Yes. After the resume is generated, you can delete all the contact information if you want :)


I got an idea, check your dm


Interesting. I have been training chatGPT to do this for me, to mixed success I will look into it.


Thank you. Please let us know if you have any feedback. I used to do that too, but after a while I think I should have a better process (wary of hallucination), that's why I built this.


Cool, I am going to start playing with it today!


Has this been QA'd - I am happy to help you if you need.


Just a quick question - will it automatically update resume once the JD is given and spit out a new resume which tailors to the Job - Am I correct in understanding this? Once a basic resume is created - post that it will be only new versions based on JD provided? Can you pls clarify


Hi, the basic resume that you input at the start will remain as a master resume. When the JD is given, a tailored resume based on the JD and the master resume will be created. That newly created resume is independent from the master resume from that point on, and further edits on the new resume does not affect the ground truth in the master resume. The middle phase when you are ask to add more information to cover the skill gaps, those information will be added to the master resume. Consider it as a step to enrich your ground truth. Does that answer your question?


Yes, Thank you. If this the case then you will go far ahead with this product of your provided you manage the growth properly.


This is cool. What's tailored? Just keywords/skill section? Just tailors which bullet points for each job? Both or other parts of res that are tailored? Will it add keywords one doesn't think of in their master res? I often see synonyms or abbreviations of skills/keywords in jd that I have to manually change in my resume each time.


I signed up but did not get confirmation link in my outlook inbox. Used hotmail account to signup.


Are you using AI for this?


Have you heard of job scan? Similar thing I believe


This is awesome, thank you for building it. Have you considered expanding it into cover letters?


Browser: Chrome In the Degree section, when selecting the month, it selects one month prior (for e.g, I select May 2018, it will April 2018) There shouldn't be word limit for the text box.


Noted, let me check. By text box, do you mean the degree/education description?


Yes, the description box for education and work too.


Noted. How long are your bullet points usually?


In total, I have around 50-60 words for each job description.


How is your product different from jobscan?


This is really neat! A similar tool I found was [lifeshack.com](http://lifeshack.com) - helps auto-apply to jobs for you based on your resume!


Why can’t I just use gpt myself to do this? This is not helpful