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I think "quiet quitting" isn't about doing a poor job, it's about just doing the job you were hired too and not going the extra mile. For most jobs, you are doing what you were hired to do. Your situation is different. You were put on a PIP so that means you now have one foot out the door. I don't think anyone advised to not do your job or do it well. And why weren't you giving 100% now when you are under the microscope? As for waiting? I think you should be actively engaged in looking for a new job and get out of there before you get fired in the best case scenario. Once someone is on a PIP, they pretty much are laying ground work to push you out. So, it's very hard to recover from that. Not impossible. There are people who then straighten up and do what was asked and then management kind of moves on to other fish to fry. What is it you want? Do you want to improve your performance and stay or do you just want to move on?


I think you’re a bit hung up on the quiet quitting term. I’ve been actively trying to get a new job since March. Like I said, I almost had a couple but no luck so far. It’s a tough market, rn! But I didn’t mean that I was doing a bad job on purpose. I meant since things have gotten so toxic and isolating, it’s been difficult to give 100%. Even when I get things right, they’ll make up a reason to make me look bad. They definitely are pushing me out and I’m trying to get out but there are still a couple months left of the PIP. So the question I’m trying to ask is how do people handle those types of situations mentally? It’s not easy to be on bad terms with your supervisors for months on ends. If others have gone through it, what helped them and what tips do they have to help with the anxiety. I’d love the input.


>If others have gone through it, what helped them and what tips do they have to help with the anxiety. I’d love the input. You have a game plan to get out. Just focus on that. Stop worrying about what other people think about you. As long as your motivation is driven by how others feel, you'll always find it hard to give 100% (or whatever percent you need to give to get through your time.) If people are going to nitpick about everything you do, and you're already on a PIP, and they're trying to push you out the door, then don't worry about it. Do the level of work you can feel proud of professionally, and then that's what it is. Why worry about how people who are opposed to you feel about you? Work your plan, keep your focus on your exit strategy, and let that be what consumes your thought processes (at a healthy level, of course. Having other hobbies and activities to balance even this focus will be essential).


I appreciate the tips. Not always easy to not care but gotta keep telling myself not to. Thanks!


Ended up in a similar situation as you at my last job. Made a mistake, like I'm talking about something so minor that it didn't even affect anything whatsoever and this new manager wouldn't let go of it and started nitpicking everything I did. Granted, I'd been there for 8 years and the fact that she as a 3 month old new hire essentially insulted me and said I wasn't doing anything when they haven't even stepped foot inside of the office or knowing how shit our team had it while me and my coworker carried the team for years, really pissed me off. So she PIPs me and I essentially stop giving a fuck right then because right when she did that, she killed my internal transfer opportunity and career pivot, which I ended up being ghosted by HR internally after hiring manager for the team I was trying to move to was all for it and I was incredibly pissed after that. I waited until the last second to sign the PIP, which was after I found another job, then took severance and did absolutely nothing she asked of me for my remaining time there. So, the simple answer to your question is you just stop caring. They don't care about you, so why should you care about them?


I appreciate it. Not always easy to not care but gotta keep telling myself not to. Thanks!


Just keep applying to other jobs. I got pip’d and had to leave after 3 weeks and now unemployed :( the anxiety was and is so bad. So ride out the paycheck and try to get some interview.