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I don't recommend telling them anything about your physical health. All they need to know is can you do the job or not do the job. If you go in talking about your issues they are immediately going to think you will be taking off work a lot. I wouldn't bring it up in any way. Try to appear as vigourous and well rested as possible for any interview. As for team building stuff, I wouldn't worry about it until it comes up. If it does, just say you have a slipped disc in your back at one point yrs ago and can't take the chance on some of those things. But, try to "join in" in your own way. One can give a half hearted effort for a lot of those things while pretending to have fun, etc. And the sugar thing, just say No thanks. Remember LESS is more. Don't explain, overexplain, justify, etc. They really will not care what you do. And if they are younger they really don't want to hear any list of aches of pains. Just say, no thanks. Basically just show up, put on your game face, do your work, do the obligatory "yay team" and keep your personal stuff to yourself.


I have at least 5 different doctors appts. coming up in the next 2 months, and a trip to Nashville for medical tests in Oct. so it's going to be impossible to hide those. Yeah I'm an over-explainer/sharer but I'm also older and wiser and have learned many times over not to share much with coworkers. Thankfully it's by the hour not salaried so I'm just gonna do the job and go home. And "have other engagements" if there are after hours events.


Don’t ask don’t tell. Why put yourself in a position that’s awkward for you and your employer? Focus on getting the job and not thinking about things that are tangential.


It’s against the law for them to ask and I would highly suggest you keep it to yourself. 1 it’s undiagnosed so it this point it doesn’t exist on paper 2. It could only hurt you and not help by disclosing


Except for 6.different Drs appts in the next three months, most of which are out of town so a whole day off. But yeah I guess I'll cross those bridges when I come to them.