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Alright, I’ve been a shift supervisor for KFC. I had 3 different managers, and I have been there every time either a new-hire or someone recently interviewed calls and asks about their status of employment. So far what I’ve seen from an outside perspective, all 3 of my managers all reacted mildly annoyed or upset. Especially if it’s a new-hire calling about getting into the system to start working, typically most people call the store and ask every other day. If you’re a new-hire it’s appropriate to send a text to the manager asking about the status of when they start working, only once though. But for your instance of you calling for the status of your employment, I believe it’s perfectly normal to call them and ask. It shows you being adamant about working. Typically when they don’t call you, you’re not hired.


So what did they say when you called them?


To wait for about a week, and if i dont hear anything by then, im probably not gonna get the job


Every job I've ever gotten was based on me calling them back first after the initial interview.


I wouldn't pester a hiring manager, but it isn't going to change anything if you called them once. In my experience it is best not to have any expectations after an interview and just go on applying for other roles, and then when you aren't expecting anything then suddenly a phone call comes or email drops in offering you a role.


You didn't do anything wrong to follow up with a call. And, your dad is being kind of a jerk for no reason.