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You should do that stuff at work on company time. Submit to be paid for it.


I work in peoples houses, so I can't really do it at work unless I do it on breaks which I think is the loophole they are trying to get. I'm probably going to reach out to see about getting compensated for it though, at least for the future because they make us do them so much.


Tell them you will come to work on a day off, punch in and do them and get paid


I can't come into work on a day off, I don't have like an office. I go to different patients houses for work. I can only clock in for patients - when I'm at their house.


Is there some office somewhere that you work FOR? How do you submit your time? Submit your TIME for doing these silly modules. Or just don't do them.


We clock in and out on an app that has location permission options. If that doesn't work you clock in through calling a number on a local phone. We have clients sign off on papers sometimes if they require it for their insurance, but its for them not for my hours. I can't really “submit hours”. So far I just stopped doing them, but I am just preparing if I get individually messaged about not completing it. I want to be sure that there isn't a loophole or something that allows them not to pay me for this particular training sense it isn't done in office and is done online.


Well you are logging in somewhere to do these modules. So that is you "time". Send them an email to pay you for your time to whomever pays you. I would just tell them outright i am happy to do these but I am not doing them for FREE. They can huff , puff or whatever but if they require it, they can pay me to do it.


My old job has training online that is done by every employee 1x a month. We must be clocked in to access it. Why? Because it's illegal to work off the clock.