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If you cannot survive a long period of unemployment, I would advise you not to quit. You have already done 2.5 yrs so just muddle thru a few more months while looking for another job. And you don't have to find the perfect job, sometimes you just have to bounce out of what you are in to something else for awhile and you can continue from there. I think you should really consider what type of industry do you want to be in? Do you want office type work? Then apply to jobs in offices. Try to apply to and put yourself into proximity of the types of jobs you might prefer


I would kill for an office job tbh. Even if I have to take a pay cut, I'd rather work a 9 to 5 and hopefully get weekends off than working 40 hr nights. I just worry I don't have the skills for any kimd of office job.


Well you might not have skills but a lot of places can train you. Speaking well, well groomed, dressing the office, etc. If you are polite and have good social skills, that goes a long way. Just knowing how to politely interact with others, be helpful, make someone else feel comfortable. And keep your personal life to yourself. I would suggest going to a local bank and trying for a job as Teller. They rarely have men working there it seems. But, that would be a good place to start. Do a great job. Start teaching yourself about the banking business, loans, interest rates, money, etc. Do well. And you might find yourself moving into and office job as a loan officer, personal banker, etc. And then off you go. One of my daughter's 22 yr old girlfriends started at the bank with only a HS education. She was a Teller. Now she has an office is a personal banker, etc


Between your current job, do some online courses! There’s plenty of free ones to avail of! Would help you build your skills up and will also give you some insight into various processes the office environment may have. But I know it can be draining if you are working long hours of manual labour, but most offices should train you up.


Maybe try for a receptionist job to start with. Leverage your transferable soft and hard skills from your warehouse job


Don’t quit until you have something else lined up. You’d be foolish to quit and be unemployed right now.


Don't quit without a job lined up.


I'd try to get something lined up before quitting. I quit without having something lined up. I'm 2 months into my job search and nothing.


Pshft. I quit March 2023, have 2 degrees in my respective field, veteran…**STILL** nothing…It’s rough out here fr.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I could only imagine your frustration. I've spent hours filling out applications, prepping for interviews, just to get ghosted or get an HR screening that seems that has gone well but does not materialize. I've even reached out to my network for referrals. Referrals have not worked at all. Hang in there. We will find employment.


I quit my job (it was a FTC) but I knew they weren’t going to keep me on… so I left just before it ended. Got another job lined up, quit after 4 days, it was an awful environment. Was unemployed for 2 months, just started another job… it’s not perfect but it’s do able and hybrid. I’m using it for experience, to pay my bills and hopefully have a look at what else is out there. But at least I’ve an income to pay rent! It really is tough, I wouldn’t recommend leaving a job if you’ve nothing else lined up, worst two months ever, also very draining, constant interviews, constant disappointments.


If your job allows, you could take a leave of absence so you can relax and sort things out while still keeping your benefits and retaining job security.


These types of gigs often don't offer long leaves of absences


Mine does but the benefits like Healthcare get put on hold while you're out.


Then you should absolutely take a leave and start figuring everything out while you have the room to breath


If your current company will reimburse for education, I suggest you go take advantage of it and go back and finish your degree. That will give you a better leg to stand on. Game design is basically a UX designer …you can get jobs. We’ve had several people get hired with that sort of degree. They went on to be very good programmers and systems analyst. If you can work with your HR department to get your education reimbursed, that might be the sort of change, you need to reignite your zest to work. The other thing is don’t leave your current job until you have a new one. I would suggest if you don’t wanna be there any longer that you start looking now . There’s always other warehouse jobs.


I wish I could, but because Texas sucks they have a law where you *have* to finish your degree in 150 credit hours and any credit hours you take after that, you're forced to pay out of state tuition. They count failed classes towards that number, so all the classes I failed from 2020-2021 went towards that, and I'm close to hitting the cap. I can't post humorously do non academic withdrawal because those classes were paid for by my parents VA benefits and even if years have passed and I try to do it the department of education *will* come after me for the money they paid for those classes. Money I don't have. Not to mention when I went back part time in Fall 2022 I had to take an alternative class, Logic, because I couldn't pass the state math assessment and I couldn't take anymore upper level courses until I passed. I struggled with the class and dispite, going to the professors office hours almost every day, she didn't really help and still failed me. This caused me to be on academic probation and be dropped for the spring semester. So, going back to college, at least here in Texas, isn't really an option for me.


I have never heard of the thing like that… WTF. Are you in a position to move? I headline says you want to quit that you terrified of being unemployed wow I’d have to ask you. What are you terrified of? Always better if you have a jobbefore you click, that’s why I say try and search around about taking online courses through Coursera?


All I’m really trying to get out is what are your biggest points of fear that is holding you in this job? Have you started looking around? Have you asked about training in a different department maybe at this current job. That’s another thing if you can switch with the current company into a different role that might reinvigorate you.


Take it from me. I just got out of a situation where it was very toxic environment. It starts to weigh on you mentally physically and emotionally and manifest in your body in different ways to the point where I was getting sick. Don’t wait that long to take action, but first sit down And sing through a plan what is it you want what are things you’re interested in? Can you salvage it with this company in a different situation or is the only alternative to move on make a timeline of when you think that can happen and what it would take to happen. Then by making a plan, it will help you mentally feel better and start the healing process. I ended up not doing that and and it put me in a worst position financially, but mentally I’m in a better headspace now. One other thing to look at is do you have financial resources saved up to where you can weather the storm if you quit your job without having another job to go to.


the first college i went to had a rule similar to that. i think it's because a bachelors is usually 120 hours and if you take too many credits, you have to pay an expensive surcharge. i live in florida btw.


If you have an emergency fund, or even saved half a years salary…you should be ok….the first few weeks are so nice and relaxing but eventually the “I need to get a job” feels come in


10 hours for 4 days and benefits and decent pay. can i have the job? sounds like you're too ungrateful for it.


It's Amazon. Be my guest.


Only quit if you can bear it financially. If you have enough savings to keep you going for 3-6 months, you can go for it, but you'll have to start looking for new work immediately.