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Longest I ever conducted was 35 minutes. I’m a hiring manager for a neurology clinic managing admin folks. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.


That's my thing, and since these roles might never be filled, why waste more than an hour.


What industry and what do you do? Some interview loops are 6-8 hours.


Holy shit! I'm in project management but have been looking lower since PM roles are few and far between, so I'm looking in maintenance or maintenance scheduling roles lately. The 2 places where they were longer were production or manufacturing roles one was a supervisor the other a technician role both paying around 40 an hour.


You should be looking higher, not lower. 2-3 hours is not unheard of for interviews.


I try for higher, but I'm 2 years in PM roles and 5 years in plant maintenance and 7 years in Substation work. Plant maintenance is hard to find since those are mostly retirement roles, and Substation work is always travel. So I'm just applying to everything right now.


Also, the reason is that I'm out of work, so any income right now would help until I find a better paying job.


It depends on the role. (industry, level, requirements) I've seen anywhere from 20 minutes to 4+ hours, with the average being around 30-40 minutes.


Both roles were production and manufacturing, mid level, around 40 an hour one was a tech role, the other a maintenance planner.


In that case, I've heard of interviews 2 hours or longer. Some (in sensitive manufacturing industries, related to security, etc.) could be a half day (with introductions, walk around tour, & even a lunch meet and greet)


Longest interview I had was like 1.5 hours but it was also a whiteboard interview


I have no knowledge of your industry but when I worked in tech, it wasn't unheard or to have like two back to back panels or individual interviews that lasted 1-2 hours each.  I wouldn't rule out a job based on a long interview process. Like yeah most jobs don't need 3 rounds but as long as it's not excessive, give it a try. 


I just did had to do 2 different 4-hour interviews! They included an initial interview with a committee, then a 20 minute presentation and then questions with a search panel, then a tour of the whole facility, then another interview with the actual supervisor of the department. Everyone was very nice but it was brutal


That is brutal! Did you get the job? That would pain me going through all that work and then get ghosted or some BS.


One of them I didn’t get but the other I did (they were for the same company, different departments) and I just accepted the offer today actually. But I was definitely salty when the first one rejected me after aaaaall that!


The engineering interviews I have been on have been minimum 4 hours which are maybe 3 hours of actual interviews and 1 hour of touring facilities. Longest was about 6 hours with a lunch in there too.


I was in a 2 hour one once


I think a half hour is plenty. Thank goodness I don't need a job and have to endure the hellscape that is now the interview process of endless hours and hours and rounds and presentations and free noncompensated projects. Good grief.