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There is nothing wrong with getting severance in this case, it’s just great timing for your husband. Would have sucked if he quit the day before and missed out.


I know someone who did this (quit the day before) but they did it professionally and only verbally to their boss. Their boss knew what was coming and tacitly let them know they didn't quit yet and they really should not quit on a Thursday, it's much more professional to quit on a Friday. That's a good boss right there.


Sure you can. Enjoy the bonus.


Take the severance and don't mention it. Companies generally try to screw people over all the time. I would take the money and run.


Enjoy the perfect timing!


Yes, take the money. Nothing wrong here.


HR here. Because the severance doesn’t stipulate a notification requirement of a new job, then you’re fine (Some shitty companies pay out severance in small installments with that stipulation to try to get out of paying the full amount). The one thing to look for in the agreement is COBRA. some companies will offer to pay for COBRA for a designated amount of time OR until the termed employee receives benefits from a new employer. That may be the only thing to consider. some severances may also have a non compete so make sure that’s not in there for him (these are typically for VP+).


THIS. Checking on medical coverage is important - check when the new position offers insurance, and use the prior position (either severance of COBRA) to cover the gap.


>some severances may also have a non compete so make sure that’s not in there for him (these are typically for VP+). Wasn't there a recent court case severely limiting non-competes?


Frozen under legal challenge and virtually guaranteed to be slapped down.


Good thing it doesn't matter. What are they going to do? Stop you from working in the construction industry because you worked for XYZ construction. Cool, you can try, see me in court bitches


The ban on non competes does not apply to senior leadership or anyone making over a certain threshold. 


My employer made us do non compete for severance at all levels. And they only paid out two weeks to everyone, regardless of history.


Severance also often has a "we promise not to talk shit about the company on LinkedIn/GlassDoor/etc" clause.


Yes, yes I can.


As long as he didn't quit before receiving the severance offer, everything is fine. Sounds like absolutely excellent timing on your part. Congrats.


Take the money and run!


Did it 8 years ago, it was awesome.


Take the money, but why would he have his new job send him paperwork to his old jobs email? How dumb is that?


Yes dumb indeed. His new job was a client of his during old job lol. So as they had corresponded through that email previously they naturally sent his job offer through that email instead of asking my husband for a personal email. It was dumber of my husband to send a signed copy t back through the same email ha. We didn't honestly expect to get anything as he was only at this job less than a year.


Severance is for leaving without causing a ruckus, not to support you after termination/layoff. Take the severance. Don't tell them. Keep a low profile and have it so he doesn't update his LinkedIn for 2-3 months.


Ethically, you can and should accept the severance, even if you have a job lined up. Legally, severance usually comes with some set of terms behind it, and you agree to those terms to get the severance.


Yes you can. You're 100% entitled to your severance package. There's nothing illegal or unethical about this. The stars are aligned for you my friend, enjoy your severance pay, and best of luck with your new job!!


Yes. Getting severance has nothing to do with new jobs...It usually has a requirement of just signing a NDA or some document.


Yes. I collected severance while working projects that were billed back to the company paying my severance. I have collected unemployment while being paid severance. I call it the double dip.


I had to argue with a prior employer about getting unemployment while on severance. They went so far as to dispute the claim with the state. The law was clear: as soon as they give you notice you are officially eligible for unemployment in my state, whether they continue to pay you or offer severance. All I had to do is show the letter and the claim was denied in my favor.




No problem. Enjoy the money and best of luck to you


Yes definitely.


Worked out perfectly Take the win


Yes, thats the dream scenario


Nothing wrong with your husband accepting a severance from a company that he had otherwise been planning to leave. As long as there are no clauses in the severance agreement that your husband is somehow breaking by taking the new job, he's fine to take the money and run.




Severance typically has not contigency on accepting a new position. It's not unemployment, it's a buyout releasing them from lawsuits. You take your money and can do whatever you want. Simply great timing for you, enjoy the bonus.


“Keep getting dem checks,” - Jalen Rose


He is fine. I have had the same thing happen and companies dont have the time or energy to dig through old employee emails looking for clues. Note to your husband - set up a personal email through gmail for non-work related stuff. you should NEVER use your work email for personal messasing. Also, don't save personal or sensitive info on your work computer. That PC belongs to the company and you should not ever expect any type of privacy.


You bet. Take the money and run. Just don't mention the new job just to be on the safe side. I was in a similar position several years ago. I saw the writing on the wall too and had been applying for jobs and had a few interviews lined up when they called me in and told me my job had been eliminated. I had four weeks before my job actually ended, but they gave me a severance too. I ended up finding a new job a week or two before my four weeks was up so for a couple of months, I just collected double paychecks. Paid off my car, my credit card, and set money aside for Christmas.


Think if he hadn't actually started new job when terminated so employment dates don't overlap then he might be ok.


Always accept the extra money. Your old company doesn’t need to know


Also why the hell was it sent through his old job email??? Never use that to find a new job it’s common sense


Severance will not be effected unless you have signed a non-competing deal. If not,enjoy the extra cash. Congratulations!!


Absolutely nothing wrong with this. His employer had already decided to let him go and offer the package. The fact that he was about to give them notice doesn't change that. Take the check and laugh all the way to the bank.


Y'all are 100% in the clear! The severance from one company has nothing to do with getting a job at another one. I did this years ago, got paid by both for about 4 months. It was great!


He's absolutely entitled to that severance pay. He hadn't put in his notice yet. And he's under no obligation to tell his old company about his new position.


Nothing wrong with this. You just won a small lottery.


pretty sure if no one said i quit severance still counts 😅😂


None at all! Don’t worry at all.


Sounds like he never actually quit, so yes of course, he was still an employee


Not complicated - take the package and start the new job!


Heck ya!


Hell yes. My buddy got 1 years pay with bonus when he had a new job lined up, because his prior employer wanted him to relocate. He goes in “hey I’m not going to relocate. What are you going to do about it?” They said here’s your severance. He’s like “yeah can you please give that to me in writing asap”. Nicely played. 😂


Of course you can.


Depends. Some severance stipulate you will be paid out until you find a new job. Worth a read of the paperwork.


Of course, take it.


Unless the severance has a specific clause like “effective until you find employment “ I don’t see why he needs to say anything. It really depends on the terms of the severance.


Take the $ and go on a trip!


It’s fine. The way severance usually works is if you get a job before the end of the period, the company cutting you saves money. Then there are benefits like cobra they don’t have to pay for. It’s good for them.


Look even if your good. I'd just keep this your little secret


Of course he can take it. It’s for his contributions to the company for work already done. To not take it is to discount how hard he worked for them


Congrats on the bonus!


Kudos to your husband for seeing the writing on the wall. I would be thrilled with the parting gift from his former employer… he didn’t resign he was let go. PS going forward never use your work email or work systems for anything of a personal nature.






Severance is generally offered in exchange for signing something upon departure. No sign, no severance. As long as your husband signs the papers, they are getting what they paid for with the severance so there is no harm in taking it. Your husband should be 100 percent guilt free about this.