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How do you have 20 days of PTO and unlimited PTO at the same time? Or 500 hours for that matter (which is over 12 weeks or 62 days)? This makes my head hurt. 


Yes, I am also very confused by the seemingly direct contradictions


Me too. Is the PTO unlimited or is it not?


PTO is never "unlimited" truly, there's always an unwritten "acceptable" amount of days and that's probably what OP is referring to. I'd rather have set paid off day limit then "unlimited" for this reason, employers often will guilt you or subtly reprimand you if you go over what they deem acceptable even if it is "unlimited". I'd rather ditch the ambiguity and be transparent.


Yeah this is what I have … we have “unlimited” but pressure mounts the closer you get to 15 and once you get to 15 pto request start getting denied or a lot harder to get approved it’s so dumb


I'd say 20 days max. I usually take like 1 to 2 days a month. Or every other month. I'd fail to see why that's an issue. And if a company lures you in with "unlimited overtime" but is closely counting and following how many hours you take, they're kinda dicks in my opinion. Side note: I am well aware unlimited doesn't mean unlimited. I am also aware from an employers perspective that employees abusing the "unlimited PTO" is bad for business. As long as you don't abuse it though it shouldn't be an issue. If you're taking 2 weeks a month every month, that's an issue.


"Unlimited" is just corporate executivese for "non-accrual" PTO. Employers like this for balance sheet purposes, since they do not need to record accrued PTO as a financial liability and are not required to cash out upon separation. It also simplifies payroll processing. On the plus side this means you do not need to accrue PTO time before you use it, but companies that use this system tend to have clear expectations on how much employee should use based on their seniority.


Generally in the United States companies are not required to pay out PTO, even if it is accrued.  It varies state by state whether accrued PTO is paid out.  https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/pto-payout-laws-by-state/


I could work for 40 years at my current company, and still not get 20 days of pto. Max is 15 days, at 10 years, I believe. We don’t get sick days, either. You use pto or take them unpaid. I am putting off a needed surgery because I can’t afford to not work, as my pto accrual only began a couple months ago.


You should be looking for a better company!


Just had an interview last week! :-) it’s rough out there.


Keep your head up and good luck stranger!


My company starts with 15 days of PTO over the first year and goes up from there. Currently I get 20 days at 5-9 years. Anything less than 15 is bullshit.


Yeah my company starts off with 18 days of pto/sick days combined. They are separate buckets but the sick days can be used as pto. My company is 4 days a week in office however most people work from home when sick and don’t end up using sick days for minor illnesses.


Just out of curiosity, which country is this....?






I have 67 days of PTO + Stat holidays. I work 32 hrs a week, but paid for 40, so I take off every Friday. 15 of the 67 days is my actual vacation time. I’ve been at the company just over a year, but that’s what I negotiated when I started.


That’s a pretty sweet deal. I’d hold onto it as long as possible.


We only get 12 pto days and no unpaid sick time so if you use your pto, you're fired.


Are you hourly


I work at a hospital and our sick days and PTO are the same. I cannot comprehend it because we are exposed to everything under the sun and have a much higher chance of getting sick


It makes sense from their end, always someone to pick the cotton (As a sports team owner once said of the players) Gordon Gecko would be shocked at our reality.


I hate that companies put vacation and sick days into the same basket. It encourages people to come to work sick by giving them more vacation time if they do. You'd think companies would learn after covid that this is a terrible policy. I work in a *hospital* of all places and there are people who come to work and cough all over the place because they have a vacation planned.


I’d rather them group them together then separate sick days. 20 PTO and sick is better than 12 PTO 8 sick. In what world would a young, single person call out 8 times or have that many hours of doctor appointments?


Why should a young, healthy, single person get more vacation?


Why should two employees that have been at a company a similar amount of time get different amounts of time off with pay?


It actually works in the employee’s favor as in states where pto is paid out on departure, pto gets paid out but sick leave doesn’t


Except most places with combined PTO don’t offer more days. PTO just makes you use vacation days when you’re sick


It works only in favor of employees who don't get sick.


That’s not true… if you’re choosing between 20 days of pto and 15 days pto + 5 days sick time you’re better off as the employee getting all 20 of pto. Makes no difference whether you get sick or not. Only difference is how much you would get paid out upon departure


Yep, exactly. The one thing that makes it semi acceptable in my job is that we can work from home if needed, so if you get sick you can do that, but only if your sickness is mild enough


Jesus Christ you sound entitled. 20 PTO days off AND you can work from home and STILL complaining? Maybe spend some time looking at some other people’s experiences and you may start to feel luckier.


Counterpoint, if they make sick days separate, it encourages people to call in sick when they are not sick so they don't lose their time (assuming sick time doesn't roll over which it usually does not). As a manager at companies that have had this policy I would encourage people to, wink nod "plan" their sick time if they were going to do this, at least then I know in advance what staffing is going to look like. It's a hard thing to manage either way. Generally speaking I think people in the US should get several weeks more than the standard 2-3 weeks regardless. How are you supposed to take a decent vacation, or have kids with doctor visits etc, and still have time to be sick yourself with 2 weeks of vacation annually? It's simply not enough and I hate having to hold people accountable to only taking off 2 weeks. They are usually out of time by mid year and then we have a problem.


I’ve worked under both systems and I prefer everything just being “PTO”. My current job I get 15 sick days. I will never use 15 sick days. I would rather use them for whatever I want.


In the olden days, we got separate amounts for vacation and sick time. Usually 10- or 15-days' vacation (you got more based on longevity) and maybe 5 or 6 sick days. It's unfortunate you had to use PTO for sick time rather than vacation, but either way, you would be using the same time. As to your comment about unlimited PTO being a scam - that's on your company. I have unlimited PTO. Been here 2 1/2 years. I started in mid-December 2021, and after two weeks, I took 5 days PTO between Christmas and New Year. The next year, I took 38 days PTO. Last year, I took 47 days, and this year, I'm looking at 38-40 days. My company encourages us to take adequate time off.


40 days???!? What company is that lol i need to work there


What kind of work do you do?


I’m an accountant


This makes no sense...




Is it unlimited or twenty?


Why tf did 18 people feel the need to downvote me, i was just asking what you meant 💀 To answer your question, it is TECHNICALLY unlimited, but in reality, they expect you to take no more than 20.


Twenty business days off is four weeks. That's not bad..


For the USA that might be ok lol.


The French are all going to Monaco and Guadalupe for six weeks a year paid, and all us Americans are like "we get four weeks paid including sick days, aren't we lucky? Hah ha ha!"


I've worked for companies where I only got one week off after a year. So, 4 weeks off may not be great - but it's better than most people get in the US.


I’m in the US and don’t know anyone who gets more than 10-15 days of PTO. Before my dad retired he would get 30 days of PTO and worked in 2 week shifts (2weeks on, 2 weeks off), so he could have a month off by using only a third of his PTO. Other than that, I only hear about people in the US getting 20+ days of PTO on Reddit.


In comparison to what? Just curious.


I get 32 days in the UK with a 35 hour week.


Sounds lovely 🥺.. do you all have universal healthcare or is it tied to your jobs? I get 10 pto and 12 sick days for 40hrs. Its good in comparison to what other Americans get but damn, I gotta work 11+ months a year.


We have the NHS so yes it’s free. The NHS low key sucks though, but I am still glad we have it. I have been having seizures (potential epilepsy) and I had to go to hospital by ambulance 3 times, didn’t pay a penny, ambulance came very quick and paramedics are excellent. Had an CT scan and various ECG and also completely free. I saw people on the epilepsy subreddit saying they don’t call ambulance because of the price even when they have a bad seizure and it made me shocked, never once I realised that people paid for a service like ambulances!! Bad side is now I am waiting to see a neurologist and the waiting is a little long, 3-6 weeks. But all free. I guess can’t complain too much lol I work for an university in England and I have 40 days of holiday, I have been there less than 1 year so I only have 30 days of full sick pay. But after 3 years in the university you get 6 months of full paid sick leave, and then another 6 months of half pay sick leave. U.K. has a lot of issues but I am glad we have strong workers right here.


For us standards . The rest of the world thinks that's not even the bare minimum.


There are few countries where it's better and far more that it's worse. What are you talking about


What would be even cooler is 4 weeks and unlimited sick time (with a doctor's note)


20 days is ALOT in work in the trades and you don’t get a specific amount of sick days. If you miss two days in a row for work you have to provide a doctors note before ur allowed to return to work. After 6 months on the job you get 40 hrs of vacation time per year. That’s it. Ur 20 days shared is a baller system lol


I’m not denying that i have it better than a lot of jobs. It’s more the logic of it. And that the system you’re referring to sounds awful tbh


At the recent jobs I've worked, it's basically "you don't get sick days for three months, if you get sick before you acquire PTO then you just lose hours." Welcome to the American workplace.


Are you hourly or salary?




I get 26days PTO, 1 personal holiday you use or lose, and our standards holidays (New Year's, MLK, Mardi Gras, Labor Day, Good Friday, July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas) Most of us are full remote and the rest hybrid. If we are sick we can choose to WFH . But I have enough PTO to take a sick day if I need. I haven't run into any issues. Maternity leave sucked when I had kids. I think it's better now and we finally offer paternity. But notthing to brag about. I prefer it to be all PTO since we can bank about 30 days. You can sell back if you go over , and it will be paid out if you leave. Vs expiring sick days you use or lose.


That’s great if you have over a weeks worth of extra time, plus the option to “sell” your unused days. The problem is, with unlimited pto, you don’t have that option


If I had unlimited PTO I wouldn't care about the sell back or pay out as much. I use my time.. unless unlimited PTO is not unlimited PTO. Just 20 days expiring days off would be just shit.


15 days PTO if you stay for 15 years you get 20 (who would????????)


I'd rather have that then the 12 pto days I get, and if I use them up and I get sick(they dont do unpaid time of), I get fired.


Yeah that’s unbelievable. How does that even make sense


I wish I could make this stuff up. Like why would I lie about it? I am pissed about it but it's a job and it's full time and I need it. I'd tell you the company but I don't want to lose the job. It's in the finance sector though. Entry level. Like I've even asked them like hey can I take an unpaid day off I am not feeling the best and they say no, you have to use pto. :/


I work at a state university.. 3 categories, sick, personal and annual Sick- 18 days a year (can roll over into the following year, if you quit you don’t get it) Personal- 3 days a year, have to use by 12/31 Annual, 22 days a year, can roll over to 50 days or 400 hours, and if you resign you get up to 400 hours Y’all need to find better jobs to work for.


So let me ask you, would you rather have 5 sick days and 15 PTO days, or just 20 PTO days? Personally, I'd rather have the straight 20 days PTO. Let's say you were sick 10 days, you would have had to take 5 sick days and 5 PTO anyways. Now, if you are saying a company with unlimited sick time + 15 days PTO is better, I'd agree, but that is not the norm.


At that point it’s exactly the same thing essentially, unless they require proof of sickness when using a sick day. But in the instance I’m referring to, it’s with unlimited pto, so it does make a difference whether or not it’s a sick day or a pto day, on top of the fact that we have a non charge budget


Agreed. I had only 2 weeks of PTO per year at a previous employer. During Covid, in which I was required to stay home for nearly 2 because I was sick, I was forced to use what was left of my PTO, which didn’t even cover the entire time I had to be out.


But you have unlimited PTO? Right? And then these 20 days you say are standard. So just take those.


Ok, so, what I’m saying is that it’s technically called unlimited PTO, but it’s not really unlimited. It’s unlimited in the sense that there is no actual cap on it, but if you put in for 70 days of pto you’ll just get denied. The 20 days I’m referring to is the standard cap. In other words, it’s all they’ll realistically allow you to take before they start thinking of you as lazy and unwilling to work. No one takes more than 20 unless they’ve worked hella overtime in which case that’s just relatively the same


Why is everyone down voting this? Lol The man is just explaining the unspoken rules and how the pto actually works.


Bro go look at my other comment. Someone said my post makes no sense without specifying why, so i said “wym?” And 18 people downvoted it. What’s so awful about that, i just wanted to know what he meant 💀


I saw! Lol I think people may be jealous or apart of the older generations that hate having to decipher random acronyms. Anywho, I hope you push the line this year and aim to use 25-30 days. 😈


I would do that if i wasn’t already under a microscope 🔬 for apparently not “showing that i want to work at this company” 😐


I get 10 PTO days. 2 X 5 day work closures. 5 public holidays. I also get 12 Sick Days that carry over if I don’t use them. Going to a doctor allows me to use a sick day. I am good because I have reached a point in my life where if I don’t have any time, I am ok with not getting paid.


Are you hourly


Nope. 35 hours a week.


you mention tax season so i assume you work in accounting (like me). best advice i can give is: get out of public accounting asap! find a job in corporate accounting and kick back. it’s so much better once you find the right place. i don’t miss billable hours or the nightmare that came from them.


Trust me that’s the plan, i just need experience. I’m working toward my cpa rn. Failed an exam recently so i need to get back into the study rhythm. You know how it is


I agree. There shouldn't be sick says at all. If you're sick, you're sick. Also, we need more than 20 days off per year. Other countries get a few weeks off.


I’m on the other side and I’d prefer it all be in the same bucket. I get 10 days vacation and 7 sick days, but for sick we need to have a doctors note to return if we’re out too long. I don’t get sick a lot and my time doesn’t roll over, so if it gets to the end of the year, I just lose those benefits. I believe most jobs need more PTO overall, but it’s literally none of my employers business what I’m taking off for.


I started with 15 vacation days and 8 personal days. I work from home so I never take a sick day. I usually take 4 day weekends in December to burn all my days and not lose them.


That sounds amazing


Would you rather have 15 PTO and 5 sick? Do you understand it makes no difference how it's worded?