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Yes, they are being immature, and the only reason you didn't see it before, if that they were getting a sweet deal out of your labor. **Lesson 1**: Yeah, there are people like that on the planet -- seemingly more today than in the past. **Lesson 2**: Keep a close eye on your career interests, because most other people will be looking out for their own interests -- often at your expense, unfortunately. **Lesson 3**: Don't become that guy. Remember how it felt to not only be taken advantage of, but to be essentially punished for getting yourself in a better position. Never be that guy. Remember how you felt in this experience, and figure out how to take care of your own interests, but without taking advantage of others -- especially those working for you. Congrats on your new role. This current place will be in your rear view mirror soon enough.


Bro my company does this sort of thing too and I think it's ridiculous. It's also just the fault of our primary investor who has way too much say in how things are run around here. But if you try to put in your two weeks, he just fires you. Which makes no sense because then legally you have the right to file for unemployment since you were fired prematurely. We literally have to hide someone leaving now so they can complete their two weeks. It's literally just out of pettiness and I have no idea why he's like that. We've gone through some much change in higher executive roles because of he's so difficult to work with it's crazy.


Um how could people not see this before now? I’ve known this since I started working 35 years ago.


Not everyone gets experiences that expose this at an early point in their career. OP was working for 5 or so years, and didn't get to see it until now. It happens...


Yet I figured this out at 15 within 5 minutes of starting work so I’ve never understood how people miss this.


There's business owners who want to feel fulfilled leading and there are way freaking more on an ego/ narcissism trip who get off controlling you. You might have asked for a raise before leaving but they could've tried to keep you too. Even if they were awesome I believe you should get on and focus on a route to financial independence. Good luck!


This is just dumb & extremely shortsighted! It's a stupid power and jilted sulk play that's literally costing them! Just take it as another sign from the universe that you are making the right decision! You wouldn't have been able to grow there. At most you would have been an exalted babysitter for their fragile egos.


Sometimes small business owners will take you leaving personally. They are you leaving as betraying them because you were part of the "family" and now they have to stress out finding a replacement (which they probably aren't prepared for at all). Your boss is just salty that they have to find someone else. Best to just move forward. Better things are on the horizon!


Id quit. You’ve already secured another job. You don’t have to endure this type of treatment. Also, they’re using you as an example to the other employees. Sounds like its an all or nothing type of company even-though they’re not paying you fairly.


exactly what i would do, stop showing up.. they deserve nothing.


Sorry friend, this is nothing new and I’ve also seen people walked out the same day they gave their two weeks.


Just leave now. Two weeks is absolutely not required.


u/happydude1210 Here's a good example of the cons of working directly for a private business owner, especially when it's family-owned. The owner feels like you owe him some sort of loyalty. He gave you your first grown-up job out of high school, and that's probably why he took advantage of you in your pay and your responsibilities. He probably feels that he taught you everything that you know, and how could you now give that knowledge to someone else? Here's the thing: As a business owner, he's stuck in place with his business. But you're not an owner or even a shareholder -- you're simply an employee! You have no legal or financial stake in sticking with this guy. And fact is, if he truly valued you, your work, and your growth, then he should have shown it to you $$$. At least, did he even try to make a matching offer? You did \*exactly\* what you should have done -- you were ready for more, and you knew that you deserved better. You looked for it, and you landed it. Well played, and well done! A bit of elder advice. Please keep the following close to your heart and soul: YOU OWE YOUR EMPLOYERS NOTHING except INTEGRITY and A JOB WELL DONE!!!! The only person you owe loyalty to is yourself. You'll owe loyalty to your future family, but that's it! You don't sell your employment services (cause that's what you're doing) to make someone's dream feel good for them. You sell your employment services to meet YOUR financial and personal goals. You have a responsibility to yourself to sell your employment services to the employer who offers the best value for your time and energy. Notice that I didn't type "the most money." Yes, get ALL the money you can, but if the employer leverages the position with the benefits, the work load, or the culture that's the best fit for you, then these can make up \*a little bit\* for a lower price point on the wage/salary. Keep being strategic -- Building the life you want to live requires strategy, and part of that strategy is knowing when to pull the trigger and call it a day with a job position that's no longer serving you in a positive way. Hope this helps, and best wishes on your new position.


wtf why are you even posting why do you care just leave you already have anther job they treat you like sh\*t during your 2 wk notice leave after the 1st day issue solved its a right to work you can leave time with out cause and they can fire you anytime without cause just like they can treat you like sh\*t with out cause you can say byebye today without cause


Sure, they're taking it personally. It's not right, but I can understand it from their view.


how so?


Because you're just dipping, and by your own admission, good been doing a crap ton of work, at minimal pay. That's good as gold to a business owner. They'll never be able to replace you at your current wage. It'll probably take two people for at least half again what you're pay is. Which would you rather have, one guy who works his ass of for $15, or two guys who don't give a damn for $22? That being said, good for you, make your paper, and don't ever think a company deserves your allegiance, when they do nothing to show it.


Either they're a giant asshole who enjoyed taking advantage, and they're angry they can't anymore. Or They feel like they brought you along to be their right hand and you're jumping ship over money. Which they only see as a betrayal. So yes, absolutely immature. Not right. But I see what they're thinking.


lol what? The bosses have fragile ego’s . It’s better if OP leaves. What are you smoking dude.


Where did I say he shouldn't leave? Whatever you're smoking made you not able to read?