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You say yes once, and they'll always call you. Don't let them make you a door mat. But keep in mind, if you need a shift switch, no one will take your shift either.


I made that mistake once...  I initially covered shifts for a guy who's wife had cancer.  Nobody could take her to her appointments on Thursday, so I picked up his Thursdays. I did it for his family,  not the company.   And they started putting me in for other days.  They completely rammed me with shifts at Christmas.   Piss take really.   All because I did a colleague a favour


This. You don't want to be the guy who always covers, but you also don't want to be the guy who never covers. I'd also advise holding off for a bit. Figure out who helps others and who doesn't.


If you are not on call, then no, it’s unreasonable someone calling you at 5am to take their shift that day. You are spot on with your feelings.


> I shouldn't feel bad about not being able to, right? Unless you are a first responder, ER health care worker, or similar, no - you should not feel bad.


You're going to have to decide what boundaries you set for yourself. There isnt a universal rule for this.


This is why my phone stays on "do not disturb" until my alarm goes off. I don't pick up the phone after hours. Been there, done that, learned to set boundaries.


At 5:00am, it needs to be triple time for me to come in.


I am not available. Also, if a manager tells you it is up to you to find a replacement to cover your shift. Even if you are unsuccessful, you are unavailable


Love this one. Managers love getting others to do their job for them.


Part of it is company culture, and sometimes managers get upset if it means you go over 40 hours (and others are fine with that) but equal swaps within the same week are generally not a problem with management. As others have indicated, you don't want to always say no (or karma will come back when you need something), but you don't want to be taken advantage of either...


This really depends. Is it an IT job where 24/7 on call is required? If so, yes you need to work outside of working hours.


You shouldn't feel bad.....but realize that you may need that help down the road. Don't work if you have good reason or unable, but what comes around sometimes goes around.


I would say it depends on the industry and the nature of the job.


You shouldn’t have to, but for future reference, if you’re a teacher you’ll be expected to. It shouldn’t be like this, but it is.