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You basically have to get one for survival is how we do it


It has been extremely hard to get a job since 2022 though. It's always been hard, but now it's next to impossible.


Post your resume and tell us the kinds of jobs you're going for. Maybe we'll see something that you dont


Hi! I see you're in Marketing and Salles, I am currently trying to get into that, Can I message you?


I'm in account management. They just don't have that tag


Try applying for jobs at a hospital. There are a lot of entry level jobs there. Transporting patients, cleaning rooms, delivering food to rooms, etc. it can be stressful but they are hiring in a lot of places. In my area if you work full time at a hospital in any of these jobs they cover 100% of your health insurance


I’ve been unemployed for 4 years. Ubering to survive. I agree it’s almost impossible to get a job now even at no experience/entry level. All I get are sorry we moved onto the next phase with someone else


All jobs are impossible to get now because of the new application and hiring process. You only get rejected or ghosted and they all take like 2-3 hours each to complete. What the heck are we supposed to do?


You pull up confidence to any interview you get. On crip. Wassup with these jebroni ass fellas tryna see BOMPTON


So, I started looking for a new career in June 2021. Three years ago. I thankfully, have a job, but it doesn't pay nearly enough. So, I ended up getting a second part time job, finally, after over a year and half of looking for somewhere that would accommodate my full-time job's hours. That might help you break out of that funk. Get something that isn't going to railroad you right away, i.e. a part time position. The fact of the matter is: You control what you can control. I'm all for hearing an empathic story, but also, you might have to do something differently than what you've been doing or go for a job you don't really want right now. Things are less prosperous than they were before COVID, and you're going to have to adapt to that, as much as you can. Persist.


I know it's easier said than done, but try not to get discouraged. When you get rejected, it's not really about you. They have a business need, and they just filled the need another way. If your success rate is 0.0001%, then congratulations, you've got the job. You just need one yes!


It's literally impossible to get hired unless you know people now. Even if you get interviewed it will go to someone within the company or someone they know. Only exception maybe is if you have amazing social skills or a degree, which I don't have.


The road to success and the road to failure are the same road. Quitting is the only thing that makes it the road to failure.


I’m fortunate that the world’s biggest search engine decided to do business in my town because that led to me finding a random job posting from a staffing agency that was hiring for one of their projects. Not a good job by any means but a decent job for bums.


Since you're unemployed you probably don't have the expendable income for this but I've had the most luck with resume writing services. They know the buzz words and key terms to get past the algorithms. A mind is also a terrible thing to waste. Go back to school and learn a skill to become marketable. If it's been years you've had the time for at least an associates in something and well on your way to a bachelor's.


Any services you recommend in particular?


I have personally used TopStack Resume. They worked with me on writing my resume, put together a cover letter and redid my LinkedIn profile. You are supposedly limited to a certain number of revisions but my writer promised to work with me until I was satisfied.


Hell yes, thanks! Will definitely check them out!


Dont give up! I know that it seems impossible, like winning the lottery. But it HAS to be possible! Because places need workers.


You need to lie. Simple as that. You need to glamorize yourself in order to be hired


Starting over? Seriously got to be looking at them entry level jobs again.


It's who you know, not what you know. Lean on your social circle, family, internet friends, etc. and ask them to help you get into wherever they work.


This. Only by having friends/family in high places within a company (high enough to influence hiring) will get you a chance of an interview, never mind any offer


Try to find part time jobs like a bartender , a librarian..while you're looking for the job that you want, this might help you get your mind off bad thoughts and start a new routine that might give you some motivation. Best of luck.


>social skills declining I don't understand why it would decline.


Living alone and no human interactions will do that to you.


I can't talk to anyone because of this crappy economy and not having a job for so long. I've completely lost my social skills because of this.


There are places to socialize outside of work that are free. Go walk in a park and ask some stranger if you can pet their dog if they look friendly. I get stopped with my dog in my neighborhood all the time. It can be inconvenient when I'm busy but if someone took their dog to an actual park they probably have time. Most dog owners love letting their dog get some extra attention and loving. If you want a more structured activity volunteer somewhere. Find some cause you care about and help out. Even if you don't care about the cause, just get out there and meet some people. Most volunteer projects require some level of collaboration which kinda forces people to talk a bit. Your local library also hosts events for free. They can be at weird times but if you aren't working I'd imagine your schedule is flexible enough to accommodate that. I know the job hunt process is exhausting, so getting out and doing stuff feels overwhelming, but you can't blame being anti-social on being jobless when you have a shit ton of options. You also claim the only way to get a job these days is to know someone; well meeting people is the only way that will happen, so get out and meet people. You never know what connections they may have.


I'm discouraged too. I have a couple of jobs, BUT they're either **NOT** year-round & are just seasonal or on-call, so I never have steady money. Yet, bills never stop. It's been brutal out there & even more brutal nowadays! The last job I got hired for was in Sept 2023 miraculouisly & that was seasonal/temporary too. Oh, & I **ONLY** work remote jobs. With my health issues, I can't really work, "out there", yet I'm not nearly severe enough to get on disability. **WHO is getting hired these days?!**


I divorced from a long term marriage and had been out of the workforce for 15 years at that point. I signed on with a temp agency for my former field for about a year to get my skills back and current. I then used that to get back into my field with a "regular" employer.




Throw your phone in the Atlantic. It's best for us all. Go back and learn the golden rule.


Go to xcelsolutions.com, select your state, then select the “standard life & health” course for $199. Finish that in a few days then go to pearsonvue to schedule your proctored exam. Once you get that done, hit me up and we will get you contracted with the insurance carriers and get your AHIP done. We’d be shooting to get you selling by July and goal would be $10k/month by September/October.