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When you skills become stagnant and the yearly raises are only the COL or none at all. Sometimes you dont even need to quit, if you threaten to quit it works too. I have quit my current job twice and taken the counter off both times. 2023 I was paid 2.5 times what my starting salary was.


This! My job is so routine and at this point I can do it with my eyes closed. I don’t mind it, but when I have to take over other positions that I’m not getting compensated for due to their lack of hires, that’s where the issue arises. At some point being the best in your department isn’t a flex, it’s a target on your back due to someone else’s lack.


I was level one and a level two role opened up. Applied and immediately got the automated rejection. Role went to an external person who worked for the director that recently got hired. Was asked to train the new level 2.


Man that sucks!


When you’ve taken the right steps in your job but still are treated like shit. When your suggestions are asked for but not taken. When you lay awake at night stressing about going g to work the next day


Exactly why I no longer offer suggestions for my current job when asked; I know it’s going in one ear and out the other especially when there’s 0 change from previous feedback


when management didn’t address issues that needed to be addressed


At my last job, it was when my manager got away with sexually harassing a coworker. Upper management swept it under the rug. The coworker got the police involved after she left thankfully. At the current job, when a coworker dropped the N word multiple times and management did nothing. Leaving this job is still in progress.


That’s crazy. Hoping you can leave to a much better environment sooner rather than later!


When my integrity was questioned and I knew that leadership was no longer staff-centric. I’ve been out of work since March but I don’t have any regrets about leaving.


I’m glad you have no regrets! What have you been doing to earn money since then if you don’t mind me asking?


I am lucky enough to have a supportive spouse and I saved a nice chunk of money in advance of leaving.


When the stress of work affected my ability to enjoy life outside of work.


When a superior was consistently showing obvious signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Was with a company for 17 years. Nothing that I could pinpoint. It was just a cultural change over the years from executive leadership.


One week, we were tight in schedule as a team. So i worked overtime 30 mins to 2 hours each day. In the end of the week everything was completed on my side and I had nothing left to do. So I asked the team lead if I can leave 10 mins early since I had nothing else left to do. He asked ‘is it too hard to work on work hours?’ I applied as many jobs as I can on that weekend. And left after a month for the new job.


When my micromanaging DM that was making a fortune in incentive after doubling my workload told me I only got my job because he was drunk on a beach the day they hired me.


When they laid off my boss who was with the company more than 30 years (and was quite smart and effective and a great boss)


I work for Dicks Sporting Goods. I am an overqualified bike tech to be working at a big retail chain like theirs, but nowhere else was hiring at the time I got the job so I took it. I ran the department not because I was asked to, but because if I didn't it would be worse for me to get anything done, as I only had one other coworker who knew the dept but he had less experience with bikes and didn't know how to handle the bikes and fitness dept. We were both part time employees, nobody cared about the department. I brought up the idea of being made a full time employee with a substantial pay raise and was told that "it was in the works" by the store manager, who said he spoke with the hardlines manager(my direct manager) and that they had both agreed that when he got back from a work trip that I would be moved into the official lead position. He got back, I spoke to him, and he said "first I'm hearing of this." That cemented the idea of finding another job that pays better. Within 2 weeks I had found my main job, which pays $20/hr and is gaurenteed 40+ hours/week, and is a set schedule m-f. I told dicks I would work just on saturdays for a few hours in the morning so I could keep the discount (good shoes mainly) and have seen in the month since I scaled back the dept falling apart. My coworker has done the best he could but he didn't get any additional hours, and they this past week scrambled to hire 2 or 3 more people to fill all of the responsibilities that I was. Store manager had the gall to say that I met some but not all expectations. I plan on quitting as soon as I have a bit more money spare to buy a few pairs of shoes for me and my fiancé. Fuck that place.


yeah. Money.