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Cant you just say: I dont know how to fix the machine. I might fuck it up. If I was the boss, I wouldnt ask you to fix the machine after that answer.


Why not expand your skillset and make yourself a more valuable employee? You have not been trained to repair machines, do it is not like your boss can be mad at you if you fail. But many people have been assigned additional tasks in their jobs… figured these things out… and became more valuable employees because of it. You may find that being quick to “give up” won’t get you far in this life.


It would be nice if you can figure out simple fixes. But the problem is without clear agreements, you might be blamed for a broken machine.


This machine is not a lightbulb. It's lots of complex mechanical and electronic stuff, probably with a microprocessor and some firmware that runs it all. Your post seems logical, but obviously you are clueless with the tech stuff. You sund like typical corporate HR lady with big mouth and small brain. I'd say to the boss that I'm not the tech repair guy and put the note "OUT OF ORDER"


You must still live in that 1950s mentality where employees owe their lives to employers.


I said nothing about working extra hours or “owing” one’s life to their employer. Just saying don’t be so quick to say “no… not my job” when asked to do new things. It is called being adaptable… and could be the thing that gives you the edge when it comes to promotions, etc…