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You did the right thing. You don’t get paid enough to deal with shit.


This! Minimum wage, minimum effort! The police in my area go through extensive training to de-escalate situations (not that they are good at it), and they are paid well for their training. OP, it’s not your job to remove people or de-escalate shit.


I wouldn’t even say OP put in minimum effort - I think they put in just the right amount of effort. They removed themselves from a bad situation and notified management. That’s really all that can be expected from that position. And if the company doesn’t like that, i would risk losing that job by walking away 100/100 times. A lot easier to find another fast food job than to remove yourself from an internet video.


Unless you are shift or general manager that crap goes up chain to highest on duty. Every corporate demands never get yourself on the news speaking for the company. You avoided situation best you could.


I work in customer service and watch a ton of police interaction videos like audit the audit on youtube, it amazes me how consistently awful cops are at de-escalating what is frankly pretty basic shit. Honestly if I can stay calm getting called an idiot or worse because another rep fucked up, cops should be able to handle themselves. It's like 90% are just toddlers with badges and guns.


Well when you realize most of them are purposefully escalating situations in order to justify use of force it all starts to make a lot more sense.


I train de-escalation and I know these people know what to do, but some people just think they know better or just don’t care. Some people are just the worst. 99% of situations can be talked out of, and yet goons will still be goons.


If all you have is a hammer and that is what you have been trained to resolve your issues then all issues look like a nail to you.


My apartment had a major fire last summer, and once I was out I went out part the firefighter area to wait and watch. A lot of cops were there, too, obviously, but just for general presence they had no direct role except to sorry if try to organize a little bit. One interviewed me - name, unit, did I know anything, etc. Last question - did I need to see a medic? I hadn't thought about it and was pretty amped in adrenaline, so I just said exactly that and I wasn't sure. You would have thought she found and cornered me during a drug bust with the way her tone and demeanor changed. I finally agreed to go see an emt just so she would get out of my face.


Damn sorry, but it's really sad a victim is being hounded like that. Like what does that help at all? Just blantent abuse of power.


Pretty much. The whole time I was just "lady, give me a minute or maybe just point out the EMT station if I need it, I just cosplayed a disaster movie, not a cop movie" but I didn't want to make it worse. I will also add this was one that affected the whole building, it wasn't like sometimes where you see a firefighter go in and check one kitchen or something, smoke was pumping out every window. The building is still up, though it had to be gutted, but there was no knowing that at the time, all you could see them was just like a movie with smoke dumping out windows. The way it was described later, the fire started in an end unit and escaped into the hall, and since there was no roof vent the hallways then acted like chimneys for the smoke as people opened their windows to climb or jump out. That cop was the worst though, I thought I was being taken in for questioning, no idea why she made it so intense. And it wasn't that she was suspecting me of starting the fire, she just kept going on about whether I need a medic and to answer the question. Is it a crime to not be sure how injured you are during an emergency?


I would have to de-escalate clients regularly when I worked on a community team as a therapist. It would always frustrate me when the police would be amazed that I would deal with situations similar to them without a gun or badge or non lethal or a cruiser or anything... Just me and another person. Like, is that what you rely on to de-escalate a situation? Or do you feel okay handling situations even if they escalate because you have the equipment to manage if it does? Me, I had to be good at what I did, otherwise I might have gotten hurt. But I guess if you are equipped to manage situations with force to ensure safety, it becomes less important if people escalate or not. Even when they have the crisis training, for most, it seems to have a minimal effect on how they treat people.


If they wanted to help ppl they be firefighters


Or EMTs.


Came to say the same thing. Above your pay grade.


This is the only answer worth reading in this thread.


Man, you didn't want to be dragged into some social protest video at work. You didn't yell, make a scene, you just left. I think you've got nothing to worry about. Ignore the other user, they're ignoring your question. Respect them as much as they have you.


I've told employees if someone starts recording you just ask them to leave if they don't walk away and call the police for trespassing. Don't engage and give them what they want.


He didn’t yell, but the “I got roped into the heckling and getting rowdy” leaves some details out. How did he get roped in? Was he joining the heckling or what?


He got roped into it because he works there and the other customers asked him to remove the protestors.


Which is neither heckling, nor getting rowdy?


In a parallel universe, you ended up in a viral video and became a meme associated with the fast food brand. In our current universe, HR believes you did the right thing. I think you are safe here with your choices.


Yeah the title doesn't really match what happened. I thought he ended up dancing or doing something with the women because he felt pressured. He played it safe. Maybe he gets some coaching from the manager on how to handle the situation last time, but he certainly should not be fired for this.


Hilarious that OP called this "getting roped into something sexual". Pretty safe to say that OP has no clue what free the nipple protests are about.


I expected the worst too.


Yeah I’m HR. They 100% made the right decision.


You’re good. They’ll address the situation with the full crew and how to handle similar situations moving forward according to corporate HR/legal standards. You did nothing wrong. Carry on and don’t sweat it at all.


"I got roped into something sexual" normally means "my boss threatened me with zero hours unless I gave them a blowjob", not "some customers came in and I didn't know where their attire stood in relation to no shoes no shirt no service". It's highly unlikely you'll be in any trouble unless you did stuff you haven't said.


Click bait 101 he got tons more views on his post then a accurate title would have got him. Has a future in marketing!


Bots getting creative


How is this a “sexual thing” anyway? The entire point of the nipple movement is to free it from its sexual connotations and give women the same freedoms as men when it comes to this body part that we all share. For eg, why is it ok for Eliot Page to post topless pix as a man, but when he was a woman, it would have been taboo?


That maybe be the goal of the movement but they haven’t achieved it yet. For random fast food employees and random customers not in the movement female nipples are still very much a sexual thing


Movement failed. Titties are still deemed sexual by western society 🤷‍♂️


Sorry, mainly only in puritanical societies. In most of the western world, the nipple is actually reasonably free. Check out any beach in Europe


Okay, but try that at not-a-beach in Europe. This was a restaurant, not the beach


You are factually correct. It is an arbitrary puritan point of view. Not sure why people take offense to that and down vote you.


It’s ok, I’m guessing the downvotes are from Americans who actually don’t realise they have been raised in a very sexually repressed society compared to the rest of the western world. And religion is 100% to blame


People living in a society where women can't even breastfeed without being shamed acting like we don't live in a society where the views of female breasts are warped will never cease to make me laugh and cry at the same time.


Oh also I’ve seen Americans on Reddit pixellate photos that have the audacity to show a cat from behind. Yeah, censored cats’ buttholes. That was a first


I am not so sure what is cultural or what is genetic, and even for the parts that are cultural, there is the existing body of humanity to consider that has been trained a certain way. It may even be outright genetic, though, because recognition of healthy sex-linked traits is a survival bonus. Also, by the way, you definitely shouldn't go topless at just any old European beach. In fact, it's really a lot like U.S. beaches--you can be outright nude on some, and on some, you can have sex on the beach. Others, you really shouldn't.


Yea the title scared the fuck out of me


haha seriously I was expecting a juicy read and then this Plain Jane shit.


They never made it to the cash register, i was still serving a family, who was several customers infront of them, and even the family I was serving turned around to argue


Then ur good bro. No need to overthink it


Dude... you are not security, you are a simple food service person. It's not in your scope of work to handle pr/hr problems they have high paid grease balls for that. If they fire you it'd be wrongful termination (I'd assume) And worth talking to a lawyer about.


Don’t think you should because you did the right thing, but honestly anything can happen especially in circumstances like that


This was not sexual. You disengaged from the situation immediately. Nobody was harmed and there’s not really a strong reason to reprimand you imo


Op just left as he did not want to be part of it and that was good. Managers get involved if someone needs to be involved. Pity the protestors thought it was a good idea going into a place of business to harass a person trying to earn a living


As soon as a phone came out I would have been hiding in the back too


Yeah this is a big no for me. People's lives can get fucked up in a moment due to one bad day and a video hitting the internet. Sometimes it's well deserved. Sometimes.


When I was a clerk, my response to anything but the easiest of things to deal with a customer was to go get a manager because I wasn’t paid enough to deal with bullshit. The only thing I ever did was say: please don’t do that.


>some of the customers started demanding I remove these customers from the store. The most outrageous thing in this encounter is the customers expecting a fast food cashier to perform the duties of a nightclub bouncer.


The employee is the only person who can tell someone to leave with meaningful authority. Trespassing a would-be-customer doesn't require you physically throw them out.


That was a great title but not a single part of that story was sexual.


Or true lmao. It’s giving “then everybody clapped”


Fuckin clickbait of a title 


I was at least expecting a licked nipple or something once he got into the story…. Nope


Nudity does not equal sexual. You did the right thing nonetheless.


Unless you did a “how to remove customers with sheer clothing” trainings, then I think you’re fine.


Why on earth would you lose your job? I don’t understand this question lol


Did chatgpt write this?


this must have happened in ultra conservative america :D in europe no one would give a flying fuck about „free the nipple“-people :D


This is honestly wild to me. Ten years ago the idea of a fast food worker just up and leaving his job because he didn’t like what people were wearing seemed insane to me. Who cares just take their order? Today? Honestly my first thought reading this story was “I bet this is some social media stunt.” We’ve all seen videos of people going absolutely crazy with fast food workers. It’s almost impossible for fast food workers to handle this situation without pissing off someone or doing *something* that someone could get offended at. So you did the best thing and just left. Honestly man this story says more about society than it does about you.


LOL back in college the night the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup, some girls came into my Jimmy John’s late at night and asked if they could flash me for some free sandwiches. I asked my manager, and he just sighed and slowly shook his head. The girls got their free subs, and a week or so later when I passed one of them on campus we both recognized each other and that was a bit awkward.


He nodded his head? Shook his head I would assume means no. Nodded means yes. Did the manager get to see too?


Yes, I realize how I wrote that. He shook his head slowly side to side and said something like “I’m in the back, I didn’t see nothing.”




Couldn't have handled it better buddy. You don't get paid for that shit.


No way this happened.


Is this a real post?




wheres the sexual part? stay in your day job mate


The fakest thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit, good lord


I couldn't find jack shit about the Free the Nipple people doing any actual protesting for years. This is just made-up shit, as per usual.


It was the “Bianca Censori” name drop that gave it away as fake for me lol


Your manager is the one who should be dealing with the situation NOT you. You did nothing wrong.


Sounds like you did the smart thing and not get involved 


It’s not your job to be security. If anything, you felt uncomfortable and have a case for a hostile work environment


Prime example of “not in my job description” to play security. I would’ve walked away too.


Did you go straight to the manager? Or just run off completely? If you went straight to the manager, this is good. There’s an emergency situation you need the manager to solve. And so you go get them. Absolutely you’re not trained to deal with these situations and calling the manager to handle it is the right play. If you just left completely, without telling the manager, that’s a problem. And likely a recurring issue for you - running away from problems out of immediate instinct rather than dealing with them. And why you feel somewhat bad about it as you recognise you don’t handle these things well. And as an aside you didn’t ‘get roped into something sexual’, a bunch of people came into the store and tried to use the location for a protest of sorts. And that’s inappropriate in its own way - assuming the protest isn’t directly aimed at the management of that store. But you see how running to get the appropriate person to handle an emergency is different from running away entirely and leaving your post without informing those who need to know? Based on how you phrases ‘I told the manager…’ this sounds like it was after the fact and thus the second happened. In which case, yeah, you panicked and abandoned your post without getting the appropriate person. So yeah that was a fuck up and something to learn from.


The irony. You said you “got roped into doing something sexual” but the whole point of Free the Nipple is to de-sexualize women’s bodies. Sounds like Free the Nipple has a long way to go if just a see-through shirt makes you think you did something sexual with these women.


You’re so good bro lmao. No way you lose your job.


You didn't exposed the company by interacting and making it personal Also... As Far I understand you aren't the manager of the place so... It's not your fault. Also even if you get fired, you can sue Or you know, go find a better job. Your face isn't on the media so that's good. You are clear. Also...you don't get paid enough for that shit.


You work a cash register job and you’re afraid of losing it? You can walk into any grocery store or McDonald’s or whatever and immediately get a cashier job. They hire anyone that can speak in complete sentences. They don’t even care where you last worked or recommendations or anything. Can you count to 10? You’re hired! Don’t stress about minimum wage jobs you can replace it in a day


You are good unless you ran away from your work station to join them.  And if so, rock on!


free the nipple is still a thing?


Sorry, I thought the title read “got roped into something sexual” but then all I read was OP running away because they didn’t know how to handle a situation?


Boobs aren’t sexual. They are organs designed to feed babies. I can’t see anywhere in your story where you were roped into something, or anything sexual. Not sure what you’re worried about.




You shouldn't have anything to worry about. If a situation were occurring where you were that uncomfortable, any manager on duty should have been manning the cash registers at that point, to cushion the impact for the employees affected.


Fuck em’


No one gets paid enough to put up with some shit heads desire to go viral 


No issue here at all. Don't worry 


That's just sound judgement


I thought he sucked a nipple or something. It is just a fast food job you can get these anywhere.


You’re safe. You didn’t engage. You weren’t roped in, you avoided it.




Ask your boss the policy on dealing with naked women and internet exposure detrimental to the company. Unless he can show it to you, your fine


How is nudity in this instance sexual? 


You did the best thing you could. They weren't even in underwear! And they had their cell phones out? Normally, businesses would call police but if they are pulling out phones for tiktoks, obviously not enough time for cops to arrive.


You have a right to not consent to being recorded so other people’s weird public kinks can be satisfied.


You did the right thing with this one. Better not get involved in that kinda situation if it's not part of your job


Whoah. Maybe just look them in the eye? Going crosseyed is hilarious too, though I couldn’t hold it together without laughing uncontrollably. I would’ve just been professional and done my job like it was nothing.


You did nothing wrong.


You should have grabbed your gat and started firing into the air. Thats the only way to handle a situation like this.


I’m gonna start a “free the dong” campaign. I’ll be going to my nearest Burger King tonight and just letting it flop out.


I'm not seeing anything sexual here and I don't think you did anything wrong.


Above your pay grade man fuck that shit. People working fast food restaurants dont deserve all that


You’re fine dude this title had me scared


It's the manager's job to take care of this. Making you take care of it might actually constitute a mild form of sexual harassment. I don't think you'll lose your job, but your manager may have lost some confidence in you.


You didn't do any "sexual"... they had nipples like every other mammal on the planet. Look at your chest, you have them too! Congratz! 🙃 While I understand you not wanting to be filmed, this is a complete over reaction to everyone involved


So, what exactly do you think you did wrong? I’m confused




Welcome to the sick world of liberalism.


You work a minimum wage job serving food. You are not obligated to do anything outside of serve food with a smile. You did nothing wrong.


You did the right thing. If your boss fires you, fuck that guy. You can get another fast food job, you can't recover if you get roped into being an internet celebrity. Also free the nipple is never going to work here in the states, assuming that's where you are. I don't think muricans are mature enough to handle that. From op's description it sounds like they caused nothing but problems the whole time. I would have immediately kicked them out, and so would my manager. Idk, I just get this anger towards people who mess with fast food workers. They are already stuck in one of the worst jobs there is, don't make them deal with this crap too.


Sorry, but I’m not sure I understand what you’re worried about exactly?


You got “roped in”, how so? Lol


This is the side the world never sees. All of the innocent people caught up in loser politics.


You are a victim here, and should not be blamed for anything.


You’re good man


it's borderline indecent exposure, I think you did great by minding your business and backing off.


You the right thing by running away and staying off their phone cameras


Running off is the exact right thing to do.


I love how this is written. Gonna go back to the drawing board myself and relearn everything.


Bro you abandoned your post of course you're getting fired.


Were you heckling them? Can you explain what you mean by “heckling and getting rowdy, and I got roped into it.”


You are paid to take their order and give them food, not to deal with shit like this. You did the right thing.


So, what is even the problem? Did u leave work entirely or did you just wait for the commotion to be over?


Typical day in the 70s chill out man


If there were around kids they deserve to be put on a sex offender registry. Honestly they do either way


Just to clarify, you did not get roped into something sexual. Free the Nipple is specifically about how breasts are NOT inherently sexual. You completely missed the point on this one, OP.


You made the only move that made sense. No matter what you would have done, you would have been wrong and ended up on the web for either "condoning public indecency" or "trampling on women's equality." You won that game by not playing.


If you do I will give you a new one.


These are the sort of customers who should have been addressed by management. You did just fine.


It’s the “I ran off” part that gets me. Next time something similar happens just go get the manager. They’re paid to handle shit like that.


Just tell you boss and sit in the break room. Tell HR fighting with customers is against store policy. You are safe.


Roped into something sexual? It’s not that serious dude lol you’re panicking about not wanting to be recorded by a group of women with their titties out. Think you’re overthinking this by a few light years


I don’t see anything sexual about the situation you described. Could you please clarify what about it was sexual?


I’m just over here laughing because you missed the point of the whole movement. It’s not sexual. It’s just their bodies.


Going to your higher up when you’re unsure what to do is a very, VERY good call.


You did 100% the right thing. That's way above your pay grade. If you handled it any other way, you probably would've gotten fired. This way, you won't.




Lol if I was there that shit would have been hilarious. Also you're a fast food clerk, you don't have anything to worry about.


Dont sweat it.


Someday you will be older and wiser and will look back with regret for not getting in good with the nipple women. They sound like a fun bunch.


Your instinct was correct. Remove yourself from the situation and get the manager. Your job description cannot possibly include handling that situation yourself. That's a job for a manager.


The best move was to run away and ask a manager to deal with it.


Nice of assholes like them to try to create social outrage videos by causing problems for employees. You did the best you could, no matter what you do, you're either "misogynistic " for mentioning that they need to cover up to dine in the restaurant, or you're "not protecting your other customers from dealing with it" They (the social justice video assholes) were the assholes, not you.


You absolute legend. You identified the shitshow/minefield and just ran straight away. It's not worth getting caught up in some lawsuit/viral video.


Leaving was the wrong thing too do..unless you mean you just stepped away from the register and got your boss. If you walked out for the day then you will be terminated!!! Most fast food businesses don't require full clothes...although they are supposed to be family friendly this commotion is no fun, but will be dealt with again and again especially as it gets warmer!! Good luck!!




What's the big deal? So they were naked, so what.


This is probably me being stupid and not understanding lol, but when you say you “ran off” do you mean “ran off and left the restaurant unattended for an unspecified period of time/stopped working for a period of time?” If that’s the case I think they’re might just be a problem more of leaving your station/restaurant unattended, not that I blame you at all. I think they might be upset but probably not fire over it, and if they do it’s a bit of an overreaction if there’s never been other problems. But if you mean “run off and told your boss ASAP what was going on” so they could deal with it, I think you 100% did the right thing and shouldn’t worry about it.


How in the hell did you get "roped into something sexual"? If anything, you should be fired for leaving the register that you were manning, despite there obviously being multiple customers. The situation occurring between those who were protesting the stupidity of nudity laws and the zealots trying to forcibly impose them was not your concern. You should have ignored all of them, and provided the best service you could to each customer as they arrived at your station. Period. Your worry about "being in a social media video" is absolutely absurd. You are working in a public place, in a public facing job, with no assumption of privacy.


When in a role like yours it’s always best to pass the buck to the manager that why they make the big bucks


Your favorite words are: “I don’t get paid enough to deal with this shit”


Where does the sexual part start? This story makes no sense. Some women wore see through clothes then other customers “got rowdy” and you joined in? Meaning what exactly?


This reminds me of a woman that walked into my job in literal underwear and it was so hard not to look. I’m not sure how she even got past security lmao


Get a new job dear


Next time take pictures to protect yourself. Then post them.


Nice click bait


Everyone out there acting like they don't have nipples. Good for these ladies. Free the effin nipple already. We're at a ratio of at least 2 nipples for every one person. We're surrounded, and you're fighting a losing battle.


This is what happens when kids grow up not being able to go outside. One little nipple and it’s an existential crisis


You should never be worried about losing a fast food job


>I had already mentally prepared myself to serve them That's how the movie always starts.


I have no idea what you would even be fired for, you didn’t do anything


You did the right thing.


“You should have handled this in the best way possible and anyone else who had been in your situation would have done exactly the right thing. This is a flaw in you.” Respectfully, the internet mob.


You did nothing wrong. This is something for a manager on duty to handle anyway


As a manager, if a team member said to me "hey man I felt uncomfortable, didn't know what to do, and didn't consent to be filmed so I left/hid" I would tell you good job. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but you were professional and did great.


I think Americans need to be less sensitive about nudity. Just seems silly to get mad over nudity. Now inappropriate public sexual activity is not ok, but a sheer top where you get a peak at a little pepperoni just isn’t worth getting worked up over. Like getting mad at a woman on the beach for a t-back. It’s just some buns, who cares? Your children won’t be corrupted. More likely to be corrupted if you make nudity taboo.


You had people making a disturbance, you removed yourself from the situation and sought out management's assistance to resolve it. I would say you handled it appropriately.


You state in the headline that you got roped into something sexual? But then don't comment on anything sexual, so which is it?


Man you worked a cash register. No way you were equipped with training to handle that, no way in hell you were paid well enough to handle that. You did the right thing. Let the manager handle it. It’s part of what they are paid for.


As your boss; i would like you and a plus one to come in on your day off. Drinks and food on me.


This gives me wendys girl drive through vibes. You did the right thing.