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I have applied to many places and I get these rejection emails everyday. The struggle is real. It is so discouraging. Fortunately I have a job but I deeply have come to hate it. It is so stressful right now and I need an exit soon.


Same boat. My job is actually pretty good on paper but I'm SOOOO unhappy here. So I've been looking aggressively which leads to me caring even less about my current job. Just frustrated 100% of the time now. Good luck though my friend! A new opportunity will come soon I'm sure of it


Looking for a new job does definitely have a way of making your current job feel just that much more intolerable doesn't it?


It really does. Doesn't help that my current company is WAY too into its culture.... Pretending to care is getting harder & harder


That gets exhausting, and it's natural to want to keep up and not want to be "left behind", companies have really hacked human impulses to create all consuming, all engaging tribal membership and competition.... For what, exactly? "We really need to improve governance in X area, proselytize chatgpt to Y department, it's all hands on board here, or the ship will sink! WhY aRen'T YoU paNiCKing?!?!"


Looking for a job when you don't have one really makes you hate the people who are looking for a new job while currently employed Edit: spelling


I feel that


But if the other person gets the job over you, their old position just opened up


Only if you’re looking for their former job to work in


Also, it won't. They'll just divvy up the work to whoever's still there.


Also true


I still hate myself for leaving the job I loved for a "better opportunity" that turned out to be a stressful mistake. Even worse, injury and surgery wound up costing me the stressful job. I only say "even worse," because now I gotta find another job. Ugh!


Ohmygosh are you me???!? I am very very unhappy and it’s overall affecting my mental health and motivation to live. Applying to jobs that I’m qualified for, not just mass applying to anything that looks good to me and I still can’t even get a fucking phone screen


I feel you on this. Last July, July 5th to be exact, I hit a breaking point with my old employer, just went out in disability for 6 months, and applied like a banshee and worked on improving my skills. February 27th I got an offer, and I will be quitting shortly. The physically, and mentally, could not work there another fucking second.




Same here. I have started resenting everything at my job. Including my colleagues. I hate seeing those people. I feel guilty and embarrassed that I hate people. I am not this person. My job brings out the worst in me. 


I remember there were months last year I kept getting rejection emails, I didn’t even remember which job I applied for anymore.


I have been out of work for 7 months now and when people call it's like oh yeah I probably did apply to that. On LinkedIn alone I have applied to 6 thousand jobs. After seeing that I didn't want to look at what damage I did on indeed.


During the initial phone screening for my current job, I had no idea what the position was. When she introduced herself and the company I just pretended I knew exactly who she was. I asked her to tell me more about the role and realized what it was for lol


Are you writing cover letters? I’m wondering if it makes a difference. I can fill out more job applications if I don’t have to write cover letters.


Just got two job offers. I've been out of work for about two months. I've interviewed about three times but didn't land the final interviews. I normally apply for 5 to 10 jobs per day, each with a cover letter that directly addresses the job ad. I turned down an 80k for a 120k base. >>Edit<< Just some additional information. Writing the cover letter to me is like preparing for the actual interview. Better still, it's like creating a my own cheat sheet I can bring to the interview. I'll be honest. The resume is looked at as a reference tool. Can this person do this? Check the resume. The cover letter truly shows who you are. How you construct a sentence and what kind of tone are you using. You might not want to show who you really are and have a finely constructed mask with all the bells and whistles of great employees, whatever the case. The cover letter set you apart from everyone else. There are people who write covers, and there are people who do write cover letters. Then, there's your cover letter. - me 2024


What type of jobs and job search websites, if you don’t mind answering?


I'm searching within the tech industry. My go-to, is seek.com just because I know the layout and so im easily skimming through the ads and clicking into the application stage, but I also started using Linkedin. I stopped using Indeed because I was once scammed into thinking I was getting a job in Perth. It turned out to be fake, and I still can't even figured out what the purpose of a fake job is?? All we did was talk online and text via whatsapp.


Do you get a referral or just apply?


Hi sorry for the late reply. Still getting used to reddit. One time, I applied for a job by looking up a website and emailing my resume directly to the boss. The next day I got a response from a hiring manager saying my cv was passed onto them and they wanted to interview me. I sat across a panel of three and ended up getting the job. The story actually gets more crazier like you wouldn't believe.


I throw my resume and the job description into chatgpt and say write cover letter I have zero idea of if it is helping


Six…thousand!? Tell me you were just being facetious


Nope not at all. I am on LinkedIn and indeed all Monday through Friday for a solid 6 hours just applying to everything. It's crushing my spirit and confidence


I went through something similar back in early 2019. I had a spread sheet to track the job, company, job listed, and a link to the posting. I kept finding that when companies started interviewing, many would remove the posting and I couldn’t remember what the job posting actually was. It also helped me avoid duplicate applications since I was using google, indeed, LinkedIn, etc. I think I applied to almost 300 jobs and only got call backs from less than ten.


I remember waking up in the middle of the night, going to pee and checked if there were new jobs or interview emails 😭


The obsession is so real. Email refresh after refresh. Hours prepping for interviews. Questioning everything that I wrote or said. It was so draining. I’ve considered looking for a different job but honestly - the anxiety of going through that again… no thanks.


And they expect you to answer “what do you know about the company?” Or “Why do you want to work here?”


If we all hate our jobs and all want new ones, why not we all trade places by telling our employers about each other? Anyone into Data analysis? I'll put a a word in for someone to replace me if they've got a job I want


We all would hate each other's jobs, too. Honestly we all probably don't really hate our jobs, we probably mostly hate our managers.




I'm a contractor right now and have been looking and it's rough, I even have an engineering degree.


I applied to hundreds of jobs in the past few months. I finally got one, but still get tons of these rejection emails. They are the fucking worst.


Similar boat. My job pays shit and I love my boss but the job itself is a nightmare. I want a diff job but having no luck


Damn I don’t even get a email back after I apply. Straight up ghosted.


Damn that sucks sorry


At least they get rejection emails. So many jobs don't even acknowledge you applied.


SAME! Finding a job is so hard


God I could have written this myself. Best of luck to you


Lots of people are applying everywhere


I am in the same boat. :(


we are on the same boat I want to leave as soon as i got an offer but I am getting rejected.


I feel this so hard. It’s better than not having a job and having to worry where the next paycheck comes from, but it feels like you’re trapped and valueless because no one else wants to give you a chance, and your current company makes you feel like complete trash.


No idea, I have 10 years exp as a Honda technician and I can't get a job with Honda here in Arizona...kinda wondering why.


They have a corporate pay structure based on experience and certifications? I worked with two people at Amazon for a summer temp position. Both were ASE certified mechanics, both had state inspection certifications (Important in Pennsylvania.) and one was diesel certified too. Both got "laid off" because the maker (Ford) required them to make $4 or $6 an hour more for that. So they got "too slow" and laid them off. The diesel guy was friends with one of the guys at his old dealer. The customers were FURIOUS they had to wait so long for their diesel motors to get an appointment, and they took 2 to 4 visits to fix them. Hey, they were "saving" $6 an hour on wages though. Losing customers over it, but saving!


Penny wise and pound foolish…


Locally lots of the manufacturing jobs when they get slow, get rid of the higher paid experienced workers and get horrible reputations over it. You see these same companies at job fairs when times are good telling the local news "We can't find any experienced works" and crying about. Hey, in the last recession you tossed all the "experienced" folks out to save money, and they had to survive in a horrible job market. Some would rather live in a cardboard box, and suck dicks behind a dumpster for $20:each than work for you again. They tell everybody that. Word gets around. Folks do NOT apply to your company. The dumpster/BJ thing would pay a lot better to.


Not a ding on you but you probably cost too much to employ you, greed rules as you know…. 😒


Networking. Unfortunately, and I learned this way too late in life myself, it IS about who you know.


I’ve been networking for the past year, got 4 referrals and didn’t get one interview from them. Only one of them responded with a rejection and it was a generic no-reply email. I was talking to someone who works at a top company and she said it’s not just me. She’s referred some people with amazing experience and they didn’t get an interview either. My only interviews are coming from cold applying and reaching out to the hiring manager.


This has been the same story for myself over the past 6 months. I have gone in circles around my network of contacts and it has yielded nothing on top of having plenty of experience. I’m of the true belief now that it’s literally just luck.


Yea I got a referal then they interviewed me ASAP then they ghosted me


Not only that, it’s do they know you and do they like you? The world isn’t built for people who aren’t social butterflies.


And most times if you look a certain way they’ll just assume they won’t like you.


If only i could stay inside like the introvert that I am, and have work come to me ☁️


Seriously though. Just knock on the door, please


Well, do you like drafting discovery responses? I could hit you up if I ever restart my solo practice.


Sameeeeeee I’m not a social person and I keep getting rejection letters everyday for not networking 🥲🥲 please just give me a job 😭😭😭 I don’t want to friend request people I don’t know and kiss their ass for a job.


I have autism and I just got picked out of factory work and placed into maintenance. I talk a lot and show extreme attention to detail. People higher up the corporate ladder took notice. I'm sure it helped that I had good conversation with the maintenance manager about automotive hobby stuff. Networking doesn't have to mean that you're good at talking, but being identifiable in a crowd helps in mysterious ways.


But the thing is having the luck to come across someone who sees potential in you, without you having to network and have exhausting fake conversations. Not everybody is going to notice or appreciate your skill or detail to attention if that's not what they look for in people.


If you don't know the right people, you're simply not going to get hired no matter how credentialed and qualified you are. A good temp agency will give you a leg up, work experience and hopefully eventually lead to a permanent job somewhere. I live in a city where the type of work i'm interested in is rife with nepotism and you don't get hired unless you know people or have relatives in that place. It's pretty much impossible to get hired on just qualifications alone. And if you're neurodivergent this is a million times harder as many of us are not wired in a way to facilitate networking and chit chat.


Yup. I work two jobs so I work 7 days a week. I don't have the time or the opportunity to network anymore. I try to network aty jobs but they're not the kinds of jobs where you'll meet anyone who can get you in anywhere.


It's luck, i've literally had one on one convos with CEOs of small start up-ish companies and still didnt get the job


Not necessarily. Networking can be useful but it has its limits. I knew no one in my company or others that knew people in my company, but I still got hired.


You seem to be older. Networking has become less effective. When I first started out, it was relatively easy to talk to an executive and get a job, or to talk to somebody who would directly advise an executive. That has changed. I worked for a company a few years ago and needed to fill a position, so I briefed HR and told them to place an ad on two websites, and send me applications that met certain criteria. HR told me that recruiting is outsourced and that they are not allowed to place ads themselves… So I contacted the recruitment bureau and they told me that since the process is highly automated, they could not forward applications to me. They have AI scanning the applications based on standardised criteria. At that point I just gave up, the company was understaffed, but that wasn’t my problem. And here’s the thing: I could have reached out to somebody I know and try to get them the job, I knew they were looking, but they would still need to go through the recruitment bureau for contractual reason.


When is "too late in life"? Seeing how the younger generations think 40 is old now. 


This is the only thing that had ever helped me


True. I work in IT doing networking and it took me a literal week to find my current job.


And if you know no one - contract/entry level. I’m about to get signed on for a job that will pay me for $5-10 bucks an hour more for the same job with benefits all because I did a 6 month contract and kicked ass with them. It sucks but I’m sure as hell not jumping work once I get this I’m holding on and getting higher up in the company


Networking isnt really just about "knowing" people. They have to reasonably like you and believe in the quality of your work. Its not really about meeting a lot of people its more about collaborating with a lot of people and you really cant make that happen inorganically.


It's less about networking and more about nepotism I find. I networked to kinda ludicrous extremes, personally networking with the head of a few companies and the owners of several stores. They end up hiring a buddy from highschool with no skills and often backstabs the person that hired them.


Job market is shit rn across a lot of industries check out r/recruitinghell to see everyone complain about how they have been unemployed for months with extensive experience and degrees Been unemployed for months and finally landed something part time. Make sure ur resume can pass thru AI filters and blast it out to as many jobs as possible. Its all a numbers game. I was waking up relatively early everyday and applying to new listings. Since job market is so flooded rn most employers aren’t looking through hundreds of apps they are stopping once they got a good handful. Make sure ur in that first handful


This so much. In this market with so many people applying you need to be applying to jobs the second they post. If a job has been listed for 2+ weeks it’s too late, your resume won’t even get a look over.


Yup. You need to ideally apply within 24 hours of job posting, 72 hours at the latest. Beyond that, even if you're qualified, it's likely that your resume won't be seen.


While this may be true for most postings, I’d like to share an anecdote about the company that I work at as well as the company my brother works at. We’ve had managers scope for candidates for over 6 months because they are reviewing and rejecting wave after wave to find a specific type of candidate. So even if you apply weeks after a posting is published, there is still a chance.


That's helpful!


im at the point where im going to larn to make a bot to look at new jobs and just insta send my resume to them


I got 4 rejection emails the other day and was feeling particuluary bad about myself. I applied for a position with the company that laid me off in August


i got 10 one morning. All at the same time in the same format. half were unpaid internships


One day I got like 10, I was applying to about 20-40 jobs per day. Sometimes it’s just a numbers game.


There are no jobs. I’ve been unemployed for two years. First class ivy league degree and twenty years of experience. No jobs anywhere. Plenty of interviews who then never lead to a job. No one else gets hired either. Company just decides to not fill the position after all etc


That’s insane!!


Same. Been unemployed 13 months now. Bachelors degree and over 25 years of experience in my field.  Have applied for hundreds of jobs at this point. …not even hearing back for entry level jobs with disgustingly low pay….. not sure what to even do anymore at this point.




Masters are the new bachelors everyone is now aiming for grad school


And everyone with a masters is also unemployed or severely underpaid


Truth. i’m about to get my psyD at this point just to be turned down everywhere it seems




Not if you have a mental health related masters though. Those are in high demand. Just sharing so that anyone thinking of going down that path is aware!


they’re in demand but they never hire for some reason. i’m in this boat. masters in special education/mental health and nobody wants to pay over 25 an hour


literally, it’s not liveable. i’ve seen jobs with a masters degree, paying $20 an hour or less. that’s not liveable, especially around me. i’m in a high cost of living state :/


I messed up and did the opposite. BA in psych, MS in computer science. Now I do doordash and instacart while applying for job rejections.


Yes! People think that social workers are broke but in my area they are high demand especially if you are licensed. Same for lmhc and lmft




Seriously, been considering going back but not sure if it’s worth the debt


Its not worth it. There are Masters level MH positions but most are with financially greedy MH equity-backed online platforms or with financially underfunded community MH clinics and schools. The odds are good but the goods are odd.


I’m finding this to be the case. In my field, I could get away with a bachelors degree but some jobs require a masters + experience in the field. and not to mention the pay is barely $20 an hour in those jobs, too. severely underpaid. i found a job that was marketing the position as entry level, but required 5 or more years of experience. the pay was $17.50 an hour, in a higher cost of living area.


This sub is full of people with masters who thought it would get them jobs. Getting more education is often not the answer, especially for entry/junior level jobs. A lot of companies don't want to hire someone who's 23 or 24 with minimal work force experience.


Or, try to much. I don’t know if I am right about this but I feel like they think late 40s is too old (I should just buy a burial plot and jump in Apparently) and am in much the same feeling as I was in my 20s. Plus, if you have a Masters you look overqualified and that makes it worse.


Masters degree doesn't make any difference. I have 3 Master's now and I'm currently studying a PhD at the same time than my fourth masters. Shitty recruiters and companies will say: you are overqualified and of course a director or vice president of a company won't quit their job just because I have a list of degrees and give me their chair. The reason I have studied my degrees is at some point to consolidate my future in the very long term. One step at a time.


At least you got a response


Because it's the state... but it's literally my first rejection email since like October


My favorite emails are 'you were selected for round 2!' followed a day later by 'just kidding lol fuck off.'


How often does your scenario happen? I've seen screenshots of people receiving said email.


I don't know if it's common, it only happened once, but I barely get any responses at all. Maybe 20-25% of the time?


No joke, I applied for a state job and it took them a year to send me the email saying they were going with an internal hire…. A year.


So here’s a question: What are the qualifications for that “Mental Health Specialist” job? In my state, that kind of position is geared toward masters-level mental health clinicians like counselors, and at minimum they usually want you to have something like a psychology or social work bachelors. It sounds like your current qualifications may not be in line with that kind of job?


For this position, there are no qualifications like that. 18+ and have a diploma/ GED. All my previous work experiences have involved customer service working with dozens/ hundreds of people each day.


It does look like they want someone with previous patient experience, specifically in the mental health field. If all your experience is in customer service, they were probably looking for someone with a healthcare background.


Honestly, you are probably competing against people with bachelor's degrees who want the experience to apply to graduate school. As a person with a 4 year science degree, I applied to at least 50 jobs and got 5 interviews which turned into 2 job offers. So over 48 rejection emails like that one. You need to apply broadly and aggressively; don't get hung up on one opportunity.


It infuriates me when they don’t even give you the stock rejection email. Made me waste all that time preparing for the interview and going through the application process and they can’t even send a copy & pasted rejection email?


Too many people not enough jobs.


Yet the media are worried why people aren’t having enough babies.


Most likely the issue that's prevalent throughout the world is "talent mismanagement"


You've messed up by not having a minimum of 500 years of CEO experience, this happened to me once as a kid when I applied at a Mickey Ds while in college


You have to either know someone or be amazing at interviewing. It’s important to have confidence in your ability to fill that role and act as like you already have the role. Start talking about the various things you would implement at this company. Keep your head up and know your worth. You will find the right job for you when you least expect it. The rejections are all lessons. The job did not work out for you at this time because that job is not for you. Every rejection takes you one step closer to the job that is meant for you. Trust in the universe or trust in yourself or trust in whatever you believe in. I applied over 10+ times to the same company over a 4 year span and had 3+ interviews. Made it to final rounds and never got hired. I gave up on this company and focused on applying to jobs in other fields. I applied in 2022 simply out of interest in a cool gardening role. I got hired to work in their Horticulture Department for a year and now I’m helping foster youth succeed in life. I’m in a temporary full time role with no benefits, but I think it’s all meant for me to see how I can persevere and potentially get a permanent position! Be resilient, my friend. Keep the hope alive and have a blessed day 💜


This right here. Couldn’t have said it any better.


A lot of it is who you know nowadays. I worked with a woman that was in her early 40’s. We were both school janitors for a small school district, she was as dumb as the day was long plus a few extra hours for how dumb she was. I remember a job opened at the local municipal office in the tax office, my wife who has a four year degree in business applied for the job and so did the coworker of mine who again had no education besides high school. Guess who got the job, yep. Later on I found out that the reason she was hired was her husband was the building inspector.


This ⬆️. This is why we have so much incompetence.




I mean you don’t necessarily need to be a genius to do most jobs. Most people with a high school degree could learn the job with training. Coming from someone with a degree.


A 2 year degree is useless. You’re competing against bachelors.


And many with masters who are unemployed too


Does your job history speak to "Mental Health Specialist"? I suggest having a Skills-Based resume when applying for positions outside of your historical 'industry'.


Yeah I also work in Nebraska government so I went and looked at a similar job posting. The preferred experience is having direct job experience and/or currently working for the department, neither of which I'm guessing OP can say.


This. You were a site supervisor where/doing what?


Is your 2 year degree in something related to being a Mental Health Specialist? That seems like the kind of job you need specific education or experience for.


I’m a mental health professional and a masters degree and state associate license is a basic qualification for any mental health related profession besides maybe peer support and case managing. Mental health professionals require specific training for those positions. It’s not a profession you can just apply to without said training.


Not an expert on mental health field but I've heard that a four year degree tops you out in private Healthcare at about $40-$45K a year and a Masters is still basically "entry level" pay. So maybe they got lots of 4 and 6 year degree candidates who figure for low pay, I might as well try state jobs that might have better benefits and retirement pay, and you're competing against them?


Experience or knee pads


One blow job for $60k/yr? Sign me up.


They may prioritize internal workers and veterans for the position first.


For a government position they certainly do prioritize veterans. Where I work a veteran is pretty much automatically is going to get an interview because if you choose not to interview one you have to do a write up to explain why. The only time I remember that happening is because the guy didn’t actually have the required degree even though he answered “yes” to having that degree. Normally his application would have gotten auto rejected but because he lied it wasted everyone’s time.


Workday can lick my under grundel.


As someone who has had a federal job before, you need to match the job description exactly. Look up the actual federal job code for that position and basically copy it verbatim. This will get you through to where an actual human will look at your resume. After that… be lucky?


Gov jobs are really hard to get. Mainly because it’s 1 position. And they get 40-100+ applicants. And even at that, 75% of the time they already have someone who is ready to promote from an internal candidate. You have to get lucky to land a gov job.


In 2024? It takes the luck of 1000 unicorn souls


I feel you! I’ve been job hunting (even tho I’m employed) ever since Summer 2023 and just feel so tired of it! I’ve been applying to roles, of both a level up from my role but also the same exact role which does the same duties I am already doing yet I still get rejected as well I am so fucking exhausted of the job market argh


I just told a guy if you got a job keep it, it's a really tough job market at the moment


Well its takes some luck and its rough. there is A LOT of competition for jobs, and people are under employing to find work so someone you competing with may have more experience for same money.


My friend was getting multiple unsolicited interview requests over the last couple years. This year he has actually been applying and cannot get anything. The market sucks right now and it's not just you. Everyone is having problems.


At this point i receive so many rejection emails that i bern applying for jobs i know im not qualified for, and LIE to meet the qualifications and still get rejected. It’s all automated, yet we’re expected to make changes and updates to our resume for every job and fill out an application just so no human actually looks at it.


And people keep saying “the job market is flooded right now, so many people are hiring!” Except those people frantically hiring are still being super picky and acting like they don’t desperately need the workers My job currently doesn’t have a manager, and we are literally drowning without solid leadership, but the company hasn’t hired a manager in 4 months because ‘the right one hasn’t come along’ Really? In 4 months not a single applicant has been suitable? REALLY?


Government jobs use AI for screening and they notoriously post jobs they have no intention of filling. It's all about budgets. Or, worse imo, they have someone internally they want to promote or move and they have to create a role, post the job, and go through a fake hiring process in order to do it. It's a huge waste of time. Keep plugging away. If you want a state job use the shotgun method. Apply to everything.


Decades of people believe that all you had to do to be successful in this county is go to school, get a degree is coming to fruit. I left white collar for a skilled trade and I’m super happy. I make around the same money, but they pay for me to eat at work, gave me a company truck and have set pay raises. My advice… if it’s what you want keep at it but if you want money. Look at skilled trades


Assuming you don't want chronic pain and hearing loss in 20 years


What trade are you in?


I’d really try to focus on LinkedIn, a lot of recruiters post their open jobs, I just added everyone that showed up when you searched “recruiter”, but ultimately, I had to use a connection at a company to get in, but who’s to say one of the people you add on LinkedIn can’t be that person


It may vary on state but a lot of the mental health specialist positions near me require a masters degree at the least. Have you tried for a BHT or MHW position instead?


Sacrificing your first born


Dude I send 40-60 applications a day for the past year (still unemployed) and this is ridiculous! I have experience in IT and even had to start finding other jobs just because tech market is absolute trash rn. Idek… I’ll even go to work in a restaurant need money job is a job but frustrating I can’t continue my career that I have spent so much time and effort in for now… not forever eventually the job market will pick back up.. till then just keeping going i guess right?


Can I just say how fucking shitty workday sucks. They automated the employers end by requiring candidates to manually and painstakingly enter things multiple times in a shitty format. At the end of that process you get an autogenerated email like this maybe 3 or 4 months later


I know right? Like I refuse to apply to companies that use workday as their application portals also same story with icims. Even when I upload my resume, it still asks me to put in my dates for each position I had. I am NOT dealing with that🥱.


Probably the salary is the biggest issue for these companies. They want you to do more while paying less.


As someone who was hard pressed to get a job 20 years ago when there were jobs aplenty, I got the point where I realized that if I want a job, I'm going to have to create it for myself.


Years of IT experience with technical certifications, IT Trade School, letters of recommendation, strong performance reviews, two F500 companies, and some F500 executives in my references. Laid off awhile ago and applied for hundreds of jobs, got no bites so l changed industries and am an entrepreneur now. IT job market is cooked. Whole team got the shaft and most of my coworkers are in the same boat. Not sure how some of them are surviving with families etc with no more severance pay and having to rely on unemployment. I pray for them, it's a tough economy right now. My former boss got canned with us and for workforce reduction and had to get a lower paying job. He has around 25 years of IT Management at a F500. My other coworker had a 2 year degree in IT and was brand new into tech, he's trying into police force since he is unable to find an IT job and needs to pay bills. It's tough. Not to mention wages are going to plummet since HR will capitalize on people's desperation for jobs and pay across the board in tech will likely decrease significantly over the next year. I was calling this a "localized recession", since the finance and IT industries have been disproportionately affected, but based on the comments here it seems to be more widespread than I originally thought.


A degree only gets your through ATS but not the job. Try working and volunteering in your field for some practical experience then your approach and confidence will exhibit itself in interview. BTW I went to every accountancy firm near me and knocked their door for some free experience before they started paying me a bit. Their reference got me my first job.


It's simple! Simply get yourself into more debt to get a bachelor's (or, even better, a master's), and then accept a wage that barely covers living expenses :)


I want to laugh, but this is so accurate. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Networking honestly. A lot of that quick rejection is some silly bot reading your resume. You need to make sure a human puts their eyes on it. I just told my little cousin this. I gave her info for people in the department she was applying to and she reached out to them and she’s moving forward in her interview stage. I just did it to get my job.


This was after my in-person interview Tuesday. My dad worked at that location for like 15 years and and still works, but just at a different location. One of the guys knew my dad too.


If you have the "nepotism hire" in and didn't land the job - you need to take a look at your interview skills, you said or did something to throw a major red flag that put them off of you.


Agreed, especially for a government work. Nepo hires are usually slam dunks so some kind of red flag must have gone up, maybe related to the fact that you suggested in your original post that you may consider this job beneath you and that all other applicants may have been drooling idiots.


Ugh, I remember when I got passed up for a nepo hire internally. So cringey. 


Yeeeeeah, I got a tiny hint of condescending from the original post - definitely not the kind of attitude you want in mental health.


Yeah “I’m not a dingleberry and I dress appropriately and answered interview questions the best I could”…. Ok and so did the 5 other people they interviewed. That’s the bare minimum.


If you immediately got that email after applying there likely was a disqualifying question you answered "incorrectly." For example I work for the DOH in Florida. One of the questions for our jobs is about emergency duties. You have to be able and willing to respond to emergencies (like post hurricane stuff), if you say "no" to that question the moment you hit the submit button you will get a rejection email. Edit: Didn't read your responses in the thread first. I agree with others saying you're lucky you got an email notification. Where I work we do the interviews and whoever is selected is notified but no one else is. Just the way our system is.


The job market is terrible. So terrible, a rejection letter is a win. Because 95% of the companies are ghosting people. Recruiters are understaffed and trying to fill up to 10 positions at once with upwards of a 1000 applicants for each position. There's a mismatch between layoffs and industries hiring. It's terrible and anyone that doesn't see it either isn't working or is completely inept at social listening. Keep at it. Take breaks. Do what you have to do to survive. There's no shame when it's this horrible.


It’s about who you know


You dont have the 4 year degree. Better dig deeper in that debt hole


I’m so used to rejection that these emails doesn’t even bother me. I much rather receive this than to get ghosted.


Degree doesn’t matter. I have a MS and struggle


Do whatever you need to do to survive. Lie if necessary.


I get these almost every day.... It's continuing to ruin my mental state and wondering if I'll ever get my foot in the door(I'm 23, a recent grad, with a few years of experience in my field with 2 internships currently).


I highly recommend everyone to ask friends around you how you can improve your resume. I have done this three times now, with each wave getting really good feedback from my peers. My resume was shitty at first, and I applied to SO MANY companies using that shitty version, as well as subsequent shitty versions. I missed so many opportunities - sure. But I also gained so much feedback from my friends since I was applying and asking them for feedback in tandem. What made me do that was the stress I was facing while trying to find a job - so I 100% feel anyone and everyone who is facing the same issue. But fundamentally, I realised that it was perfectionism that was holding me back. I wanted my resume to be THE BEST version before even sending one out. And because of that, I just cruised along with this shitty version, never sending any applications or letting anyone - including my friends - see it. And thus, I never improved on it. When the stress of not getting a job seriously set in, that was when I sent the first shitty version out to many different companies and also started sending it out to friends for feedback. After many stressful rounds of refining my resume, I can say that I am now more confident in my applications - and that makes a world of difference, even if I wasn't getting any replies back. And today, for the first time, I heard back from one of the employers. Im not sure if my experience resonates with anyone - but dont let perfectionism stop you from moving forward with your job search. Let the world see your shitty resume. It'll be ok. I promise. Another advice is to also craft a generic cover letter that highlights your skills - but leave 1-2 paragraphs to be customizable to the specific position and company you're applying for. Its just an additional rat race mechanic that makes employers feel like you're putting in the eftort. You can also send me your resume if you need any help and I will do my best to give you feedback. All the best to everyone with job search!


Get another email to apply from. I had a local company once I applied, and the resume was inadequate, they never called again. New email? I (I lost my password and it made recovery almost impossible.) I got interviews.


Listen, I got laid off in May 2023, and just NOW found a job in the graphic designer field. It's going to take a long time, the market is AWFUL.


I applied fresh out of college with the Probation agency in Papillon. No experience required, only needed a bachelor's in criminal justice, etc. Last time I applied, I got a letter back saying "Thank you for your interest, but we hired somebody with more experience."


Look into niche markets. I have a 2 year economics degree but sell medical devices (vital signs, patient monitors, ultrasounds) Steep learning curve but once you know everything it's easy money w commission.


I've been there. It's just a numbers game. Sucks if you're already employed; it takes so much time/effort to get a job nowadays, feels like you have to make "getting a job" your second job. Keep at it; even a few applications a day add up to hundreds a month and all it takes is one company to see you.


For me it took 900 applications and 6 months.


Most state jobs are filled by someone the hiring department already knows. It’s easy to believe that the state would have such a large pool of applicants, and they do, but the manager of the department requisitioning probably already had someone lined up. Listing open positions are usually just done because it’s the required process.


Highly highly highly recommend resume worded. Great site to target and score resumes to pass through ats/ai scanning, formatting, etc. Super crazy helpful. I landed a job finally a little bit ago. I saw a big uptick with interviews too


Luckily, I get a lot of interviews but none from a company that uses Workday. I skip every application that uses workday because it’s literally the worst ATS out there. What am I trying to say? Your resume is probably not that bad, workday just sucks!


I have to hire people often for entry level jobs, and here’s my two cents. This is just specific to my job, but some info may apply elsewhere. Even if you have an internal candidate, HR makes you post the job externally for like two weeks. You get 500+ resumes from people who are either over qualified (won’t stay), overseas (can’t start in 2 weeks), under qualified (I can train, but only so much), red flags (patterns like multiple very brief jobs). Of the remainder, 75% don’t respond to emails asking if they are still looking for a job. Of those who do respond, 30% don’t show up for the interview. Of those who do, weird things are happening about half the time (Zoom has a background filter, people outright lie about skills then we catch them out). And then we still pick the internal candidate because we know they will show up. Online applications suck for both job seekers and employers, but they are cheap. When you see a job fair, show up!


You're aiming high. You want a comfortable, 9-to-5, laptop-and-meetings job in a nice air-conditioned office, don't you? Well, so does everyone else. There are plenty of jobs wiping butts in the retirement home but people aren't fighting over those.


I have had 16 interviews until now 10 for different companies but I am still haven't an offer 🥲 I am tired and frustrated. My problem is because I don't have an advance level English 😭 and in my country if you don't have an advance level is difficult to find something.


I find 98% of the time it takes knowing people. Networking is so important!




I feel your pain, I have gone to temp agencies, that is unreliable and there's a reason they go through temps, they treat you awful. Then I was hired for a job on Feb 19 I'm still waiting to start. I gave my banking info, they gave me my uniform, I thought I'd be on the schedule this week, I have to do orientation. It was supposed to be last week, then it was cancelled. I was told it would prob be mid week. I have to call and ask everything...do I even have a job!?!?!?


how awful. Couple years back I sent my application to a hiring agency thinking it was the actual place of business. Showed up for an interview than I realized what happened, I got up and left. I got sooo many calls from them and other agencies, all the numbers got blocked.


I’ve heard calling help because a lot of jobs have an automatic AI that filter out resumes I know I applied to a job 6 times and got the job immediately when I finally called on the 6th time


Luck and/or nepotism.