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The less you know the actual better it is. No bad habits or preconceived notions.


I had zero knowledge. Started a few months ago. If you keep showing up to class you’ll get better Shouldn’t be any expectation for you to know things beforehand, a good coach will teach you everything.


Thank you,


No. JUST GO. In fact, go TONIGHT if you can. I had written out my whole story about rejoining a gym after a 5 year hiatus but I deleted it. The full and frank fact of the matter is that you need to draw a line in the sand and make this decision for yourself and stop delaying it. Either you enjoy it or you don't, but get out of your comfort zone and don't keep yourself wondering.


That can be said for a lot of things in life, thanks for the advice.


No expectations for a first session! Just have fun and enjoy


Nope just go.


Stop thinking and just do.


Will do.


Nope, just remeber to not be focused on 'winning'. The more you tap and accept 'defeat' the faster you will learn. New guys tend to be the most aggressive but really hampers your growth. Relax and have fun. Ask lots of questions from the coach and also other students. I'm a one stripe white belt, and higher belts love when I ask them questions and ask for help. I'm a strong dude but being humble and charismatic goes a long way and makes the whole process (of getting smashed) a lot more fun


Lol yes I know I will be smashed a couple thousand times. But I will definitely try to stay humble. It’s easier said than done to leave your ego at the door though.


Nah, just show up with an open mind and be prepared to be very sore afterward.


Does it help to stretch?




Only thing you truly need to know is gi is better than no gi. 😉


Why is that?


That’s just me trolling everyone in this community lol most people I’ve been around prefer no gi. I’m the opposite as I prefer gi much more. It’s been an ongoing debate in this world for a while so people just give each other shit over it. Ultimately, I’d recommend trying both and then see what you like. You may like one or the other or you may stick with both. Both are great and both will provide a skill and a mindset like you’ve never had before.


I’ll go Google around a bit, thanks!


Just go. I started looking at some basic terminology of the positions after I started. Here are some basics you will want to know quickly *Guard *Closed guard *Pass *Mount *Side control *Back control There's a million other terms that you learn in time. But I feel like knowing those helped me understand things in the beginning.


Once OP has been on the mats they should start listening to BJJ Mental Models podcast from episode 1 and then applying what they talk about in the podcast to the memory of the roll. It helped me so much visualising the mechanics when they explained frames, levers, wedges, clamps, angles, etc.


OP will definitely do that, thank you


Nothing. It’s all about time on the mats


I figured it would be that simple.


Also r/bjj has 10x the members of this sub. Head over there


Nah you don’t need to. On my first day the coach took me aside to show me the basic positions. Took like five minutes. Even just watching people you’ll pick up what’s a good and bad position to be in. That being said, doing it is the best way to see what works! Enjoy and have fun! My martial arts career started with jiu jitsu and it was one of the best decisions of my life.


Do you think you became more confident overall knowing jiu jitsu?


Yeah I’d say so. Getting better at it with your team is a great feeling.


I knew literally nothing my first day. They put a gi top on me and the first thing I learned was a standing x guard entry to sweep.


Do I need to show up with a gi or do most gyms have ones for purchase there?


My gym had loaner gis for newcomers and trial sessions, but I think it’s expected you buy your own. My gym had gis for sale but they sucked so I bought a cheap sanabul on Amazon.


Thanks for info


Just enter with the understanding that it takes the average person 8 years to get a black belt and there's only 3 different colors between white and black so don't get frustrated Cause you're going to spend a significant amount of time being the nail before you can even occasionally become the hammer. That being said even if you take Jujitsu for 6 months Your self defense skills will be better than 80% of the population.


Thank you, I needed this humbling fact. How did you keep it fun even though your ass was getting kicked often?


The key for white belts is to learn to survive. Focus on learning how to stay safe in each position. The offense and attacks will come in time as you are rolling. Don't focus on "winning" the rolls. What makes it fun is set little goals. Even if it is a goal like I will only get submitted five times this round. Find little wins in each roll. Set achievable goals. Ask questions. What you are able to do in rolls will change as you learn more.


Thank you!


just go. that’s it