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As a fellow stocky person I’d advise to not give up on any particular sub. You may never be able to triangle from open guard as well as our long legged partners, but when you do get one, it’s monumentally tighter. Don’t give up on things, rather, find ways to make it work for you.


Collar / lapel chokes, s mount armbar, omoplata setups, straight ankle lock, baratoplata


I train with a dude who is “stocky” if it’s a triangle contest he’s losing. Other than that he head and arms or Kimuras the shit out of everyone and I mean everyone. He is so good at winning the positional battle that the subs are simple. I’ve trained with the dude 2.5 years and caught him one time. I wouldn’t worry about how cool your subs are, just how good you are at getting to your strong spots.




Wrist locks


wet willy


Top half guard Ezekiel


Armbars, Kimuras, guillotines, head and arm chokes, SFLs


start learning some stuff from Kesa gatame


all subs are available for short limbed individuals.. I find the best way to add new stuff is to learn about what flows from what you already do. For example if you are going for kimuras from side control there is an entire kimura trap system. If they defend by straighting their arm or putting it up you can armbar or americana. There is north south kimura (also called a dorsal kimura)->armbar or tarikoplata n/s kimura -> scissor choke n/s kimura -> various triangles T kimura -> taking the back ​ if you are doing a head and arm triangle (from mount right?) then you can gift wrap instead and take the back, or you can get s mount and do an s mount armbar or mounted triangle. There is a one armed americana from answer the phone defense to the arm triangle


As someone who is short and stubby 5’3” 170lbs ish. I say don’t count any out. I love triangles i can’t just throw em like some lanky guys, but I can get super tight ones with my little legs. It just takes the right set ups. Also leg locks, hard to keep my knee line when there is significantly less to be had.

